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★ UFO (IV)

A tiny island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea: Malta … Stone structures on the Maltese island of Gozo are considered by archaeologists to be among the greatest achievements of ancient engineering anywhere in the world.  ibid. 


The sheer scale of construction and the use of vertically arranged monolithic stones weighing over twenty tons.  ibid.   


‘Cart-ruts’ found all over the island.  ibid.


A mysterious underground sanctuary dating to 2,500 B.C.  It’s called the Hypogeum.  ibid.



Festering disease.  Raging pestilence.  And agonizing death.  But what if the source for all this very human suffering has a strangely non-human origin?  Ancient Aliens s3e7: Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics


The worst plague in recorded history.  Could this deadly pandemic, known as the Spanish Influenza, have been somehow connected to the incident at Fatima?  ibid.  


Disease has been responsible for more deaths than every war in human history combined.  ibid.


Like the plague of Athens, the Justinian Plague was accompanied by multiple reports of strange sightings in the sky.  ibid.


Among antiquities, MacGregor Man is not alone.  Throughout the world there are scores of ancient carvings and figurines that seem to depict other-wordly creatures in what some claim is astronaut-like clothing.  ibid.


If there was a sinister agenda, why not just attack our planet and be done with it?  ibid.


Kerala, India, 2001: A cosmic bang, a massive explosion in the atmosphere, and then a downpour of red rain.  ibid.



A mighty empire ruled by the descendants of gods.  A remote island where stone giants walk the earth.  And a fertile garden where modern man was born.  Do the stories behind these ancient locations have any basis in fact?  If they do, why have the answers been lost for centuries?  Ancient Aliens s3e8: Aliens and Lost Worlds


Honduras: The monumental ruins of Copan.  This archaeological site is believed to have been the cultural and political centre of the once mighty Mayan civilisation.  ibid.   


In the 9th century this incredible Mayan city was abandoned, and its people vanished.  ibid.


At Copan the Mayans had built a complex of monuments, temples and plazas.  ibid.


Turkey, Nemrud Dagi: Colossal statues were created of lions and eagles and Persion and Greek gods, as well as two massive sculptures of the king himself.  ibid.  


Peru: The Nazca were a deeply religious and spiritual people.  ibid.


Nazca Lines: A series of enormous geoglyphs or ground drawings on to the desert floor.  The great geoglyphs are composed of dozens of spirals, triangle and trapezoids, as well as miles of zigzagging lines.  Huge drawings depict a humming bird, a spider, a killer whale and a human figure with owl-like eyes.  ibid.


Easter Island: ‘What we see in the petroglyth art of the island is figures of birdmen.’  ibid.  


Walking stone giants, petroglyphs of flying beings, the ancient inhabitants of Easter Island appear capable of incredible feats.  ibid.



Rockets capable of destroying whole cities.  Fire that burns underwater.  And fighter jets that fly without pilots.   Throughout history advances in technology have led to the development of powerful weapons, each more deadly than the last.  But were these lethal weapons the product of human innovation, or were they developed with help from another more other-worldly source?  Ancient Aliens s3e9: Aliens and Deadly Weapons  


In many different cultures similar myths exist about fire being given to man by the gods.  ibid.


Mahabharata: Some of the earliest accounts of warfare describe sophisticated weaponry that humans wouldn’t develop for thousands of years.  ibid.  



The Valley of Death.  Suicide Forest.  The Mountain of the Dead.  For thousands of years some places on Earth have been believed to be cursed and evil.  Ancient Aliens s3e10: Aliens and Evil Places


Aokigahara Forest, Japan: Each year nearly 100 years Japanese citizens come to these verdent woods not to walk or explore but to commit suicide.  ibid. 


Mount Otorten, Russia: What could have compelled nine experienced mountaineers to flee their camp and run for their lives?  ibid.


Australia: 16 miles south of Cooktown, Black Mountain: The mountain consists of enormous black granite boulders piled precariously upon one another ... Black Mountain with its numerous dark passageways and caverns is considered accused and an evil place.  ibid.


The Valley of Death, Yakutia, Siberia: One of the most remote and least explored in the world … Members of the expedition suddenly began to complain of strange symptoms.  ibid.  



A Stargate encoded in the dome of America’s capitol.  Strange symbols chiseled into the stone of famous monuments.  And a mysterious flying disc appearing in a painting of George Washington.  Could there be more to the secret messages found in the layout of the streets of the capital?  Might there be more to America’s origins than we’ve been told?  Ancient Aliens s3e11: Aliens and America’s Founding Fathers


Washington, 1952: An air-traffic controller at Washington National Airport picked up 7 strange objects on his radar screen.  ibid.


‘The equivalent of landing on the White House lawn.’  ibid.  Giorgio


The Native Americans they encountered not only shared a belief that life exists throughout the universe but even believed they were the descendants of the star people.  ibid.


Could George Washington really have had an extraterrestrial visitation at Valley Forge?  ibid.


Masonic symbols can be found on much of Washington’s monuments and architecture.  ibid.



Mass suicide.  Human sacrifice.  Unholy rituals.  Throughout history there are those who have claimed to have other-worldly knowledge and have led their followers to commit horrific acts of violence ... Could the origins of the voices in their heads be extraterrestrial?  Ancient Aliens s3e12: Aliens and Deadly Cults


San Diego, California: Police made a bizarre and horrifying discovery.  39 neatly arranged bodies.  The final act of devotion to a charismatic leader named Marshall Applewhite.  And the suicide cult he created known as Heaven’s Gate.  ibid.


According to the ancient Sumerian texts Enki defied his superiors and handed down this forbidden known to a secret society known as The Brotherhood of the Snake.  According to ancient legend the gods infiltrated the Brotherhood of the Snake, and the knowledge of humanity’s true origin was distorted so that humans would follow false gods and masters.  ibid.


Is it possible that extraterrestrials posed as false gods in order to keep humans under their control?  ibid.


A network of organised killers who by the 19th century numbered in the housands.  They were known by the Thuggees, and by the most conservative of estimates, they are history’s deadliest cults.  ibid.


Yet another cult was formed in Uganda called The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God ... ‘In the end more than 750 bodies were recovered.’  ibid.


Tokyo, Japan, March 20th 1995: Members of the Doomsday Cult Aum Shinrikyo, or The Supreme Truth Sect, placed packages filled with a deadly serin nerve agent on five different trains all racing into the heart of the Tokyo underground.  ibid.



Megalithic monuments linked together by electromagnetic energy.  Green historic ruins arranged across vast distances in straight lines.  And advanced mathematics carved into landmarks more than 5,000 years ago.  Were ancient man’s spectacular structures built by humans alone?  Ancient Aliens s3e13: Aliens and the Secret Code


Ancient Astronaut theorists believe our ancestors purposely constructed their monuments on energy lines that when mapped and connected create a significant pattern.  ibid.


In 1925 [Alfred] Watkins published The Old Straight Track, a book in which he proposed that man’s earliest monuments and megaliths were linked by a network of long straight tracks.  ibid.


Cusco, Peru: Here lie the impressive ruins of the capital of the Inca empire that thrived from the 13th to the 15th century.  Long suspected by Ancient Astronaut Theorists to have been a place visited by extraterrestrials in the distant past.  ibid.



Zombies rising from their graves.  Blood-sucking vampires damned for eternity.  And humans trapped in a life and death struggle between heaven and hell.  For thousands of years mankind has told tales of encounters with strange soulless creatures.  Are these just myths or their beliefs rooted in scientific fact?  Ancient Aliens s3e14: Aliens and the Undead


Embalmed human remains have been found in Chile and Peru dating back to 5,000 B.C.  ibid.


These days stories of the living dead are most closely associated with the Haitian practice of Voodoo.  There since the 16th century Voodoo priests have been performing mysterious rituals to supposedly create and control zombies.  ibid.


Could there be an extraterrestrial origin to the Biblical stories of final judgment?  ibid.



Superhuman strength.  Supernatural powers.  And the amazing ability to fly.  Throughout history mankind has told incredible tales of gods and superheroes, and human beings have yearned to possess these extraordinary powers themselves.  Could ancient stories of godlike kings and heroes have other-wordly origins?  Ancient Aliens s3e15: Alien Gods and Heroes


Ancient Astronaut theorists point to various artefacts and statues depicting ancient gods who flew.  ibid.