UFO Files TV - The Proof is Out There & The Proof is Out There Alien Edition TV - Encounter: UFO 2023 -
Strange lights in the night sky. Mysterious crafts hovering over the countryside. Even reports of UFOs over America’s Capitol building. The inexplicable sightings have been happening for decades. This is not a drill: it’s real. UFO Files s1e2: When UFOs Arrive
Does the US government have an official protocol to deal with UFOs and extraterrestrials? Yes it does. And it’s outlined in JANAP146. ibid.
Brookings Report, 1960, prepared for both NASA and United States’ Congress. ibid.
Inside these boxes our experts discovered new evidence of a controversy over the handling of the Roswell incident that raged behind the scenes. UFO Files s1e4: Roswell: Final Declassification
One of the greatest mysteries of the twentieth century: what really happened in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947? ibid.
Within hours the material was flown to Fort Worth, Texas, for inspection by high-ranking Air Force experts. ibid.
Are now convinced that a Project Mogul radar target like this one is at the heart of the Roswell mystery. ibid.
In 1989 a man called Bob Lazar walked into a Las Vegas TV station and gave a remarkable interview. He said that he’d worked out in the Nevada Desert at a top-secret facility known as Area 51. He said he worked in a highly classified project – reverse engineering recovered alien space craft. UFO Files s1e6: Area 51: Beyond Top Secret
He says that within a few days of working out at S4 he was shown an actual flying disc in one of the hangars. ibid.
Lazar agreed to take a polygraph test which he passed. ibid.
Lazar says that on one occasion he was escorted into the flying disc he saw in the hangar to analyse its propulsion system. ibid.
They appear as sleek metallic discs in daylight skies or mysterious shapes that illuminate the night. Where do UFOs come from? What do they want? Are they merely inventions of the modern age? UFO Files s1e7: UFOs: Then and Now? The Innocent Years
An Air Force insider actually characterised Project Grudge as ‘the dark ages of UFO investigation’ … After three years of debunking UFO reports Grudge was reorganised into the supposedly more objective Project Bluebook. ibid.
What followed was a craze in the 1950s known as the Contactee Movement. ibid.
Large numbers of UFO sightings are reported near top-secret installations … What are UFOs looking for? UFO Files s1e9: UFOs: Then and Now? Cause for Alarm
Washington, 1952: After a few minutes the UFOs pulled back and then disappeared. The stand-off was over. However, the extended episode had stunned the nation. ibid.
Half nightmare, half science fiction these harrowing accounts first surfaced in 1961 when a New England couple claimed they were taken aboard against their will. Other stories began to surface. Like the four friends who said they were medically examined by creatures not of this earth. UFO Files s1e10: UFOs: Then & Now? Nightmare
Betty & Barney Hill: They were driving home to New Hampshire from a vacation in Canada when their encounter began. As they motored down Route 3 … Betty noticed a curious star in the sky that appeared to be following their car. The Hills stopped the car as the star got closer to them … The trip had taken two hours longer than expected. Within days of their sighting Betty Hill began having nightmares in which she and Barney were taken aboard a flying saucer and then medically examined. ibid.
Few stories were as sensational as the experience reported by four friends who took what was supposed to be an ordinary camping trip … known as the Allagash Incident … ‘I remember paddling as fast as I could and Jack saying, It’s getting closer! It’s getting closer!’ And then it was gone. The next thing they remembered they were back on shore. Exhausted, the four men stumbled back to their campsite … In 1978 memories of the sighting began to resurface. ibid.
No blood. No tracks. Few clues. A mysterious murder scene so brutal, so bizarre, are humans capable of such an act? Or could this be the work of aliens on an intergalactic mission? Walk along the razor’s edge between science fiction and science fact. UFO Files s1e13: Cattle Mutilations, History 29th November 2004
Linda Moulton-Howe may know more about animal mutilations than any other researcher. ibid.
‘The animal mutilation phenomenon is really a global issue.’ ibid. Linda Moulton-Howe
With their deep dark eyes and grey-skinned bodies, they are pop-culture’s most familiar aliens. They’ve been dubbed the Greys. But what do we know about these presumed extraterrestrials? Eyewitnesses swear they have encountered these aliens. UFO Files s1e14: The Grays’ Agenda, History 6th December 2004
What do they want? What’s their agenda? ibid.
Years later Betty Hill produced the first alleged dipiction of the Greys since ancient times. ibid.
Hundreds of alien abductions have been reported. ibid.
The Majestic 12 documents detailed four types of spacecraft that aliens used: they include a disc, cigar, circular and triangular-shaped craft. ibid.
Since the beginning of recorded time mankind has seen unidentified flying objects in the sky. Have extraterrestrials influenced the course of human events? UFO Files s2e1: Ancient Aliens
Nearly 40 years ago on an early December evening something strange is spotted in the sky above the village of Kecksburg Pennsylvania. Some believe they have witnessed a UFO crash; they say local officials and the military tried to conceal the mysterious object. UFO Files s2e4: Kecksburg UFO
Newsman John Murphy arrives on the scene. He sneaks into the woods and secretly takes a few photographs of the strange object. Accounts differ but those close to Murphy believe some key photographs are confiscated by officials. ibid.
The flatbed [truck] is no longer empty. And he [Robert Blystone] sees what the military is trying to hide. ibid.
About a dozen people near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, witness what they believe is a UFO crash. ibid.
For nearly 20 years UFO researchers and the government have disputed the authenticity of these documents. To some they are proof of a UFO cover-up. UFO Files s2e5: Majestic 12 UFO Cover-Up
A group of high-level scientists, military leaders and Intelligence officers. The memo indicates that these twelve men have been granted the nation’s highest security clearance to investigate the 1947 crash of an alien spacecraft. ibid.
July 1947, Roswell, New Mexico: Wreckage found in the desert outside this small town is believed by many to be a UFO. UFO Files s2e6: The Day After Roswell
Colonel Philip J Corso: The Day After Roswell [1997]: The material he presented in his book is still controversial. ibid.
The aliens, according to these witnesses, were four small human-like beings with four-fingered hands, thin legs and feet, an oversized head and large almond-shaped eyes … The documents have not been authenticated. ibid.
A shocking surgery to remove an alien implant caught on tape; a flying saucer fragment found; UFO landing sites located: all the work of a special breed of investigator. UFO Files s2e7: UFO Hunters
Is it possible for the military to keep secrets about UFOs from the president? What does the commander-in-chief really know about extraterrestrials? UFO Files s2e8: UFOs and the White House
This is the secret history of those attempts to harness the technology of the flying saucer to produce the ultimate military plane: the real UFOs. UFO Files s2e10: Real UFOs
UFO sightings have reached an all-time high. Encounter: UFO s1e1, Amazon 2023
‘These are life-altering experiences witnesses never forget.’ ibid. Zimmermann
McMinnville, Oregon, 1950: They saw this saucer-shaped craft. Paul [Trent] ran in and got his camera and took two photographs. ibid.
They reveal themselves to us with ever-increasing frequency, and they are being captured on film. ibid.
Bainbridge Island, Washington, July 5th 2019: Tim Seanor’s day at the beach is eclipsed by the mysterious events in the sky … His scepticism is about to be shattered. ibid.
‘It did look like a saucer-shaped object; it was just sitting static up in the sky. I attempted to capture that with my phone.’ ibid. Tim