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For millennia it is believed that our cosmic neighbours in the universe have sent messages for us to decode.  From mystic structures to massive etchings carved into the surface of our planet.  Alien Files Unsealed s1e2: Cracking the Alien Code, History 2012


Rendlesham Forest, December 1980: For the first time in history, an alien message has been received and deciphered.  ibid.     


One historic incident stands above the rest when it comes to proof of such communication.  ibid.


Around 3 a.m. on the night of December 26th, radar loses track of an unknown object in the woods outside the base.  ibid.   


Sergeant Penniston immediately reaches for his notebook to record details of a craft that defies logic.  ibid.


‘Jim Burroughs and Jim Penniston got extremely close to this object.  It had come down in a small clearing in the forest.  Indeed, Jim Penniston claims that he got so close to this thing, he was able to reach out and touch it.’  ibid.  Nick Pope



This photograph pictures young Elizabeth Templeton posing in an area known as the Solway Firth.  She is six years old and appears alone.  But you are not seeing the entire image.  Tonight, we expose what could be the first photograph of an extraterrestrial being.  Alien Files Unsealed s1e12: The Solway Firth Spaceman       


A week later he [father] picks up the developed film at the chemist.  ibid.  


The British Ministry of Defence denies ever having investigators on the case.  ibid.



‘There are certainly a huge number of UFO sightings in the United Kingdom.’  Alien Files Unsealed s1e21: British X-Files, Nick Pope, History 2012


‘Some of these documents are largely blacked out.’  ibid.



Could UFOs be targeting our most powerful weapons?  Across the United States mysterious objects hover above nuclear missile silos.  In England airmen watch in terror as their nuclear base is targeted from the night sky.  The Unexplained Files s2e7: Are Aliens Attacking Our Nuclear Arsenal? Science 2014



July 2013: A bright metallic object flies dangerously close to an airbus.  The Unexplained Files s2e9: Mysteries at 30,000 Feet 



The British government has kept secret files on each and every reported sighting.  UFO Files 2e3: Britain’s X-Files, History 2005


Britain’s best-documented UFO incidents: including what two pilots saw on a mission over south-west England; the mysterious shapes in the sky spotted by two Devon police officers; and the flying machine seen by American servicemen in a forest in Suffolk.  ibid.


Over 10,000 UFO sightings have been reported to the British government.  These reports and subsequent investigations into flying saucers have been shrouded in mystery and rumour for fifty years.  So much so that they are widely referred to as Britain’s X-Files.  ibid.


There had been some reports of aerial phenomena by aircrew during the Second World War.  But in the United States a spate of sightings had resulted in one newspaper coining the phrase ‘flying saucer’ for the very first time.  In response the British government established one of the most bizarre committees in political history: The Flying Saucer Working Party.  ibid.


It was claimed that [Geoff] Smythe and [Terry] Johnson’s sighting was confirmed by radar.  As the 1950s wore on radar reports of UFOs became more frequent.  The new technology seemed to provide hard evidence for believers.  But sceptics and the MOD relied heavily on the very fact that it was new technology to explain away the phenomenon.  ibid.



More UFOs are reported by people in Scotland than any other country.  And some residents suggest some elaborate theories to explain it.  The World’s Strangest UFO Stories: Have Aliens Invaded Scotland? Discovery 2006


It can all be traced to a specific region in the heart of the country.  With most sightings reported within an area between Falkirk in the North, Glasgow in the east, and Edinburgh in the west, it’s been dubbed the Falkirk Triangle.  ibid.


There’s another place where UFOs sightings seem to congregate: it’s a small town called Rosslyn.  ibid.



Today I will be speaking again to John Hanson who is the author of Haunted Skies: The Encyclopaedia of British UFOs which is a series of encyclopaedias charting British UFO cases.  And there are several volumes.  Richard D Hall, RichPlanet online: Haunted Skies II



26th October – Disc – Kincardine O’Neil, Aberdeenshire: A flying saucer case … in broad daylight on a glorious day on 26th October 2000 not far from Aberdeen.  Richard D Hall, Richplanet TV



The MOD suddenly announced late in 2009 that they were going to close its UFO desk.  Richplanet TV with Gary Heseltine



A UFO hovering three hundred feet above the telescope.  Richard D Hall, Richplanet Starship



In the summer of 2008 reports of flying saucers and other crafts were capturing the headlines again.  Britain's Closest Encounters, Channel 5 2013


Todmorden: the story of a young Yorkshire police officer sighting an unidentified object became headline news.  ibid.


Two traffic officers on the moors ... reported seeing a bright pulsating sphere ... Six separate police officers had witnessed strange phenomena that night.  ibid.


Over the last three decades police officers have contributed to a large proportion of British UFO reports.  ibid.



Flight Lieutenant M J E Swiney .... sighted three mysterious saucer-shaped objects.  Today the reports have vanished without explanation.  The only document that remains is the Flight Squadrons record book.   Michael Swiney was told their actual reports into the incident had been shredded after five years in line with government policy.  During the course of 1952 many similar incidents were recorded.  The government responded by setting up a new secret project.  The British UFO Files, 2004


But previously unseen files report the recovery of physical evidence from a potato and barley field in Wiltshire.   In 1963 the Charlton Crater case has become known as the British Roswell.  ibid.  



Buried in the vaults of the Ministry of Defence are thousands of reports on UFO sightings, some of them left unexplained.  Now after decades of secrecy the files are being released.  And for the first time the truth about Britain’s UFOs is revealed: the near mid-air collision, the World War Two bomber’s close encounter, an unidentified object caught on radar.  And new evidence on one of the most celebrated UFO cases: the Welsh Roswell.  Strange unexplained stories that leave many wondering if there really is life out there.  UFO UK: New Evidence, Discovery 2011



In the summer of 2008 Britain came under siege from the skies.  In the space of only two months nearly two hundred UFOs were sighted nationwide.  UFO Hunters s2e9: UFO Storm, History 2009


In Liverpool thirteen strange orbs; in Ramsgate a giant flying triangle; in Bristol a hovering silver object; and in Birmingham three low flying discs.  ibid.


On June 7th 2008 not far from Barry, Glamorgan, a police helicopter was preparing to land at MOD St Athan when it was struck by a UFO.  ibid.


Could the MOD’s release of classified files be a smokescreen for ongoing investigations?  ibid.


An extraordinary photograph showing a tornado and a UFO has surfaced in Lancashire.  ibid.



In 2007 four thousand feet about the English Channel, a pilot and his passengers watched as enormous objects flew by.  While a few years earlier the captain of another commercial aircraft witnesses a large disc fly under his plane and disappear.  UFO Hunters s2e10: Giant UFOs


Giant UFOs: On April 23rd 2007 at approximately 3 p.m. a pilot for Aurigny Airlines was flying over the English channel when suddenly in the distance he saw a brilliant yellow light and immediately radioed Jersey’s Air Traffic Control.  He’d just spotted something colossal  something he said that was almost a mile wide.  ibid.


Jersey Air Traffic Control then confirm the object on radar before receiving another sighting from a second pilot with a different airline.  Shortly after this, a second enormous object was sighted by the original pilot.  ibid.


Encounters with giant UFOs are rare but not unheard of.  In 2000 a woman in the Derbyshire Peak District claimed to witness a nearly three-mile-wide pink and white disc.  ibid.


Are massive UFOs tracking our commercial aircraft?  ibid.


On January 12th 2007 ... two US Air Force F-15s based at RAF Lakenheath were asked to intercept a target picked up on radar.  ibid.



The files reveal sightings in World War II and in some cases these were considered so grave they were referred right to the top of government.  UFO UK: New Evidence, Discovery 2011


Churchill took a personal interest in unexplained sightings.  ibid.


The Welsh Roswell: In 1974 in north Wales thousands of people experienced a violent earth tremor, and lights were seen falling from the sky.  Some UFOlogists believe a UFO crashed.  ibid.


In 1996 the Ministry of Defence was drawn into a serious breach of UK’s defences by a UFO over East Anglia.  MOD files revealed that it not only involved the police, the coastguard and RAF but a call to the Defence Secretary to scramble jet fighters.  ibid.  


6th January 1995: two experienced pilots of a Boeing 737 carrying sixty passengers from Milan to Manchester report a near collision.  It’s an incredible sighting of an unidentified flying object which sends authorities into a spin.  ibid.


Pitlochry, Scotland: UFO Photo Cover-up: Many UFO experts believe that the Pitlochry file illustrates one of the most significant UFO conspiracies of modern times.  ibid.


It involved photographs of an unidentified object captured flying over a remote Scottish valley.  ibid.  


The photos were sent to the MOD but mysteriously went missing.  ibid.