UFO CASES 1: ROSWELL: Bill Cooper - UFO CoverUp: Out of the Blue TV - UFO Hunters: The Real Roswell TV - J Edgar Hoover - Stanton Friedman - Nick Cook TV - Roswell Daily Record - Randall & Schmitt - Don Schmitt - Frank Kaufmann - General Nathan Twining - Brig General Thomas DuBose - Glenn Dennis - George Newling - Frankie Rowe - Frank Joyce - Unsolved Mysteries TV - Unexplained Mysteries TV - Ancient Aliens TV - Unsolved History TV - History’s Conspiracies TV - Jesse Marcel senior - Jesse Marcel junior - The Roswell Conspiracy TV - The World’s Strangest UFO Stories TV - Dennis Balthaser - Vern Maltais - Don Burleson - Toby Smith - Nick Pope - Michael Shermer - Best Evidence: The Roswell Incident TV - Secret History: The Roswell Incident TV - In Search of Aliens TV - UFO Files TV - UFOs: The Lost Evidence TV - UFOs: Declassified TV - History’s Greatest Mysteries: Roswell TV - America’s Book of Secrets TV - Unacknowledged 2017 - Alien Autopsy: The Search for Answers TV - Roswell: The Final Verdict TV - Roswell 75: The Final Evidence TV - The Roswell UFO Conclusion: Lies, Conspiracies & Confessions TV - Alien Deception: The Biggest Lie TV - William Shatner -
It wasn’t until 1947 that we were able to capture a craft, a whole craft, not all together but it was everything. That occurred near the city of Roswell, New Mexico. There were dead aliens recovered from the craft. In Project Grudge I saw photographs of these dead aliens [and] of the craft. I saw photographs of live aliens. I saw photographs of autopsies ... of internal organs, I saw photographs of the alien designated EB [or Ebe] who was held in captivity from 1949 until June 2nd 1952 when he died. I saw the history of what they had been able to put together [at that time], from incidents in the 1800s which involved aliens and their craft. Bill Cooper, lecture ‘A Seminar on Majic 12’
EBE is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at the 1949 Roswell crash. He died in captivity. Bill Cooper, Operation Majority, material released 31st May 1996
The live alien that had been found wandering in the desert from the 1949 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr Vannevar Bush and was short for Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie, and for over a year would give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At one point during the second year of captivity he began to open up. The information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the ‘Yellow Book’. Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I was to view years later in Project Grudge. Bill Cooper, lecture MUFON Symposium 2nd October 1989, ‘The Origin Identity & Purpose of MJ12’
In the summer of 1947 numerous UFOs were spotted by local authorities and airline pilots and civilians worldwide. By July these sightings made headlines in newspapers all across the United States culminating on 8th July with the alleged recovery of a crashed disk on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. UFO Cover-Up: Out of the Blue, 2003
Roswell is the UFO case that dominates all others. But it may be only half the story. In July 1947 something crashed outside Roswell, New Mexico. Some days before, strange objects were seen in the sky close to the nearby army airfield. Now the Roswell mystery takes a new turn: recently discovered physical evidence suggests that there wasn’t one crash but two. Artefacts from the supposed location of the second crash have come to light. After all these years a new witness has come forward. The real story of Roswell waits to be unearthed. UFO Hunters s2e5: The Real Roswell, History 2008
In recent years more and more UFO researchers have been paying closer attention to a second reported crash that occurred in the same week as Roswell two hundred and fifty miles away on the Plains of San Agustin. ibid.
What was the debris that Earl Fulford and the other soldiers picked up that day in 1947? ibid.
Both Earl and Jesse have identified acetate as the material that resembles most closely what they handled back in July 1947. ibid.
Acetate was never used in a Project Mogul balloon. ibid.
We must insist upon full access to discs recovered ... The Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination. J Edgar Hoover, memo July 1947
Over the next two years we found sixty-two people connected with Roswell. Stanton Friedman, author The Roswell Incident
I’m convinced after thirty years of investigation that the government recovered a crashed flying saucer and alien bodies here in New Mexico. It’s one of the biggest stories of the Millennium. Stanton Friedman
The Roswell crash is the best known case in the annals of UFOlogy. Supporters of the extraterrestrial explanation claim that the Military recovered crash debris and alien bodies from a site located on the very edge of a top secret military base called White Sands. Nick Cook, Are UFOs Real? 1/2
Debris was recovered from the crash site, so there is physical evidence that something did came down on the Plains of San Agustin. ibid.
The US Air Force changed their version of events three times. ibid.
RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region. Roswell Daily Record headline 8th July 1947
The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509th Bomb group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff’s office of Chaves Country. The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff’s office, who in turn notified Major Jesse A Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office. Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher’s home. It was inspected at the Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters. RAAF press release 8th July 1947
A UFO crashed northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. The military acted quickly and efficiently to recover the debris after its existence was reported by a ranch hand. The debris, unlike anything these highly trained men had ever seen, was flown without delay to at least three government installations. A cover story was concocted to explain away the debris and the flurry of activity. It was explained that a weather balloon, one with a new radiosonde target device, had been found and temporarily confused the personnel of the 509th Bomb Group. Government officials took reporters’ notes from their desks and warned a radio reporter not to play a recorded interview with the ranch hand. The men who took part in the recovery were told never to talk about the incident. And with a whimper, not a bang, the Roswell event faded quickly from public view and press scrutiny. Randle & Schmitt, UFO Crash at Roswell p4, 1991
All of our witnesses are telling us it was the first release – that was the correct one – that recovered a flying saucer. Don Schmitt, UFO researcher
Fifty to sixty troops were up at the debris field, on hands and knees, shoulder to shoulder, picking up every last shard of that wreck. Don Schmitt
We have talked to one of the radar operators up at Kirtland Army Air Field up in Albuquerque ... and he admitted they had tracked a number of unknowns throughout the states in a number of days leading up to that incident. Don Schmitt
Well in June of 1947 our radar people were stationed at White Sands noticed a series of erratic movement of blips. And on the night of July 4th we were watching the blips – it must have been about 11 p.m. – there was a severe thunder storm and heavy rain going on into the entire area. The screen lit up ... What caught our attention that something went down north of Roswell is that people driving on highway US285 north going south noticed an orange ball falling towards Earth ... What we saw was a craft of unknown origin. Frank Kaufmann, ex-military intelligence officer
The craft itself I would say might have been I don’t know about twenty, twenty-five feet in length, maybe six feet in height, possibly about fifteen feet maybe in width. There was a metallic smell around the craft. Inside the craft a bluish-greenish light. Frank Kaufmann
They [Roswell aliens] didn’t have any of these, you know, slanted eyes or horny fingers, anything like that. They were ... people. I call them people ... They were good-looking people. Fine skin. Kind of ash colour ... No hair. Very fine features. Very well built. Maybe five-four, five-five in height. That’s what I can remember seeing. Frank Kaufmann, televised interview
The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. General Nathan Twining, classified memo to senior officers September 1947
We knew it was a cover story. Brig General Thomas DuBose, interview 1980