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★ UFO (IV)

Highly advanced humans living thousands of years ago.  Unidentified DNA in the human genome.  And ancient chronicles describing heavenly interventions on Earth.  Did humans really evolve from apes or is our intelligence the result of other-worldly design?  Ancient Aliens s3e16: Aliens and the Creation of Man


‘Extraterrestrials had something to do with our development.’  ibid.  Giorgio


2004: Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago published the results of a study that claims the sophistication of the human brain was the result of a so-called Special Event.  ibid.


Might various versions of hominids have been the result of experiments at creating intelligent life on Earth?  ibid.


The Eve Model: The genetic lineage of every living person could be traced back to a single woman who once lived in Africa.  ibid.



Ancient monuments precisely aligned to celestial events.  History written in stone honouring other-worldly rulers.  And a calendar that accurately predicted shifts in the Earth’s axis every 26,000 years.  Did the Maya of Central America really create one of the most advanced civilisations of ancient times?  Ancient Aliens s4e1: The Mayan Conspiracy


The Maya built cities like Palenque across a vast region with incredible architectural precision.  ibid.


The decline of the Maya is usually blamed on war, over-population and drought.  ibid.  


Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the king is seated at the controls of a spacecraft.  They’ve dubbed him the Palenque Astronaut.  ibid.


In 1862 workers uncovered 4 very large stone heads in the jungle.  Since then archaeologists have unearthed 13 more similar sculptures.  ibid.  


Copan, Honduras: Copan’s temples, pyramids and monument rank among the most important of any Maya site.  ibid.



Ancient calendars foretold a deadly countdown.  A galactic alignment triggering a wave of natural disasters.  Some said our planet was headed for extinction.  Others believed in another agenda, one even more profound.  Ancient Aliens s4e2: The Doomsday Prophecies


Yucatan Peninsula: One of the world’s greatest ancient civilisations, the Maya … The Maya consisted of around 15 to 20 million people … The Maya were one of the first civilisations to develop a written language, use modern mathematical methods, and build huge celestial observatories.  ibid.    


Why 2012?  Why did this date hold a special significance?  ibid.     


It was clearly important to the Maya to build an elaborate temple to honour Kukalkan.  Did they really expect the serpent god to ascend to the heavens and then return to Earth?  Or could Kukulkan be something even more incredible?  ibid.



Prehistoric sculptures of reptilian beings.  Weird elongated skulls nearly 4,000 years old.  And ancient myths of small grey beings with large heads and black oval eyes.  All around the planet ancient evidence suggests strange other-worldly visitors.  Ancient Aliens s4e3: The Greys


Roswell, New Mexico, 3rd July 1947: A flash of light streaks across the sky before crashing in the desert near the Roswell Army Air Field.  Ranch Mack Brazel heard the impact and investigated the next morning.  He reported what he found to authorities … If alien beings didn’t crash at Roswell, who were they?  ibid.     


‘There are some figurines and some cave drawings that look like Greys.’  ibid.  Giorgio  


5,000-year-old cave paintings in the Kimberley region of Australia  could they be among the earliest depiction of Greys ever discovered?  ibid.  


Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that alien beings known as the Greys have been visiting Earth for millennia.  ibid.  


In the American south-west the ancestors of the Native Hopi Indians believed in deities from other worlds.  They drew illustrations of them on canyon walls … [that] match modern descriptions of Greys.  ibid.      


Researchers point to numerous elongated human skulls found on several continents.  ibid.  


All around the world pyramids and temples dedicated to what the ancient inhabitants refer to as sky gods.  ibid.     


Some researchers believe that before settling on primates, Grey aliens may have used reptiles as Earth’s dominent lifeform, and exploited them for reproductive purposes.  ibid.  



Volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes and tsunamis.  And asteroids smashing into Earth causing mass extinctions.  Have the world’s worst global disasters been the result of natural forces, or were they triggered by other-worldly powers?   Ancient Aliens s4e4: Aliens and Mega-Disasters


Japan: According to the Kyodo news agency, in the days following the disaster, thousands of UFOs were sited over Japan.  ibid.   


Was the god Poseidon really a figure of myth and legend?  ibid.



Unexplained sightings in space.  Strange formations on the surface of Mars.  And lunar missions rumoured to have secret agendas.  Is NASA sharing all that it knows about the universe?  Or is it protecting us from the truth?  Ancient Aliens s4e5: The Nasa Connection


Why were these symbolic messages sent up into space?  Who was NASA expecting to meet on the moon?  ibid.  


1996: Video recorded aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia STS80 seemed to show a number of fast-moving objects just outside the craft.  ibid.  


In 1985 Soviet cosmonauts aboard the Salyut 7 reported seeing 7 celestial beings as they orbited Earth.  ibid.  



Ancient megalithic stones cut with astonishing precision.  Sculptures depicting beings from around the world and possibly beyond.  And legends of other-wordly giants creating an entire civilisation in a single night.  Are the ancient ruins of Puma Punku the result of primitive man’s incredible ingenuity or could they be the product of another power?  Ancient Aliens s4e6: The Mystery of Puma Punku


Bolivia, South America: Here 45 miles from La Paz isolated high in the Andes mountains lie the mysterious ancient ruins of Puma Punku.  Spread across the desert plateau at an altitude of over 12,000 feet the megalithic stones here are among the largest on Earth.  ibid.


How could such primitive people, living perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, have produced such flawless stonework?  ibid.



Strange tales of giant beasts.  Half-ape and half-human.  Massive footprints of mystery creatures found around the globe.  And ancient myths describing human-like monsters that travel between dimensions.  On every continent there are legends of Bigfoot and evidence that may suggest the stories are true.   Ancient Aliens s4e7: Aliens and Bigfoot, History 2012


Might there be a connection between extraterrestrials and the legend of Bigfoot?  ibid.


Why is the creature known as Bigfoot so difficult to capture or kill?  ibid.



Astonishing inventions centuries ahead of their time.  Paintings said to contain hidden messages.  And sophisticated robots designed more than five centuries ago.  Leonardo da Vinci is considered one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known.  But was there a secret to his profound intellect?  Ancient Aliens s4e8: The Da Vinci Conspiracy


The breadth of Leonardo da Vinci’s work covered a staggering rage of disciplines.  ibid.



‘Just because something is a cover up doesn’t mean you can't reach the truth.’  Ancient Aliens s4e9: Aliens and Coverups, Giorgio


Ancient Astronaut Theories believe this incident involving the world’s most powerful nations was just one of hundreds of UFO events that have been covered up by governments the world over.  ibid.


Washington DC 19th July 1952: in the skies above the US Capitol multiple unidentified flying objects were picked up on radar.  ibid.


‘The equivalent of landing on the White House lawn.’  ibid.  Giorgio


According the legend, Akhenaten descended from the clouds ... A single sun god.  ibid.


Akhenaten’s wife Nefertiti and their children were also depicted with elongated heads.  ibid.



Ancient star rituals summoning higher powers.  Legends of other-worldly beings travelling in time.  And the scientific theory revealing the secrets of the universe.  Are alien beings really from out of the world, or evidence of mankind’s future achievements?  Ancient Aliens s4e9: Time Travellers  


9th December 1965: Thousands of people witnessed a brilliant fireball flash across the sky before crashing in Kecksburg, Pensylvannia.  ibid. 


Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: The ancient ruins of a mysterious Pueblo people.  Called the Anasazi they thrived from 900 to 1,000 A.D. … How did these ancient people engineer such elaborate structures without modern machinery?  ibid.