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★ UFO (IV)

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[For further episodes of Ancient Aliens, viz UFO V & VI]



Ancient Aliens TV -




A new theory emerged: that aliens visited Earth in antiquity and were regarded as gods.  Ancient Aliens pilot episode Chariots, Gods & Beyond with Erich von Daniken, History 2009


Chariots of the Gods attempts to prove that alien explorers had visited the Earth thousands of years ago.  ibid.    


‘You have to fly over  the [Nazca] signs are made for somebody who flies.’  ibid.  Daniken


‘Why and how could ancient people have dragged these railway-car size of stone, stacked them up together into these giant buildings?’  ibid.  Childress  



Huge machines cutting through solid rock.  The transportation of multi-ton stone blocks.  Modern aircraft carrying millions of people each day around the world.  And space shuttles sending humans to the stars.  Examples of modern technology or evidence that these incredible achievements actually existed on Earth thousands of years ago?  Did ancient man possess knowledge far beyond that of our own century?  And if so, from where did it come?  Ancient Aliens s1e1: The Evidence, History 2010 


‘There has been a forgotten episode in human history.  And we are a species with amnaesia.’  ibid.  Hancock


Ancient Alien theorists believe past civilisations possessed these same advanced technologies.  They cite a number of cultural myths that describe sky people coming to Earth in fire-breathing dragons or metallic-looking machines as proof of extraterrestrial visitation.  ibid. 


Legends of air travel [India] are also found in ancient Africa and the Middle East.  ibid.


In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet describes a flying chariot containing wheels within wheels and powered by angels.  ibid. 


‘Scientists feel uncomfortable with the lost civilisation precisely because the evidence for it is so ambiguous … It’ll take much more evidence before it is widely accepted.’  ibid.  Hancock  


Ancient alien theorists do not believe extraterrestrials built these amazing monuments but instead provided technological knowledge and/or tools to our ancestors.  ibid.


The 3 largest manmade stones in the world are found at the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek in Lebanon.  Each weighs an estimated 1,000 tons.  A nearly quarry contains an even bigger stone, known as the Stone of the Pregnant Woman.  This giant rectangular block weighs an incredible 1,200 tons.  To move it today would require the strength of 21 cranes.  ibid.


If ancient civilisations did not possess modern mechanical equipment, how did they move and lift mega-ton stones?  Were they given a technical helping hand by extraterrestrial visitors?  ibid.


How did prehistoric civilisations cut such intrically designed patterns into solid granite?  ibid.


‘The ruins we find at Puma Punku are simply extraordinary.’  ibid.  Georgio


But how could ancient peoples have developed such technology?  ibid.   


‘So the precision on the inside of the granite boxes in the Serapeum I would say within two-thousands of an inch.  Which is incredible.’  ibid.  expert 


Was the purpose of the Great Pyramid to produce hydrogen?  ibid.     



Reports of UFO sightings come from all corners of the globe.  Most people think these alien encounters are a modern phenomenon, but in fact they have been reported for thousands of years.  Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited the past by extraterrestrial beings.  Ancient Aliens s1e2: The Visitors


Where did they come from?  And just who were the visitors?  ibid.  


Today opinion polls indicate that more than half the people in the world believe that aliens have come here in the past or are coming here now.  ibid. 


Celestial beings coming down to Earth, gods descending from the sky ... Do similar accounts exist in other cultures and other religions across the world?  And if so, what is the explanation?  ibid.


Skull deformation is a global phenomenon.  ibid.  


Some of the most compelling images of the elongated cranium can be traced to ancient Egypt, and the depictions of one of its most controversial pharaohs [Akhenaten]: could it be that he too was mimicking the appearance of extraterrestrials?  Or is there an even more outrageous explanation?  Could the pharaoh himself have been an alien?  ibid.


Egypt: Long before the pharaohs built the pyramids or even before communities settled along the River Nile the legends spoke of an era called Zep Tepi or the beginning of time.  According to the myth, Zep Tepi was when sky gods descended from the stars to Earth on flying boats, and then turned mud and water into a prosperous new kingdom.  ibid.


Tutankhamun [son of Akhenaten] was also found with an elongated skull.  ibid.


Mali in north-west Africa.  Deep in a remote valley live the Dogon people who are the descendants of a nomadic tribe that settled here about 1000 A.D.  Like Akhenaten’s followers, the Dogon had been forced to leave Egypt because of religious persecution.  But what exactly do their creation myths describe?  Dogon legend holds that the sky-god Amma made the first living creature known as Nommo.  ibid.


How did the Dogon acquire such sophisticated knowledge of astronomy?  ibid.  


‘This sign is practically an astonomical model that the Dogons could not have invented.  Only Sirius A is visible.  Sirius B & C is invisible.  However, their description of the orbit is correct.’  ibid.  expert


Thirty miles south of Gallup, New Mexico, lies the pueblo of Zuni ... Much of the Zuni people’s history is etched into the rock-faces of the surrounding New Mexican desert ... These legends are rooted in the belief that the tribe’s creators and protectors are supernatural beings who came from the sky ... They appear to depict modern space travellers and their astral vehicles.  ibid.


Why might these images resemble modern astronauts?  If they are aliens, is it possible they are similar to humans with similar limitations?  And could they have come from a planet something like Earth?  ibid.


Ancient China also shared some of the beliefs that we find in the Egyptian, Native American and Dogon legends.  There assert that deities arrived from the heavens.  ibid.     


Why might these images resemble modern astronauts?  If they are aliens, is it possible they are similar to humans, with similar limitations?  ibid. 



Reports of UFO sightings come from all corners of the globe.  Most people think these alien encounters are a modern phenomenon, but in fact they have been reported for thousands of years.  Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited the past by extraterrestrial beings.  Ancient Aliens s1e2: The Visitors


Where did they come from?  And just who were the visitors?  ibid.  


Today opinion polls indicate that more than half the people in the world believe that aliens have come here in the past or are coming here now.  ibid. 


Celestial beings coming down to Earth, gods descending from the sky ... Do similar accounts exist in other cultures and other religions across the world?  And if so, what is the explanation?  ibid.


Skull deformation is a global phenomenon.  ibid.  


Some of the most compelling images of the elongated cranium can be traced to ancient Egypt, and the depictions of one of its most controversial pharaohs [Akhenaten]: could it be that he too was mimicking the appearance of extraterrestrials?  Or is there an even more outrageous explanation?  Could the pharaoh himself have been an alien?  ibid.