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★ UFO (IV)

Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, 80 miles north-east of London ... Shortly after midnight on December 26th 1980 military radar detected an unidentified flying object.  Also there were civilian reports of strange flickering lights in the sky.  Within minutes military policemen, including Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston and Airman first class John Burroughs, weren sent into the woods to investigate.  What they encountered was something the experienced servicemen had never seen before.  Ancient Alien s2e10: Alien Contacts


Could the strange numbers from James Penniston’s vision be some type of code?  ibid.  


History is filled with accounts of people compelled into action by contact with what they claim to be an extraterrestrial, divine or supernatural being.  ibid.


Is it conceivable that great works of art, music, literature and religion really have been gifts to humanity from other worlds?   ibid.


The Epic of Gilgamesh.  The ancient Sumerian tale was discovered on a series of clay tablets dating back thousands of years.  ibid. 


1429, France: While Joan [of Arc] served primarily as a military figurehead, she also instigated new military tactics and repeatedly out-smarted the more experienced English commanders.  But did her mysterious visions actually come from heaven?  Or might the French teenager have received, as Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest, a type of advanced extraterrestrial knowledge?  ibid.


Cultures all over the world believe deities and other non-human entities frequently communicated through intermediaries known as prophets.  In the Koran it’s written that God has sent over 100,000 prophets throughout history.  Many Native American cultures believe God spoke to them through shamans much like the Oracles of Ancient Greece.  ibid.


Rendlesham Forest: For three decades Penniston kept the numerical sequence between the covers of his Air Force notebook.  They remained unexamined.  And undeciphered.  ibid.  


To his [James Penniston] astonishment, after feeding the numbers into a computer a fragmentary sentence seemed to emerge.  Exploration of Humanity Continuous for Planetary Advance.  Another portion of the message revealed what appeared to be navigational coordinates.  ibid.  



Aurora, Texas, 1897: ‘An airship supposedly run into a windmill.’  Ancient Aliens s3e1: Aliens and the Old West, History 2011 


Adams County, Ohio, Serpent Mound is a giant prehistoric structure that looks as if it’s meant to be viewed from the sky.  The 1,330-foot-long structure winds across the land and depicts a coiled snake.  ibid. 


The upper Missouri River – this is the home of the Blackfoot Indians, a tribe whose ancient legends include strange tales of star-beings visiting the region from other worlds.  ibid.


The Thunderbird – their description of it was almost identical to that of the giant bird witnessed by cowboys in Tombstone in 1890.  ibid.



An enormous flying creature born out of a raging inferno.  A vicious three-headed dog guarding the gates of Hell.  And mysterious sea serpents terrorising mankind.  Are such monsters merely mythical creatures of fantasy or did they actually exist in the ancient past?  Ancient Aliens s3e2: Aliens and Monsters


Surfside Beach, Montauk, New York: On 13th July 2008 a 26-year-old woman and three of her friends discovered the carcass of a strange looking creature that had washed up on to the beach.  ibid.


Ancient Greek artefacts depict terrifying beasts such as the Gorgon, the Hydra, and the ferocious Cerberus.  ibid.  


Pakistan: The ruins of Mahenjo-Daro.  This ancient city, whose name means Mound of the Dead, dates from 2,600 B.C.  ibid.


Ancient Astronaut Theorists have long thought this site is also the epicentre of a nuclear explosion that occurred more than 4,000 years ago.  ibid.


According to the ancient Hindu texts after the carnage of Mahenjo-daro a fearsome flying monster appeared in the sky.   ibid.


China: Similar tales of flying beasts have also been found in ancient texts.  ibid.


Could the so-called sea monsters of Loch Ness possibly be descendants of ancient dinosaurs?  Or might it be of another perhaps extraterrestrial origin?  And what does say of other sea beasts?  ibid.    


Could such legendary sea monsters have actually existed?   ibid.


Centaur, the Minotaur and Medusa are all hybrid creatures described as being created by gods.  ibid.



Gods descending to Earth, converging on the same haloed ground.  A holy shrine built to mark the landing of a meteorite.  And sacred caves where walls are lined with images of strange half-human creatures.  Are such sites around the world evidence of man’s reverence for God, or the result of contact with ancient space travellers?  Ancient Aliens s3e3: Aliens and Sacred Places


Jerusalem: It’s one of the most sacred sites on Earth where three of the world’s most prominent religions  Christianity, Judaism and Isalmism  all converge: Temple Mount.  ibid. 


The Temple was said to house the Ark of the Covenant, the sacred chest believed to have contained the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.  ibid.


The sculptures and wall paintings are some of the oldest surviving works of art from ancient India.  ibid. 


Ethiopia, the Churches of Lalibela: Who or what built them?  ibid.   


Lebanon: The ruins of a site that is much much older … the ancient city of Baalbek … The enormous stone foundation that lies at the base of the site dates back tens of thousands of years.  ibid.      


The giant megalithic stones incorporated into the foundation, each weighing between 800 and 1,200 tons.  ibid.   



Ancient cities lost for centuries.  Treasures hidden deep under water.  And secret chambers buried under the great Egyptian Sphinx.  For millennia humans have been enchanged by legends of hidden gold.  Ancient Aliens s3e4: Aliens and Temples of Gold


‘A number of researchers have suggested that aliens have come to Earth primarily to mine gold.’  ibid.  Chidress


Lake Guatavita in Colombia is said to be the site of an ancient meteor crater.  The circular-shaped mountain lake is at the heart of one of man’s most enduring searches: the search for El Dorado, the lost city of gold.  ibid.


Ancient Egypt: The land where gold was linked to the gods.  ibid. 



A 1,000-year-old temple built to commemorate the visitation of a god.  A coronation stone used to channel the design.  And mysterical chants designed for communicating with other-wordly beings.  Around the world ancient rites and rituals are practised, but just who or what are we trying to communicate with?  Ancient Aliens s3e5: Aliens and Mysterious Rituals


Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Among the ancient ruins of Chichen Itza stands the great pyramid of El Castillo … Ritual sacrifice is no longer practised at El Castillo.  ibid.


Many ancient cultures believed shamans could communicate with other-worldly beings.  ibid.


In the area of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah, graphic depictions called petroglyphs can be found of ancient Native American shamans and the other-worldly they claim to communicate with.  ibid.   


One of these petroglyphs called the Ghost Panel depicts nine-foot-tall figures conducting what some believe is an actual encounter between shamans and star-beings.  ibid.  



Stone cut with amazing precision.  Acoustic chambers designed for inter-planetary communication.  And architecture configured to harness cosmic energy.  Are these dramatic examples of advanced technology, or are they simply the astounding achievements of ancient engineers?  Ancient Aliens s3e6: Aliens and Ancient Engineers


Peru, Ollantaytambo: 9,000 feet above sea-level in an area the Inca people once called the Sacred Valley like the ruins of the ancient city of Ollantaytambo.  ibid.


But how could the earliest humans on Earth have produced such astonishing stonework where massive interlocking blocks fit together with such precision?  ibid. 


‘These six giant slabs of red granite have stood here for thousands of years.’  ibid.  comment


Mexico, Teotihuacan: Here on a highlands plateau lies the enormous archaeological site of the ancient city Teotihuacan … One of the largest cities in the ancient world.  ibid.


The ruins of a vast temple complex of Vijayanagara … The temple of Vijayanagara was built using ancient geometric and mathematical formulas.  ibid.


Vadic literature contain multiple references to flying objects of various shapes and sizes.  ibid.  


Luxor, Egypt: Here along the east bank of the Nile River lies the archaeological remains of the vast Karnak Temple complex.  ibid.     


Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that early Egyptian builders might have had access to extraterrestrial knowledge and technology.  ibid.