Woolpit village. 12th century A.D. Two small children reportedly appear near the opening of a cave. A boy and a girl speaking in an indecipherable language. And their skin was green. Ancient Aliens s10e6: The Other Earth
[Nick Pope]: ‘Absolutely miles of tunnels. It really is like something out of a James Bond movie.’ Ancient Aliens s12e3: The Mystery of Rudloe Manor
Could a secret base in England hold evidence of extraterrestrial visitation? Is the British government in possession of an alien spacecraft? ibid.
After a rollout that took more than a decade it came to light that the Ministry of Defence had accumulated over 60,000 documents pertaining to UFO encounters. ibid.
‘To date these 18 files remain under lock and key.’ ibid. Nick Pope
Deep inside the structure lie an astounding 2.2 million square feet of vast caverns divided into many smaller chambers. ibid.
The mysterious site known as the CCC [Corsham Computer Centre] … ‘Whatever’s going on down there is big.’ ibid. Nick Pope
May 1955 (Distributed by International News Service). British scientists and airmen, after examining the wreckage of a mysterious ‘flying ship’ are convinced that these strange aerial objects are not optical illusions or Soviet inventions, but actually are flying saucers which originate on another planet. ibid. newspaper article Dorothy Kilgallen
Berwyn Mountains UFO Crash: 40 years on, it’s still a mystery: January 23 marks the 40th anniversary of the night many claim a UFO crashed into a hillside in North Wales. We look back at the ‘Welsh Roswell’. ibid. Daily Post online article
The Rendlesham Forest Incident: 200 miles east of Rudloe Manor lie 6 square miles of woodlands that has become notorious as the site of Great Britain’s most incredible UFO encounter. On December 26th 1980, near an air force base leased to the United States Air Force by the RAF, strange lights are reported on the horizon in what appears to be a possible downed aircraft. Two US servicement are dispatched to the site. According to accounts, radios failed as they approached the targeted area, and the air itself felt electrically charged as they closed in. ibid.
It is the Earth’s most mysterious monument. Megalithic stone columns that have stood for an estimated 5,000 years. But could Stonehenge have been something more than conventional historians have assumed? Ancient Aliens s14e17: The Secrets of Stonehenge
It is also the centre of the crop circle phenomenon with dozens of unexplained crop formations appearing in the area every year. ibid.
Extraordinary encounters with UFOs, strange beings and other unexplainable phenomena. And make no mistake, alien encounters are not simply a modern-day occurrence. They’ve been happening for thousands of years. Ancient Aliens on location s18e12: Extraordinary Encounters
Llandrillo, Wales, 1974: An enormous explosion … Most claiming to have seen an incredibly bright light falling from the sky and then glowing on the mountainside. ibid.
The Roswelsh Incident: What exactly happened in the Berwyn Mountains? ibid. Herald, Wales, 16th April 2021
Incredible designs found in crop fields all over the world. Their origins often defy explanation. Many believe that these formations are connected to visitations by other-worldly beings. But if so, what is their purpose? Ancient Aliens s19e2: The Crop Circle Code
‘So many formations have braids and no creases. Try doing that as a human.’ ibid. comment
‘Sometimes there is a mist hanging over a field.’ ibid.
Scientists were astounded that the radiation research of crop circles led to new innovations in plant growth. Radiation was also believed to be the source of alleged ghost formations where the stark impression of a crop circle appears long after the field has been cleared. ibid.
‘They are coded messages.’ ibid.
‘There is a deep geometric harmony at play.’ ibid.
For thousands of years Scotland has been the epicentre of other-worldly phenomena. It is home to many mysterious ancient structures. And is a major hotspot for UFO sightings. Ancient Aliens s20e9: Mysteries of Scotland
UFO capital of the world! Bonnybridge is set to feature as the UFO capital of the world on a Japanese prime time TV slot watched by over 24 million people! ibid. local news article Charles Lavery
The Falkirk Triangle: Falkirk-Edinburgh-Glasgow, centered around the small village of Bonnybridge, it boasts the highest concentration of UFO sightings on Earth. ibid.
Since 1992 approximately 300 UFO sightings are reported within the Falkirk Triangle. ibid.
Dechmont, Scotland, 9th November 1979: In the centre of the Falkirk Triangle, just 20 miles from Bonnybridge, forest service surpervisor Bob Taylor walks down a wooded path when he sees something extraordinary in the clearing ahead: a huge object hovering over the forest floor. ibid.
‘What resembled two Second World War sea-mines descended from beneath this object and started rolling across the grass towards him. Then suddenly these objects stopped in front of him and projected these projections towards his person. They grabbed him forcibly at the hips and started to pull him towards this larger object. And then … he lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had a nasty graze under his chin, he had a graze on his head, his clothes were all torn, his jersey was muddy, he felt nauseous, he had a terrible headache.’ ibid. comment
‘We saw the marks on the ground … heavy-duty marks.’ ibid.
Bob Taylor’s account stands out from many others due to the abundance of physical evidence. Including the trousers he was wearing. ibid.
Its [Scotland] rich trove of stone circles that date back over 4,000 years. ibid.
‘Best’ UFO Picture Ever, the Calvine Photo, Found After 30 Years Missing. ibid. Newsweek online article 15th August 2022
For thousands of years Scotland has been the epicentre of other-worldly phenomena. It is home to many mysterious ancient structures. And is a major hotspot for UFO sightings. Ancient Aliens s20e9: Mysteries of Scotland
UFO capital of the world! Bonnybridge is set to feature as the UFO capital of the world on a Japanese prime time TV slot watched by over 24 million people! ibid. local news article Charles Lavery
The Falkirk Triangle: Falkirk-Edinburgh-Glasgow, centered around the small village of Bonnybridge, it boasts the highest concentration of UFO sightings on Earth. ibid.
Since 1992 approximately 300 UFO sightings are reported within the Falkirk Triangle. ibid.
Dechmont, Scotland, 9th November 1979: In the centre of the Falkirk Triangle, just 20 miles from Bonnybridge, forest service surpervisor Bob Taylor walks down a wooded path when he sees something extraordinary in the clearing ahead: a huge object hovering over the forest floor. ibid.
‘What resembled two Second World War sea-mines descended from beneath this object and started rolling across the grass towards him. Then suddenly these objects stopped in front of him and projected these projections towards his person. They grabbed him forcibly at the hips and started to pull him towards this larger object. And then … he lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he had a nasty graze under his chin, he had a graze on his head, his clothes were all torn, his jersey was muddy, he felt nauseous, he had a terrible headache.’ ibid. comment
‘We saw the marks on the ground … heavy-duty marks.’ ibid.
Bob Taylor’s account stands out from many others due to the abundance of physical evidence. Including the trousers he was wearing. ibid.
Its [Scotland] rich trove of stone circles that date back over 4,000 years. ibid.
‘Best’ UFO Picture Ever, the Calvine Photo, Found After 30 Years Missing. ibid. Newsweek online article 15th August 2022
[John Craven’s Newsround]: An investigation has begun into a claim that something strange came out of the skies and landed in the West village of Broad Haven, near Haverfordwest. Encounters I: The Broad Haven Triangle, Netflix 2023
There was a lot of activity, a lot of sightings. ibid. comment
And this is where it landed. Here. ibid.
In 1977 the tiny Welsh village of Broad Haven became the epicenter of the largest mass sighting event in the history of the UK. At least 450 people reported seeing mysterious crafts and strange beings in the area, sparking decades of investigation. It all started in a field behind a school. ibid. captions
Silver. Cigar-shaped. About 45 feet long. ibid. comment
UFO landed in a field, say boys. ibid. newspaper headline
I legged it home. It really freaked me out. ibid. man meets alien
You had 120 cows teleport from one field to another? ibid. interviewer to farmer
The most frightened family I have come across. ibid. rozzer re farming family
There are a number of locations around the county where the same thing is going on. ibid. comment
Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, December 1980: Sergeant Penniston races towards Rendlesham Forest, the recorded crash site … ‘Burroughs and Penniston went in to check it out’ … One hundred metres away they see flickering lights … ‘This is essentially a small triangular-shaped craft, maybe about nine feet high and the same across the base.’ Close Encounters s1e7
Suddenly, Penniston notices that Burroughs is back. As the object disappears, their radios come back to life. ibid.
Sergeant Penniston returns to Rendlesham Forest the next day. He finds scorched marks, broken branches and triagular indentations in the ground. ibid.