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★ UFO (IV)

Rockets hurling probes deep into space.  Sound waves that make solid objects float in mid-air.  Laser beams vaporising targets with pinpoint accuracy.  Are these stunning examples of our modern technology?  Or are they just recent reincarnations of scientific achievements that have roots stretching back to the ancient past?  Ancient Aliens s2e6: Alien Tech


The ancient ruins of the city of Jericho … The walls of Jericho fell and the city was sacked ... Could the Israelites have possessed advanced sound-wave technology?  If so, where did it come from?  ibid.


Sound: Could there be evidence that such technology might also have been used for a more constructive purpose?  Might it help to explain the existence of mammoth stone structures?  ibid.


These Mycenaean fortifications were thought to be the work of a strong one-eyed race of giants known as the Cyclops.  ibid.


How could ancient man have built such colossal structures?  ibid.


It is possible that early builders had access to the kind of acoustic technology that would allow for the transportation and careful placement of multi-ton boulders and stone blocks?  ibid.


Did ancient aliens using anti-gravity and sonic levitation technology help early humans build the ancient wonders of the world?  ibid.


Might they also have mastered the power of flight?  ibid.


Guatemala: Here can be found numerous ancient artefacts, and among them is this  the figure of a man lying inside what appears to be the shell of a turtle.  ibid.


In 329 B.C. the Greek ruler Alexander the Great planned the invasion of India.  But according to ancient texts his army was thwarted by a strange attack from the skies.  ibid.


Could the inherent design strength of a disc-shaped object be the key to overcoming the forces of gravity?  And does the prevalence of flying saucer sightings suggest a connection between anti-gravity technology and extraterrestrial visitations?  ibid.


The brute force of rockets ... But are manned space flights really a recent phenomenon?  Or could our ancient ancestors have witnessed similar events?  ibid.


Could early man really have known about rocket technology?  ibid.


The Sumerians, a highly advanced civilisation considered to be among the first astronomers.  ibid.  


Based on Sumerian legends the epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest written stories in history.  And tells of a man’s journey to the heavens to meet the god Anu.  ibid.


Do the descriptions of rockets and UFOs found in ancient texts and legends provide evidence of extraterrestrial encounters in the distant past?  ibid.


Is it possible that such so-called death-rays could have been used before in ancient times?  ibid.



Are angels just a product mankind’s imagination?  Or could they really exist?  If so, where do they come from?  Are angels really mystic beings from Heaven, or something more?  Ancient Aliens s2e7: Angels and Aliens


2010: Nearly 70% of Americans believe in the existence of angels.  ibid.


Could these so-called messengers of God have served another function – one not so benevolent or benign?  ibid.  


Book of Enoch: The first angels to arrive on Earth were the fallen angels.  ibid.  


Both in the Book of Enoch and in the Hebrew Bible the fallen angels acted in direct opposition to God’s will by interbreeding with humans.  ibid.


According to ancient texts the fallen angels not only had physical relationships with the women of Earth, they produced offspring, the Nephilim, a race of Giants, similar to the Biblical Goliath.   ibid.


Researchers point to thousands of carvings and other depictions of strange winged creatures and other semi-human beasts that commonly appear on ancient walls and artefacts.  ibid.


Who are these celestial warriors?  ibid.


If angels were visitors from other worlds, then what was their mission?  ibid.


Angels and demons.  Good versus Evil.  But if as many Ancient Astronaut proponents maintain extraterrestrials have been masquerading as angels, jinn and other unworldly creatures for thousands of years, where did they come from?  Why are they here?  And could they still be around us in plain sight?  ibid.


Mount Hermon high above the Holy Land … Mount Hermon is also the site where the 200 fallen angels descended to Earth according to the Book of Enoch.  But why Mount Hermon?  ibid.


In the occult science of numerology the number 33 represents the ultimate attainment of consciousness.  Mount Hermon is located at the latitude of 33 degrees North.  Tracing the 33rd degree parallel to the exact opposite side of the globe takes you directly to the site of the most famous UFO encounter in modern history: Roswell, New Mexico, USA.  ibid.



A complex of stone structures dating back more than ten thousand years.  And the remains of an Incan temple reported to have other-worldly origins.  Ancient Aliens s2e8: Unexplained Structures


Sanliurfa [Urfa] in south-eastern Turkey: There in 1994 on a dusty hilltop a local shepherd noticed the tip of a stone sticking out of his field.  He began to dig eventually unearthing a nineteen-foot pillar.  Its edges were precise, and rising from its centre was the relief carving of a strange animal ... Perhaps the most astonishing archaeological discovery in recent years: a site known as Gobekli Tepe.  ibid.


Curiously, after 13 years of digging, archaeologists investigating the ancient site have failed to recover a single stone-cutting tool.  Nor have they recovered agricultural implements.  ibid.


Peru: Home of the world’s longest mountain range  the Andes, the spine of South America.  Here in a high river valley, amongst peaks towering over 20,000 feet, the Inca established their capital city of Cusco which thrived for over 300 years until Spanish conquistadors arrived in the 16th century.  ibid.


Astonishing stonework but not all of it is credited to the Inca ... The Inca themselves believe the site was constructed by an earlier, unnamed race of people led by a powerful god who descended from the skies: Veracocha.  ibid.


According to local legend a bird was responsible for the seamless construction.  Legends say the winged creature carried a powerful chemical in its beak  a substance capable of melting stone.  ibid.


Few sites on Earth are as majestic or as treacherous as the jagged region of Britanny, located on the north-west coast of France.  And here are the legendary Carnac stones, a collection of over 3,000 massive rocks arranged in rows.  ibid.    


A recently discovered archaeological site in Armenia … the city of Sisian.  Nearby sits a high plateau where hundreds of ancient stones, some weighing more than fifty tons, stretch out over a third of a mile.  ibid.


Cygnus: Why would so many ancient cultures around the world have similar myths about the same constellation?  ibid.


Coral Castle, Homestead, Florida, 30 miles south of Miami: This former agricultural town is home to one of the most mysterious structures in North America, a stone garden made of sculpted blocks of ancient coral some weighing as much as thirty tons …  This site is not ancient ... In the journals [Edward Leedskalnin] left behind the builder explained that he had discovered the ancient secret of transforming stones into weightless objects.  ibid.



Are we at the mercy of natural forces?  Or is there a higher power at work?  Ancient Aliens s2e9: Alien Devastations   


Mayan heiroglyphs: a fully developed written language.  ibid.


The Mayan civilisation prouduced highly advanced architecture, agriculture, mathematics and astronomy.  ibid.  


‘Maybe there was a war between alien factions visiting the Earth.’  ibid.  comment


Is it really possible that the Great Flood and other cataclysmic extinction events were caused by extraterrestrials?  ibid.


Alien aircraft have been spotted at or near the sites of natural catastrophes since ancient times.  Are extraterrestrials merely curious about geologic events on earth, or is there another more sinister motive for their interest?  ibid.


On 14th April 1561 the citizens of Nuremberg awoke to a dawn spectacle of cylindrical objects appearing in the sky from which red, black, orange and blue discs emerged.  According to eye witness accounts reported in the Nuremberg Gazette tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared and the objects began to fight one another.  ibid.


Is there a connection between eye-witness accounts of alien space wars and the sightings of UFOs during recent natural catastrophes?  ibid.


If extraterrestrials did come to Earth in the distant past, who were they and why did they come here?  Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the answers exist in early Sumerian texts.  In 1849 British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard discovered 22,000 clay tablets in the ancient Sumerian city of Nineveh in what is now Iraq.  The tablets are written in a cuneiform script believed to be the oldest writing system created by the Sumerians 6,000 years ago.  Author Zecharia Sitchin spent over 30 years translating these Sumerian clay tablets.  In his 1976 book The 12th Planet Sitchin claims the cuneiform texts describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth from an undiscovered planet in the solar system beyond Neptune called Nibiru.  According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki first visited Earth 450,000 years ago during the age of the Neanderthal.  The Anunnaki designed Homo sapians through genetic engineering, to create a species to work for them and mine precious minerals.  ibid.