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★ UFO (IV)

An estimated 14,000 shells were fired at the strange object.  And shrapnel rained down from the sky for an hour afterwards.  ibid.


Roswell, New Mexico: On 8th July 1947 a UFO sighting was reported that even the United States government had trouble denying.  Why?  Because this time the report was issued by the US army.  One night in early July 1947 a major thunderstorm rolled across New Mexico.  The next morning rancher Mack Brazel went to check on the damage.  ibid.


Another intriguing British UFO sighting took place in December 1980: US Air Force personnel stationed in Suffolk reported seeing a brilliantly illuminated spaceship that landed in Rendlesham Forest on two consecutive nights.  ibid.


‘This was a landed metallic craft that some of the witnesses claimed they got so close to, they could touch the side of it.’  ibid.  Nick Pope


What stood out was the credibility of the main witnesses – trained military personnel.  ibid.


‘Exo-politics has really been a grass-roots movement.’  ibid.  Dr Greer


In 2008 the Vatican made an announcement that some say might threaten its own existence: the chief observer at the Vatican Observatory, Father Gabriel Funes, acknowledged the possibility alien life exists on other planets.  ibid. 


Ancient Astronaut proponents also cite as evidence the amazing similarities between isolated cultures all over the planet.  ibid.



Certain places around the world have baffled scientists and scholars for decades.  Places with names like the Zone of Silence, the Gate of the Gods, and the Bermuda Triangle.  Visitors to these mysterious sites report a variety of strange energies, unexplained disappearances and supernatural phenomena.  Ancient Aliens s2e1: Mysterious Places


Perhaps the most infamous of the world’s most mysterious places is the Bermuda Triangle.  For decades this stretch of ocean covering over 500,000 square miles, between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda, has baffled scientists, experienced sailors and military investigators.  What causes ships and planes to disappear without trace?  Why has aeronautical and navigational equipment stopped working, or changed course by itself?  Historical shipping records show that the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle are much older than many people think.  Ever since the earliest days of oceanic exploration sailors have witnessed strange sights.  ibid.


Bermuda Triangle: 6 planes all flew by experienced pilots have vanished into oblivion.  ibid.


And if there really is a portal in the open waters of the Bermuda Triangle, might there by others on land?  ibid.


Mexico: The area near the town of Ceballos is called by the local Zona Del Silencio, the Zone of Silence.  It’s an epicentre for some of the strangest phenomena ever experienced on Earth. The Zone of Silence was first identified in the 1930s.  ibid.


According to legend, these so-called visitors from the sky made themselves known to an ancient people.  Could they still be making themselves known to us today?  ibid.


Incas: 800 miles south-east of Peru’s capital Lima near the shores of Lake Titicaca is a site that has mystified visitors from around the world ... the Gate of the Gods.  ibid.


According to local legends these priest-kings known as space brothers came from other worlds.  Did they travel through the Gate of the Gods perhaps?  ibid.


This area of Peru is a focal point for UFO and extraterrestrial activity.  ibid.


High up in the mountains of Peru 850 miles north of the Gate of the God is a breathtaking 2-mile-long plateau.  Another area of reported high magnetic energy.  For centuries it’s been considered a powerful sacred place among the Inca people – it’s called Markawasi.  ibid. 



For thousands of years ancient myths have told of gods who came down from the heavens.  Who were these mystical beings that ruled the skies with their supernatural powers?  Ancient Aliens s2e2: Gods & Aliens


Mount Olympus: According to ancient myths it was the home of the gods.  And it was here that Zeus presided on his throne determining the fate of ordinary men.  ibid.   


If Mount Olympus was home to alien visitors, was Zeus their leader?  ibid.


One of the most important Greek gods is Apollo who rode the skies in his chariot of fire.  ibid.


Norse legends record the triumphs of great warriors with advanced weaponry, sophisticated combat techniques and navigational prowess.  Like the Greeks, Norse mythology recounts supernatural beings, other worlds and powerful gods.  ibid.


Such similarities are not limited to the Greek and Norse myths.  In India the ancient epic of the Maharbarata describes visitations from God who possess the advanced technology of space travel.  ibid.


But technology was not the only characteristic these ancient deities had in common.  According to legends the gods enjoyed intimate relations with humans.  If aliens chose human women as their sexual partners, what was their motivations?  And what was the outcome of these very close encounters?  ibid.


Ancient myths are full of stories of gods descending to Earth to mate with humans.  ibid.  


Some of the oldest accounts of gods and humans interbreeding can be found in ancient Hindu texts.  ibid.


‘Throughout the 19th century many giant skeletons were allegedly discovered in the mid-West, and in parts of California, around Death Valley.  ibid.


In the early 1800s local legends passed down by the Piaute Indians told of a race of Giants who were exterminated by their tribe.  ibid.


Are the Nevada bones evidence of a race of Giants?  ibid.



Ancient monuments deep underwater.  A once thriving metropolis.  Now half a mile under the sea.  Lost cities submerged for thousands of years.  Ancient Aliens s2e3: Underwater World


Are underwater monuments examples of mankind’s earliest civilisations?  Or is there evidence of skills far beyond that of primitive man?  And if so, where did they come from?  ibid.


What evidence lies deep underwater?  ibid.


The legend of the lost city of Atlantis ... Across the Atlantic lies the island chain of the Bahamas.  Just south-east of Florida.  Here in 1968 Archaeologist J Manson Valentine believed he’d found part of Atlantis when he discovered an unusual rock formation off the coast of North Bimini Island.  ibid.


Cuba ... Symmetrical stone structures deep below the water.  Remarkably they were over a half-mile down.  ibid.


Yonaguni, Japan: this small island is at the westernmost tip of the Japanese archipelago ... A massive complex of stone formation hidden just sixty feet beneath the surface.  ibid.


Is it a coincidence that the Earth’s twenty-fifth parallel north cuts through both the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon’s Triangle?  ibid.


But could as ancient astronaut theories believe these strange Dogu figures really be a primitive interpretation of a space suit or a diving suit?  ibid.


Off the coast of India – In 2001 researchers from India’s Oceanic Institute detected anomalies on the Gulf of Khambhat.  The images revealed an enormous network of stone buildings now shrouded in mud and sand, and covering an area of five square miles.  ibid.


Some believe a link between the submerged ruins and extraterrestrials can be found in another set of texts known as India’s Sangam literature.  ibid.


The Andes Mountains, Peru.  Here at an elevation of 12,500 feet lie the dark waters of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable body of water in the Earth.  In August 2000 an Italian team of divers and archaeologists launched an underwater investigation of the legendary lake.  There submerged under one hundred feet of water the team uncovered traces of a paved road, a stone terrace and a wall nearly half a mile long.  ibid. 



A temple of the dead in the Yucatan, an underground city in Turkey, and a South American cave said to contain a treasure from beyond the stars.  For centuries people have told tales of caves and tunnels deep inside the earth. Subterranean passageways that lead to lands of gods and monsters.  So could there be a surprising truth behind these legends?  Ancient Aliens s2e4: Underground Aliens


Derinkuyu: An undergound city thousands of years old … An estimated 20,000 men, women and children … Just who built this massive underground city, and what mysterious force brings them to live underground?  According to most archaeologists and scholars Derinkuyu was built around 800 B.C. by the Phrygians ... Others believe it was built by the Hittites, a warrior people mentioned in the Bible who flourished hundreds of years earlier.  But could the underground city be even older?  ibid.


Zoroastrianism: Ahura Mazda saves mankind from an environmental disaster, much like the story of Noah.  ibid.  


According to the ancient Zoroastrian texts Ahura Mazda soared through the skies in a divine chariot.  ibid.


Deep in the caves of the American south-west … These tribes have many different beliefs but their creation myths all share a remarkable similarity.  In some legends the southwestern peoples went back underground for safety.  ibid.  



A military juggernaut that seemed invincible.  Incredible weaponry designed to intimidate and annihilate.  Secret experiments.  Its believed by some that Adolf Hitler based his plans for world domination on extraterrestrial knowledge.  And that the German military developed an arsenal of wunder-weapons based on alien technologies.  Ancient Aliens s2e5: Aliens & The Third Reich


In his 1993 book Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century, author Jan van Helsing tells the story of a strange crash in Germany’s black forest.  It occurred in 1936, 3 years before the start of the Second World War … A strange disc-shaped object, and inside what appeared to be the remains of extraterrestrial beings.  Van Helsing claims that within hours of the crash Hitlers SS troops took possession of the downed aircraft and its deceased crew.  ibid.