What do you know of conspiracies, Captain? Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e25: Conspiracy, Admiral to Picard
41986.0 We are awaiting the return of Captain Picard who was summoned to star base 718 for an emergency conference. Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e26: The Neutral Zone
As you know, sir, there is very little available on the Romulans. They seem to be creatures of extremes. One moment violent beyond description, the next tender. They are related to the Vulcans. ibid. Lwaxana Troi to Picard
I believe he means television, sir. That particular form of entertainment did not last much beyond the year 2040. ibid. Data to Riker
People are no longer obsessed with the accumulating of things. ibid. Picard
I think our lives just became a lot more complicated. ibid. Picard on bridge
Still so much to learn. Mr Forge, engage. ibid.
It’s always hard leaving any ship. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e1: The Child, Picard to Wesley
A presence entered my body. ibid. Troi
Counsellor Troi’s pregnancy continues to progress at an astonishing rate. ibid. Picard’s log
Data, you're asking probably the most difficult of all questions. Some see it as a changing into an indestructible form, forever unchanging. They believe that the purpose of the entire universe is to then maintain that form in an Earth-like garden which will give delight and pleasure through all eternity. On the other hand there are those who hold to the idea of our blinking into nothingness with all of our experiences and hopes and dreams merely a delusion ... Considering the marvellous complexity of the universe, its clockwork perfection, its balances of this against that ... matter, energy, gravitation, time, dimension, I believe that our existence must be more than either of these philosophies. That what we are goes beyond Euclidean or other ‘practical’ measuring systems ... and that our existence is part of a reality beyond what we understand now as reality. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e2: Where Silence Has Lease, Picard to alien as Data
You seem to find no tranquillity in anything. You struggle against the inevitable. You thrive on conflict. You are selfish yet you value loyalty. You are rash, quick to judge, slow to change. ibid. alien on humanity
The game is afoot. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e3: Elementary, Dear Data, Data as Sherlock Holmes
It’s murder, Holmes. Murder most foul. ibid. Lestrade
Our adversary, my dear Watson, is none other than Professor Moriarty himself. ibid. Data
I want my existence. I want it out there. ibid. Moriarty
The unexpected is our normal routine. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e4: The Outrageous Okona, Riker to Picard
I think it’s time to make a stand. ibid. O’Connor
Stay calm. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e5: Loud as a Whisper, Riva
Confidence is faith in oneself; it can’t easily be given by another. ibid. Troi to Picard, with Doctor
It’s no secret that I don’t like people much, and I like doctors even less. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e6: The Schizoid Man, Dr Graves on planet surface
I’m greatly troubled by the unusual behaviour of Commander Data. ibid. Picard’s log
I would appreciate it if you would let me finish my sentences once in a while. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e7: Unnatural Selection, Picard to Doctor
One of the duties of the first officer of a Klingon vessel is to assassinate his captain. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e8: A Matter of Honor, Riker to Worf
I do not believe. Arm all weapons. Prepare to attack. ibid. Klingon captain
You come from a very brave and unique people. I’m glad you’re with us on the Enterprise. ibid. Riker to Worf
I never thought I’d say this, but it’s good to see you again. It brings a sense of order and stability to my universe to know that you’re still a pompous ass ... and a damn sexy man. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e9: The Measure of a Man, Captain Phillipa Louvois
Guinan: Consider that in the history of many worlds there have always been disposable creatures. They do the dirty work. They do the work that no-one else wants to do, because it’s too difficult and too hazardous. With an army of Datas, all disposable, you don’t have to think about their welfare, or you don’t think about how they feel. Whole generations of disposable people.
Picard: You’re talking about slavery. ibid.
Life is rarely fair. ibid. Data to Geordi
It is the ruling of the court that Lieutenant Commander Data has the freedom to choose. ibid.
In a moment the harmonic resonance from the neutrino clouds will become synchronous. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e10: The Dauphin, Wesley to bird
Worf [long roar]: That is how the Klingon lures a mate.
Wesley: Are you telling me to go yell at Salia?
Worf: No. Men do not roar. Women roar ... [besotted] and they hurl heavy objects ... and claw at you ...
Wesley: What does the man do?
Worf: He reads love poetry. He ducks a lot. ibid.
Fate: it protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e11: Contagion, Riker
Mr LaForge, time is one thing we do not have in abundance. ibid.
A passing Klingon cruiser reported discovering pieces of a strange vessel in the upper atmosphere of this planet. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e12: The Royale
Checking in, gentlemen, you’ll have to go to the front desk. ibid. hotel bell-boy
That’s how we’re getting out – we’re buying this place. ibid. Riker to Picard
Flair is what marks the difference between artistry and mere competence. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e13: Time Squared, Riker
The captain of the Star Ship Aeres is retiring. Congratulations, you’ve been selected as his replacement. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e14: The Icarus Factor, Picard to Riker
If there is a cosmic plan, are we not a part of it? Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e15: Pen Pals, Troi
Q! We agreed you would never trouble my ship again. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e16: Q Who, Picard
My purpose is to join you. As a member of the crew. ibid. Q
The Borg is the ultimate user. They're unlike any threat your Federation has ever faced. They’re not interested in political conquest, wealth or power as you know it. They’re simply interested in your ship. Its technology. They’ve identified it as something they can consume. ibid. Q
You do have an ego, don’t you? Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e17: Samaritan Snare, Doctor to Picard
My heart was injured. And a replacement was necessary. ibid. Picard to Ensign Crusher
Where women are concerned I am in complete control. ibid. Crusher to Picard
Open your mind to the past – art, history, philosophy. ibid. Picard to Crusher
It was the first stirrings of world government. You should read more history, Number One. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e18: Up the Long Ladder, Picard
In the early 22nd Century Earth was recovering from World War III. ibid. Data to Picard
You just have to bow to the absurd. ibid. Picard to Riker
It is the differences that have made us strong. ibid. Picard
Send in the clones. ibid. Irish bloke
Judging a being by its physical appearance is the last major human prejudice, Wesley. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e19: Manhunt, Worf of the Antedians
Worf, we’re alone now. You don’t have to act like a Klingon glacier, I don’t bite ... actually, that’s not true, I do bite. Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e20: The Emissary, K’Ehleyr
Riker: How’d you like command?
Worf: Comfortable chair. ibid.