Unexplained impressions found in the earth. Windshield of a deputy sheriff’s squad car smashed. Is the evidence of UFO landings, flyovers and collisions out there? UFO Files s3e13: Alien Encounters Revealed, December 4th 2006
Today, the UFO community pays tribute to one man for bringing trace cases to the forefront of scientific scrutiny … Dr J Allen Hynek. ibid.
November 2nd 1971: But ultimately, it would be an obscure event in rural Kansas and a single Poloroid camera photograph that would change everything. ibid.
[Ted] Philipps returns to Dr Hynek nearly 40 pounds of soil samples and more than 100 photographs. ibid.
A UFO leaves behind a mysterious glowing ring. Strange pieces of metal are found in a human body after an alien encounter. An entire Mexican recovery team allegedly perish when inspecting a UFO crash site. And flying saucers are caught on film. The 1970s was an era of some of the most extraordinary UFO sightings ever reported. UFO Files s4e1: UFOs of the 70s, History 29th May 2007
November 2nd 1971, Delphos, Kansas: 16-year-old Ronnie Johnson is doing his chores on a small farm at approximately 6:30 in the evening. What occurs next changes Ronnie’s life for ever. Ronnie watches in fear as the glowing multicoloured object hovers above the ground. ibid.
The Johnsons walk over to where the young boy said the craft was hovering. The family is astonished by what they see [glowing ring]. This is the actual Polaroid photograph taken by Ronnie’s mother. ibid.
The ring at the landing site is hydrophobic, or water-repellent. ibid.
October 8th 1978 Missouri: A grandmother and her grandchild spot a mysterious object in the field, an object that doesn’t belong there … ‘The object leaps about ten feet straight up into the air, and this thing is only like four feet in diameter, and all the people are screaming, and it’s hovering there ten feet above the ground’ … It merges with a second much larger cylindrical-shaped UFO in the sky … The craters were about an inch and a quarter deep. ibid.
In 1979 a mysterious object not only leaves physical evidence, it nearly kills a Minnesota deputy sheriff … [Deputy] Val Johnson was found to have what they call welder’s burns to his eyes … The watch on his wrist and the car clock stopped for 14 minutes. ibid.
May 30th 1978: This UFO incident stands out as it reportedly left its physical evidence implanted in one of the witnesses. Tim Cullen and his wife Janet are driving north near Highway 59 when they encounter what they believe is a UFO. They only recall staying at the scene for a few minutes; when they return home they discover that they have been gone for more than an hour. 20 years later a routine X-ray reveals an unexplained piece of metal in Tim’s arm. ibid.
The night before Halloween 1938: Millions of people across the country are tuning into CBS expecting to hear a weekly music program. It is a radio program unlike anything else that has been broadcast before. UFO Files s4e2: Alien Hunters
The Fermi Paradox: ‘We should have seen them by now.’ ibid.
Frank Drake unveils an equation that will forever put alien hunting into the scientific mainstream. ibid.
New Mexico is abuzz with with UFO mania and talk of invading Martians. UFO Files s4e3: Roswell Secrets Unveiled
Plymouth, Wisconsin, 2017: John’s drone captures more than clouds and farmland … a blurry white object whizzing past the drone … The Proof is Out There s1e2, History 2021
Alamance, North Carolina, July 2015: A glowing orb splits in the sky … It goes on for eight minutes. The Proof is Out There s1e3
Can UFOs be summoned by specially trained observers? … A growing number of eye-witnesses claim that UFOs are showing up not at random but because they are being summoned intentionally. The Proof is Out There s2e2
Last year the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a much discussed report claiming that the US military has documented 144 cases of UAPs. The Proof is Out There s3e2
12th July 2021, International Space Station: The camera captures something that is out of this world. It’s a cluster of lights passing through its field. The Proof is Out There s3e6
UFOs, UAPs, USOs, no matter what we call them, are we any closer to proving aliens really do exist? Will the government finally reveal the truth? The Proof is Out There Alien Edition s1e1: Government Cover-Ups, History 2024
We’re clearly at an inflection point with this whole UFO issue. ibid.
USS Nimitz 2004 … USS Roosevelt 2015 … USS Omaha 2019 … Allied fighters reported glowing orbs they dubbed Foo Fighters. ibid.
How far does this conspiracy go? And is any of this alien evidence present in other videos? ibid.
Compelling evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth. The Proof is Out There Alien Edition s1e2: Extraterrestrial Evidence
Delphos, Kansas, 2nd November 1971: 16-year-old Ron Johnson is on his family farm. When he suddenly says he sees a bright mushroom-shaped spacecraft hovering nearby. Johnson runs to his parents and they return just in time to see the craft disappearing in the sky. But back on the ground they find this: where the UFO allegedly hovered is an 8-foot wide ring with a crust around the edge … [and] glowing. ibid.
Two other eye-witness reports of the UFO that night are confirmed. ibid.
But why do some places become well known as UFO hotspots? The Proof is Out There Alien Edition s1e3: UFO Hotspots
Wichita, Kansas, March 2021: ‘I noticed in the sky there was something silver. It was long, it was shiny, it was moving very very fast.’ ibid. Mike
Why are volcanoes allegedly a hotbed for UFO activity? ibid.
Are UFOs spying on US? Do aliens have access to advanced technology? The Proof is Out There Alien Edition s1e4: Alien Technology
What if they’ve been sending probes our way for some time? ibid.
There’s a spike in UFO sightings on the 4th [July]. ibid.
Or we could just be part of a galatic zoo, entertaining the ETs? ibid.
There is something about fireworks that attract UFOs. ibid.
With over 70% of the Earth’s surface covered by water, perhaps instead of looking up for UFOs we should be looking down. The Proof is Out There Alien Edition s1e5: USOs at Sea
Henderson, Nevada, November 2021: ‘We’ve just had something go over the top of us. It looked like a long cylindrical object moving really fast.’
UFO sightings have reached an all-time high. Encounter: UFO s1e1, Amazon 2023
‘These are life-altering experiences witnesses never forget.’ ibid. Zimmermann
McMinnville, Oregon, 1950: They saw this saucer-shaped craft. Paul [Trent] ran in and got his camera and took two photographs. ibid.
They reveal themselves to us with ever-increasing frequency, and they are being captured on film. ibid.
Bainbridge Island, Washington, July 5th 2019: Tim Seanor’s day at the beach is eclipsed by the mysterious events in the sky … His scepticism is about to be shattered. ibid.
‘It did look like a saucer-shaped object; it was just sitting static up in the sky. I attempted to capture that with my phone.’ ibid. Tim
Mysterious craft with pilots from origins unknown reveal thomselves and breach our most secret and secure facilities. Encounter: UFO s1e2
Washington DC, 1952: ‘Numerous saucer-shaped objects were seen. They were captured on radar.’ ibid. comment
‘To be able to fly right into a nuclear facility, somehow get control of our technology, and then shut them off like a light-switch.’ ibid. Zimmermann
Ordinary people who have had terrifying life-changing encounters with UFOs and alien life can now come forward without the fear of ridicule. Encounter: UFO s1e3
Missing time, lost memory, deep emotional and sometimes physical trauma … They are all too real. ibid.
But many abductees are reluctant to tell their story. ibid.