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UFO: Italy & Sicily
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★ UFO: Italy & Sicily

UFO: Italy & Sicily: see UFO (I) & (II) & (III) & UFO: Roswell etc. & UFO: US & UFO: UK etc. & Light & Aliens & Ancient Astronaut Theory & Area 51 & Demon & Spirits & Ghosts & Dzopa & Extraterrestrials & Black Flag Ops & Moon & Crop Circles & Whistleblower & Science Fiction & Science Fiction Films

Chris Everard - Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies TV - UFOs: The Untold Stories TV - Unidentified: Inside America’s Investigation TV - The Proof is Out There TV - Ancient Aliens TV -




British author Matthew Hurley has collected dozens of pieces of ancient art which all show UFOs and aliens.  In addition to dozens of paintings there are also hand-printed newsletters from the medieval era which report UFOs, luminous balls of lights and even an alien invasion in the Mediterranean.  According to a medieval manuscript in 1608 reptilian aliens landed on the shores of Genoa and Nice, causing panic and fear among the inhabitants.  Chris Everard, Secret Space II



Stadio Artemio Franchi, Florence, Italy, 27th October 1954: In broad daylight a football game in Florence, Italy, ground to a halt when a UFO began to perform acrobatics in the sky.  Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies s1e6: Phoenix Lights, History 2022



Venice, Italy 17th August 1936: An extraordinary sighting of three Unidentified Flying Objects sends the Italian Air Force into a state of panic.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e1, National Geographic 2016


The huge craft hovered over the Venetian skyline.  ibid.


‘But suddenly both the flying spindle and the two spheres zoomed away at rapid speed.’  ibid.  researcher



1978: In northern Italy two friends are fishing at a lake.  Suddenly, they are confronted with a strange phenomenon appearing on the horizon.  But this isn’t a one-off incident.  Over the next ten years dozens of similar sightings are reported.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e5  



2004: A Sicilian fishing village experiences a series of shocking events: a fireball is observed shooting out of the ocean, and glowing UFOs are spotted moving across the horizon.  But events rapidly descend into chaos: over the space of weeks electrical appliances spontaneously combust causing a series of mysterious house fires.  The Italian government records more than 400 incidents in the village.  Residents are ordered to evacuate.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e6  


Canneto di Caronia, Sicily, January 2004 4 a.m. and a local fisherman is working in the bay.  Suddenly, a dazzling object bursts through the waters but in seconds the object disappears … This sighting isn’t the first mysterious event to happen in the village.  ibid.


So what are these strange fireballs?  ibid.


Even with no power supplied to Canneto the mysterious fires continue.  ibid. 



In 2004 in Sicily a craft appeared a few hundred meters behind the copter tail and it shoots a ray that destroyed the helicopter wings.  Unidentified: Inside America’s Investigation s1e6: The Revelation, dude, History 2019


A thumb drive that has a tremendous amount of data on it about UAPs and here particularly in Italy.  ibid.  



Italy, November 2021: A passenger on a train speeding through the Italian countryside notices something strange outside his window and starts recording: three orange lights in a triangular formation floating in the air above the horizon.  The Proof is Out There s3e8, History 2023 



A foreboding mountain [Monte Musinè, Italy] bears witness to astonishing events, which ancient stories link to other-worldly contact.  And it’s become a hotspot for modern-day UFO reports.  Could this mysterious mountain be attracting extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?  Ancient Aliens s14e15: The Alien Mountain, History 2019


2011: Within a 2-week period, no less than 6 separate UFO incidents were reports all within the vicinity of Monte Musinè.  ibid.     


In 1933 it’s claimed that a UFO crashed in the Lombardy region of Italy.  ibid.  Nick Pope