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UFO: Belgium
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★ UFO: Belgium

UFO: Belgium: see UFO (I) & (II) & (III) & UFO: Roswell etc. & UFO: US & UFO: UK etc. & Light & Aliens & Ancient Astronaut Theory & Area 51 & Demon & Spirits & Ghosts & Dzopa & Extraterrestrials & Black Flag Ops & Moon & Crop Circles & Whistleblower & Science Fiction & Science Fiction Films

Fastwalkers 2006 - Timothy Good - Unsolved Mysteries TV - Heinrich Nicoll - UFOs & The Military Elite TV - UFOs: The Untold Stories TV - UFOs Declassified TV - UFOs: Lost Evidence TV - Close Encounters TV - Alien Files Unsealed TV -




The Belgium Wave October 1989-1990: Hundreds of reports of lighted objects frequently described as enormous and triangular in shape.  Air Force F16s chased many of these objects.  Fastwalkers, 2006



There were several thousand sightings, some of them at low level, of triangular-shaped objects over Belgium.  Timothy Good, UFO author



The mystery of the Belgium UFOs began near the small town of Eupen, less than seven miles from the German border ... That same day eleven other gendarmes and more than one hundred private citizens came forward with reports of the Belgium UFOs.  Unsolved Mysteries  



Our attention was drawn to an unusual sight.  We saw a field near the road that was all lit up.  It was like lights on a huge football field.  We thought it was strange, and we wanted to know what was causing those lights.  There was a huge triangular platform and underneath it strong headlights.  And in the middle was this blinking pulsating orange light.  The whole thing was floating in the air.  Heinrich Nicoll, Eupen Gendarme



In 1990 hundreds of people reported a strange object flying over the skies of the small town of Eupen, Belgium.  Among the first to notice the strange presence were two members from the local gendarmerie.  The same object was later seen by a different group of officers ... The Air Force went on the chase but the flying object started performing such manoeuvres that it made it impossible for the jets to even approach.  UFOs & the Military Elite, PSTV 2009



The wave of UFO sightings that hit Belgium like an epidemic.  Eupen, Belgium, 29th November 1989: It began that night.  But then the sightings go on and on … seen by hundreds of witnesses … So many sightings they became known as the Belgium Wave.  UFOs: The Untold Stories s1e7, Channel 5 2013



March 31st 1990, Beauvechain Air Base, Belgium: Two F-16s are scrambled to investigate a violation of Belgium air space … ‘A kind of object of triangular shape … sometimes accelerating very fast.’  UFOs Declassified s1e1: Black Triangles, Yesterday 2018


1989: In the press Belgium UFOs became the topic of the day … In the four months following the sightings over Eupen over 500 reports of UFOs are made to Belgium authorities.  ibid. 



November 29th 1989, Eupen, Belgium: just five miles from the German border.  Frightened residents call police to report a large triangular-shaped craft in the skies directly above the town.  UFOs: The Lost Evidence s2e5: Police UFO Files, Quest 2020     



Belgium, November 29th 1989: Officers see a large empty field flooded with bright lights … The mysterious craft them pulls away … The second craft comes in on a tilted angle … Calls keep coming in of similar sightings across the region … ‘There were estimated about 1,500 witnesses.’  Close Encounters s1e12, History 2014 


‘These sightings have become known as the Belgium Wave.’  ibid.  Nick Pope



The Belgium Wave, Eupen, Belgium, November 1989: A host of triangular UFOs appear in the night sky.  30 different sets of witnesses and 3 separate groups of police officers allegedly see black triangular UFOs in the skies above Belgium.  Alien Files Unsealed s4e6: Seeing is Believing, History 2015


The initial sightings becomes a wave with over 1,000 sightings reported from November 1989 through the spring of 1990.  ibid.