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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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★ Star Trek: The Next Generation

I can only hope that my son came here he would be Klingon enough to kill me.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e17: The Birthright II, Klingon old boy


A place can be safe and still be a prison.  ibid.  Worf bird



What was that all about?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e18: Starship Min, Riker



Well, you’re new on the Enterprise – you’ll have to learn to expect the unexpected.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e19: Lessons, Picard


I’m not given to casual relationships.  ibid.  



There’s no way this could be a random formation; this is definitely part of a program.  Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Chase s6e20, Geordi



Don’t be afraid of your darker side.  Have fun with it.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e21: Frame of Mind, Troi to Riker



I’m not a doctor on this ship any more.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e22: Suspicions


That was the last time I saw him [Ferengi] alive.  ibid.  Dr Crusher



I am not sure I ever had a true belief.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e23: Rightful Heir ***** Worf to Picard


They grew you in a test tube like some kind of fungus.  ibid.  Worf



Who are you?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e24: Second Chances, Riker to Riker



You just stopped.  And then started again.  I can’t explain it.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e25: Timescape



The uncertainty principle will not help you now, Stephen.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e26: Descent I Einstein to Hawking


I believe I’ve experienced my first emotion.  ibid.  Data


The Borg ship is directly ahead.  It is coming about.  ibid.  Worf


Is Data a prisoner or did he go willingly?  ibid.  Picard


We will destroy the Federation.  ibid.  Borgie Data



I have found my true calling.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e1: Descent II Bad Data to Picard


The reign of biological life-forms is coming to an end.  You, Picard and those like you are obsolete.  ibid.


Good luck, Hugh.  ibid.  Picard



You look good in a dress.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e2: Liaisons, Riker to Worf


I knew from the moment I saw you, you were here to save me.  I’ll do anything you want.  Just don’t leave me.  ibid.  bird on planet to Picard



Captain LaForge has disappeared along with the rest of her crew.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e3: Interface, Picard to Geordi


You may experience the emptiness with me if you wish.  ibid.  Data to Geordi



And I don’t want to pretend everything’s all right.  Trek: The Next Generation s7e4: Gambit I Riker


The Captain died in a bar fight.  ibid.



You used to be just a second-rate officer.  Now you’re a traitor and a coward – how does that feel?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e5: Gambit II Picard to Riker



I believe it was a nightmare.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e6: Phantasms, Data to Geordi



This telepathic species have no concept of spoken language.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e7: Dark Page


Captain, I have to go back inside my mother’s mind.  ibid.  Troi to Picard



The world government in 2150.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e8: Attached, Dr Crusher to Picard


You’re beginning to see conspiracies everywhere.  ibid.  Riker



Spot, down.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e9: Force of Nature, Data teaches cat



Have you any idea who I am?  Well you lost all your early memories.  We thought you would but we couldn’t be certain.  Oh, Data, I was there … I helped create you.  And now look at you.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e10: Inheritance, Juliana



The barriers between quantum realities are breaking down.  Other realities are emerging into our own.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e11, Data



It seems there was a mutiny on board [Pegasus].  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e12: The Pegasus


It was wrong twelve years ago and it is wrong today.  ibid.  Riker to Admiral


It’s a prototype for a Federation cloaking device.  ibid.  Riker



We have the ability to create the illusion of other places like the caves and your planet.  Star Trek s7e13: The Next Generation: Homeward, Picard



Who’s there?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e14: Sub Rosa, Dr Crusher to bloke


You’re telling me that you’re an eight-hundred-year-old ghost?  ibid.  Dr Crusher to voice



Sometimes I get so busy with research I forget to eat.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e15: Lower Decks, Dr Crusher



I like to put in a little time every now and then ... Even if it is the night shift.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e16: Thine Own Self, Dr Crusher



What does it feel like when a person is losing his mind?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e17: Masks, Data to Geordi


Data has the android equivalent of multiple personalities.  ibid.  Troi



It’s not like Dan to take his own life.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e18: Eye of the Beholder, Dan’s bird



There’s some sort of disease aboard the Enterprise, and it’s spreading.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e19: Genesis, medic


I believe she [Troi] is amphibian.  ibid.  Data  



A member of the family: Wesley.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e20: Journey’s End


These people deserve better.  ibid.  Wesley to Worf


I’m resigning from the Academy.  ibid.  Wesley to Picard


Wesley Crusher will be left behind.  ibid.  Picard



I don’t want to be a warrior.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e21: First Born, Alexander to Worf


Quark – I see you remember me?  ibid.  Riker



I haven’t forgotten you or how you murdered my son ... I’m going to kill your son, Picard.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e22: Bloodlines, Ferengi



I believe the Enterprise may be forming an intelligence.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e23: Emergence, Data



You look very fit, Lieutenant.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e24: Preemptive Strike, Picard to Ro Laren



I think it’s OK to concentrate on our feelings.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s7e25: All Good Things I, Troi to Picard


I’m moving back and forth through Time.  ibid.  Picard


Mon Capitan, I thought you’d never get here.  ibid.  Q



Charting the unknown possibilities of existence.  Star Trek: The Next Generation: All Good Things II s7e26, Q


Five card stud.  Nothing wild.  And the sky’s the limit.  ibid.  Picard