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★ UFO (IV)

A Biblical relic with incredible powers.  The power to harm, the power to kill, even the power to talk to God.  But was this mysterious gold chest really of divine origin?  Or might its powers come from some other source?  Ancient Aliens s6e10: Aliens and the Lost Ark


But the Ark of the Covenant wasn’t just for the Ten Commandments.  It was also said to be the Throne of God Himself.  ibid.


The instructions for Ark seem to have quite clear specifications.  But why would God, a spiritual being, require a physical throne here on Earth?  ibid.


The Israelites carried it with them on their 40-year exodus through the desert.  ibid.



Unexplained sightings at 10,000 feet.  Strange creatures on remote cliffs.  And ancient warfare waged above the clouds.  Are the many epic stories set around the worlds highest peaks simply tall tales?  Or could it be possible the mountains have been secretly inhabited by alien civilisations?  Ancient Aliens s6e11: Aliens and Mysterious Mountains


Nepal 2007: One of the world’s greatest archaeological mysteries: the Skycaves of the ancient kingdom of Mustang.  There are over 10,000 of these man-made caves but all over the Mustang region, and many have yet to be explored.  ibid.



A doorway to another dimension.  An unexplained disappearance.  And the cave said to be the gateway to Hell.  Might it be possible that portals to other points in the universe exist here on Earth?   What if these so-called Stargates provided a connection to alien civilisations?  Ancient Aliens s7e1: Aliens and Stargates, History 2014


According to legend the children of the sun-god Viracocha stepped into the world through three mysterious openings in a mountain, and gave rise to the Inca civilisation.  ibid.


Could the murky waters of Lake Michigan be hiding the entrance to a wormhole?  ibid.



Strange carvings.  Mysterious sightings.  And unexplained phenomena.  Could there be more to America’s past than is found in history books?  Could the mysterious stories and relics found across North America be evidence that the continent had extraterrestrial origins?  Ancient Aliens s7e2: Aliens in America


Stephenville, Texas, 2008: More than a dozen people including a police officer and private pilot saw a luminous spherical object floating silently across the sky.  ibid.  


Petroglyphs carved into rock all across America … Some of these petroglyphs depict visitations from star-beings.  ibid.           


What was responsible for the seemingly inexplicable nuclear shutdown?  The Washington-base Disclosure Project has done detailed research on encounters between the military and UFOs.  ibid.  



They are said to have super-human intelligence.  Advanced Knowledge.  And possess mysterious powers.  On every continent exist incredible stories of children so advanced that some believe they come from the stars.  Ancient Aliens s7e3: The Star Children


Mensa’s youngest ever member Adam Kirby has IQ of 141 aged TWO.  ibid.  Mirror online article      



Sealed walls believed to be cursed.  Mysterious relics under guard from above.  And riches so great they have cost men their lives.  On every continent there are stories of incredible treasures that have been lost for centuries.  But how could such vast fortunes remained lost for so long?  Is it possible that the world’s greatest lost treasures have a connection to other-worldly beings?  Ancient Aliens s7e4: Treasures of the Gods


‘The Ark of the Covenant and Solomon’s ring are the two most powerful weapons in the Bible.’  ibid.  comment    


Montezuma’s treasure in the American south-west?  ibid.  



Nuclear annihilation.  Mysterious pyramids.  And possible evidence of life billions of years ago.  Throughout human history the planet Mars has captured our imagination, but is it simply because of its striking red colour and prominence in the night sky?  Or might there be a more profound extraterrestrial connection?  Ancient Aliens s7e5: Aliens and the Red Planet


The Egyptians painted the planet Mars on the ceiling of the tomb of Seti I.  ibid.



They appear to control nature.  And access other dimensions.  Connecting with other-worldly beings.  Throughout history spiritual leaders known as shamans have healed, protected, and advised.  But are they simply conducting elaborate ceremonies or is there something more to their rituals?  Ancient Aliens s7e6: The Shamans


The word shaman originated with the indigenous people of Siberia.  ibid.  


In the ancient world shamans like Genghis Khan often held positions of great power.  ibid.  



Legends of ant-men.  Beetles buried within Egyptian mummies.  And swarms of locusts targeting humans.  In cultures around the world insecets have been worshipped, feared, and even considered godly.  How might these strange creatures that have inhabited Earth for hundreds of millions of years provide a link to extraterrestrial beings?  Ancient Aliens s7e7: Aliens and Insects


And it’s [Scarab beetle] the only insect on Earth known to navigate by following the light of the Milky Way.  ibid.  


Is it possible the ancient Egyptians could have encountered alien beings that had an insect-like appearance?  ibid.



Hybrid offspring.  And strange abductions.  In cultures around the world there are tales of intimate encounters with other-worldly beings.  Imagine if these stories were more than just myth, and aliens have come to Earth to mate with humans.  Ancient Aliens s7e8: Alien Breeders


Discovery adds new mystery to human origins: Scientists use DNA to link bone fragment to prehistoric cousin.  ibid.  The New Mexican article 25th March 2010


Stories throughout history that tell of humans mating with gods.   ibid.


The Book of Enoch: The controversy over the accounts of fallen angels mating with the daughters of men.  ibid.


In this ancient tale that was excised from the Hebrew Bible, it also describes the offspring of these encounters  a race of giants known as the Nephilim.  ibid.





[For further episodes of Ancient Aliens, viz UFO V & VI]