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★ UFO (IV)

Ancient carvings depicting dinosaurs with humans.  The fossilised tracks of dinosaurs and man discovered side by side.  And high levels of radiation found in the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  Were the dinosaurs really killed off in a cosmic collision?  Or were they deliberately wiped out?  Ancient Aliens s4e10: Aliens & Dinosaurs


Is it possible that some species of dinosaur actually survived this cataclismic event?  ibid.   



Mysterious structures located all over the world.  Magnificent monuments emitting powerful energy.  Did ancient man build the pyramids as burial chambers?  Or did they serve another more profound purpose?  Ancient Aliens s5e1: Secrets of the Pyramids


From the ziggurats of ancient Babylon to the temples of the Kush kingdom, pyramids dating as far back as 3,000 B.C. exist throughout the world.  ibid.  


Giza Plateau, Egypt: In the desert just outside Cairo stands the great pyramid of Khufu.  ibid.  


Is it possible that the thousands of pyramids scattered across the world were once part of a cohesive network?  ibid.



Mysterious stories of extraterrestrial contact.  Secret messages from alien beings.  And inexplicable events hidden from the public.  All around the planet evidence points to other-worldly visitors, yet governments continue to deny their existence.     Ancient Aliens s5e2: Aliens & Cover-Ups


After this [Roswell] and many other UFO sightings the American public demanded to know who or what was behind these unexplained objects in their skies.  But instead of answering these questions, the government responded by creating the National Security Act [of 1947].  ibid.


Might extraterrestrial contact have been documented and covered up for hundreds or even thousands of years?  ibid.  


26th December 1980: Shortly after midnight an unidentified object was picked up on radar over RAF Bentwaters.  It appeared to go down in the nearby Rendlesham Forest.  3 enlisted men including Sergeant Jim Penniston and Airman Jim Burrows entered the forest expecting to find an aircraft.  As Penniston approached the object he saw strange heiroglypic inscriptions on its side.  Reaching out to touch it, his mind was suddenly bombarded with images of numbers.  The following day Penniston was compelled to write the strange series of numbers in his notebook.  ibid.   


Both men claimed they were pressured to leave out certain details of the event, especially those suggesting the craft might have been extraterrestrial.  ibid.


Over the next two evenings, more mysterious sightings were reported by other servicemen.  ibid.  



The greatest civilisations of antiquity running on electrical power.  Energy-generating microwaves produced at the Great Pyramid of Giza.  And a wireless energy grid that crossed the globe.  Could our ancient ancestors have mastered the ability to harness and create power?  And if so, where might this knowledge have come from?  Ancient Aliens s5e3: Alien Power Plants


All over the world ancient sites reveal feats of engineering that mainstream archaeologists believed were achieved with slave labour and simple tools.  ibid.


How did our ancestors move huge monoliths?  ibid.  


Did our ancestors have an understanding of how to generate power thousands of years before modern man?  ibid.



The exquisite pattern of stars – Orion’s Belt – is repeated in monuments throughout the ancient world.  Coordinates for a celestial constellation mapped out seven thousand years ago in sand and stone.  And indications that vanished civilisations possibly had contact with travellers from this particular cluster of stars.  Ancient Aliens s5e4: Destination Orion



He is considered to be the most brilliant mind of the 20th century.  With radical theories that redifined the forces of nature.  But was Albert Einstein’s geius somehow other-wordly?  Ancient Aliens s5e5: The Einstein Factor



Strange funeral rituals.  Elaborate chambers filled with mysterious objects.  And burial mounds all over the world.  Were the tombs of our ancient ancestors gateways to the afterlife?  Or were they designed to connect modern man with our alien ancestors?  Ancient Aliens s5e6: Secrets of the Tombs


Spectacular burial sites that date back thousands of years are found around the world.  ibid. 


Saqqara, Egypt: One of the largest and oldest burial grounds in all of Egypt.  ibid.  


The Serapeum contains enormous sarcophagi carved in granite thought to have been transported from the city of Aswan, 600 miles away.  ibid.


A mysterious burial mound in Ireland, one with star-maps that give clues not just to where the ancient visitors came from but where the dead may have chosen to return.  ibid.


The ancient burial structures of Japan … Mozu-Furuichi-Kofun: More than twice the length of the Great Pyramid of Giza, it’s one of the largest tombs in the world.  ibid.              


The tomb of China’s first emperor … Futher excavation revealed thousands of these soldiers, the Terracotta Warriors.  ibid.  



Commandments from a divine realm steering the course of history.  Mysterious journeys to other worlds.  And strange encounters with supernatural beings revealing visions of the future.  Were the prophets of the ancient world messengers from God?  Or did their knowledge come from more mysterious sources?  Ancient Aliens s5e7: Prophets & Prophecies


The Oracle sat on a tall three-legged seat over an opening in the Earth, where vapours rising from the group hynotised her into a trance.  For more than a thousand years the Oracle and her successors dispensed advice to everyone.  ibid.



Intricate diagrams carved into the surface of the Earth.  Massive depictions of animals and strange beings seen best from the sky.  And bizarre elongated skulls found all over the world.  Are the mysterious geoglyphs of Nazca really just artistic creations by ancient man, or are they evidence of other-worldly visitors in the distant past?  Ancient Aliens s5e8: Beyond Nazca


Southern Peru 1927: What appeared to be a large network of ancient roads carved into the earth.  ibid.  


The lines were formed by the careful removal of the reddish iron-oxide pebbles that make up the desert’s surface.  ibid.


Why did the Nazca people make these elaborate massive drawings?  ibid.  


In the 13th century the Inca empire thrived in the Andes mountains of South America.  According to legend, the mysterious Incan creator god Viracocha commissioned the Nazca lines and glyphs in the distant past.  ibid.  


One of Nazca’s most mysterious figures, one that has become known as El Astronauto.  ibid.


Ohio, Pleasant Hill, Serpent Mound 1848: The Smithsonian Institute surveyed a 1,350-foot long, 3-foot high, mound built in the shape of a coiled serpent.  ibid.  



Demons who seize control of humans as they sleep.  Interplanetary journeys in space and time.  And entire cultures that mysteriously vanish.  Ancient Aliens s5e9: Strange Abductions


Travis Walton: ‘I felt like I’d been hit real suddenly like a physical blow, but with a tingling electric-shock sort of feeling.’  ibid.   


A huge search was carried out for the missing forestry worker, but it wasn’t until five days later that he reappeared in a nearby town.  ibid.


Pascagoula, Miss (UPI): Silver creatures take 2 men aboard saucer.  Two shipyard workers say they were taken aboard a glowing blue spacecraft by buzzing creatures with silvery, wrinkled skin.  ibid.  newspaper article  


‘Enoch was taken away from our planet Earth by the Lord in a fiery chariot.’  ibid.  Daniken


In the Bible the prophet Ezekiel calls these spiritual beings cherubims.  He describes them as having ‘four faces, four wings, and skin that shone like polished bronze’.  ibid.


Incubus and the female counterpart succubus exist in the folklore of various cultures.  ibid.



A young man’s spiritual journey.  A controversial best-seller  [Chariots of the Gods?].  And a scientific theory that intrigued the world.  What are the facts behind the story of Erich von Daniken and Ancient Astronaut Theory?  What were the divine inspirations?  Ancient Aliens s5e10: The Von Daniken Legacy


His books have sold over 65 million copies worldwide.  He is a hero to some, and a heritec to others.  ibid.  


‘We are the descendants, ladies and gentlemen, we are the offsprings of these extraterrestrials.’  ibid.  Daniken lecture 2012


In it [Chariots of the Gods?] the young writer theorised that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the distant past and made contact with mankind.  ibid.


Its enormous success also gave the Swiss writer the opportunity to travel the world in serch of more evidence.  It was a quest that would take him half way around the world to see first hand the ancient ruins of South America.  ibid.



A mighty race that worshipped powerful gods.  A celestial bridge linking mankind to a divine realm.  And epic journeys to the far ends of the world.  How were the Vikings able to develop such an advanced civilisation?  Ancient Aliens s5e11: The Viking Gods


The Vikings or Norsemen flourished from the late 8th century to the 11th century A.D. in Scandanavia.  ibid. 


According to archaeologists, artefacts discovered in Newfoundland in Canada during the 1960s prove that the Vikings were the first Europeans to set foot in North America.  ibid.


Is it really credible that the Viking gods Odin and Thor were in fact extraterrestrial visitors?  ibid.