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★ University

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David Icke - Shelby Foote - A N Wilson - Brian Gerrish - Peter Medawar - Gilbert Harding - Edith Summerskill - Bettany Hughes TV - Kenneth Grahame - Horizon TV - Frank Lloyd Wright - John Lydon - Noam Chomsky - Terry Pratchett - George Bernard Shaw - Arena & Sister Wendy TV - Ernest Wilkinson - Brigham Young University Honor Code - Deseret News - Jeff Nielson - O Kendall White & Daryl White - Fred Dibnah TV - Beautiful Minds: Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell TV - Raymond Williams - Jordan Maxwell - Adam Smith - Albert Einstein - Benjamin Disraeli - John Osborne - Edward Gibbon - A E Housman - Neil Kinnock - Spitting Image TV - Francis Bacon - Dolly Parton - Stephen Hawking - Dispatches TV - Stephen Fry - John Henry Newman - E A Bucchianeri - Pierre Hadot - Peter Ackroyd - Henry Root - Sylvia Nasar - The College Conspiracy 2013 - Noam Chomsky - The Comic Strip Presents TV - Dispatches TV - How to Break into the Elite TV - The Warwick Uni Rape Chat Scandal TV - Jim Al-Khalili TV - Storyville: Try Harder! TV - Michael Moore - Ralph Waldo Emerson -           




And they want to make the kids pay for it with debt for much of the rest of their lives … What do you bloody want to do it for? … Why is it the done thing? … The ever-increasing fees that are being charged, the ever-increasing debt therefore control over young people … The only way it’s going to change is if they refuse to bloody go!  Don’t take part in the system … We don’t need the bloody system!  David Icke, Agenda 21: The Plan to Kill You, 2016



A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.  Shelby Foote



Personally, I think universities are finished.  So much rubbish gets taught.  A N Wilson



Frankfurt School: Established at University of Frankfurt 1923 by Marxist-oriented sociologist,: Georg Lukacs, Willi Munzenberg, Carl Grunberg.  Studied: destruction of society by moral, family and spiritual breakdown.  When Hitler came to power [they] migrated to major US universities e.g. Columbia, Princeton, and California at Berkeley.  Brian Gerrish, lecture Alternative View II conference



During the 1950s, the first great age of molecular biology, the English Schools of Oxford and particularly of Cambridge produced more than a score of graduates of quite outstanding ability – much more brilliant, inventive, articulate and dialectically skilful than most young scientists, right up in the Watson class.  But Watson had one towering advantage over all of them: in addition to being extremely clever he had something important to be clever about.  Peter Medawar



They’ve ruined the place [Cambridge] and they’ve ruined your university too.  Gilbert Harding, interview BBC



The insistent demand of women for recognition in spheres of work outside the home, which has quietly but unremittingly been advanced in the course of the last hundred years, has grudgingly been conceded.  As a doctor and a Member of Parliament I am fully conscious of the fact that the doors both of the medical schools and of the House of Commons had to be forced by furious and frustrated women before their claims were recognized.  It would be quite inaccurate to suggest that we were welcomed into the universities or into public life.  Edith Summerskill



Oxford: it wasn’t until 1920 that a woman could be legally awarded a university degree.  I’m sure Hilda would have been horrified.  Bettany Hughes, Divine Women III: War of the Word, BBC 2012



The clever men at Oxford

Know all that there is to be knowed.

But they none of them know one half so much

As intelligent Mr Toad!  Kenneth Grahame, Wind in the Willows



Oxford: politicians, writers, scientists, brilliant minds have all been coming here for a thousand years.  So what makes them so clever?  We will try to find out.  Horizon: Battle of the Brains, BBC 2007



Harvard takes perfectly good plums as students, and turns them into prunes.  Frank Lloyd Wright



I always knew the Sixties wasn’t a revolution.  It really was just a bunch of university students with wealthy parents having fun.  John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten



If you are giving a graduate course you don’t try to impress the students with oratory, you try to challenge them, get them to question you.  Noam Chomsky



‘But we’re a university!  We have to have a library!’ said Ridcully.  ‘It adds tone.  What sort of people would we be if we didn’t go into the library?’


‘Students,’ said Senior Wrangler morosely.  Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent



A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry.  Hence University education.  George Bernard Shaw



University, the highest ever marks: Sister Wendy; tutor J R R Tolkien.  Arena: Sister Wendy and the Art of the Gospel, BBC 2012



We do not intend to admit to our campus any homosexuals.  If any of you have this tendency and have not completely abandoned it, may I suggest that you leave the university immediately after this assembly ... We do not want others on this campus to be contaminated by your presence.  Ernest Wilkinson, Brigham Young University, lecture 1965, Make Honor Your Standard



Brigham Young University will respond to student behavior rather than to feelings or orientation.  Students can be enrolled at the university and remain in good Honor Code standing if they maintain a current ecclesiastical endorsement and conduct their lives in a manner consistent with gospel principles and the Honor Code.


Advocacy of a homosexual lifestyle (whether implied or explicit) or any behaviors that indicate homosexual conduct, including those not sexual in nature, are inappropriate and violate the Honor Code.  Brigham Young University Honor Code



Brigham Young University police arrested 24 people, among them five current students, who participated Tuesday in a march and demonstration by a national gay-awareness group.

At the event, the group marched around the edge of campus and then staged a ‘die-in’ on campus property near the university’s main entrance, just past one of the universitys icons – the sign, Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.

The students could face disciplinary action under BYU’s Honor Code if university officials judge the march, organized by the group Soulforce, as advocacy of a gay lifestyle, which is contrary to the teachings of BYUs owner, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Homosexual conduct is banned by the Honor Code, but gay students can study at BYU if they avoid advocating a gay lifestyle and any behavior that indicates homosexual conduct.  Deseret News 12th April 2006



I regretfully read your letter of June 8 informing me that because of my opinion piece in the Salt Lake Tribune of June 4, you have decided not to rehire me to teach the philosophy courses I had already been scheduled to teach through next year ... Now let me address some of the issues you expressed in your letter.

Church leaders have consistently opposed same-sex attraction and gay marriage.  I have never agreed with this position believing that it was based in misunderstanding and in a purely human bias of cultural place and time and not reflective of divine will.  Yet I have never publicly, or in the classroom, opposed their policy.  Yet when church leaders take a political stand on a moral issue, then I am not only engaged as a member of the church, but also as an American citizen.  As an American citizen, I publicly expressed an honest opinion contradicting a political statement by our church leaders.  I fear for the church and the university if the time comes when the members of the church, including faculty at BYU, are not allowed to disagree, either in public or private, with political positions taken by the  church.  Jeff Nielson, BYU Professor, letter to Daniel W Graham, Department of Philosophy chair Brigham Young University



The late sixties found the Brigham Young University the focal point of militant protests.  Sports events provided the context for protests, boycotts, disrupted games, mass demonstrations, and ‘riots’.  At one point the conflict among schools within the Western Athletic Conference became so intense that the conference almost disbanded.  Administrators, already embroiled in student demonstrations over Vietnam, began to separate themselves from the Mormon school.  Stanford University, for instance, severed all relations with Brigham Young University.  O Kendall White junior et al, Sociological Analysis vol 41 p233 (Fall 1980) ‘Abandoning an Unpopular Policy: An Analysis of the Decision Granting the Mormon Priesthood to Blacks’



Nice and tranquil I suppose ... [laughs and glances at punts on river] ... I much prefer a steamboat meself.  It’s very nice here in Cambridge.  I like it very much.  It strikes me as it’s a quite a laid-back existence here being an academic or a student.  I can’t say that the life would have suited me, you know.  I prefer more of a practical approach to life.  Fred Dibnah, Life with Fred 1/4: Part of the Dales on Film, BBC 1994