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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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★ Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Captain’s log 41153.7: Our destination is Deneb IV beyond which lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e1: Encounter at Farpoint I, Captain Picard  


The prisoners will not be harmed.  Until they’re found guilty.  ibid.  Q as judge


Before this gracious court now appear these prisoners to answer for the multiple and grievous savageries of the species.  ibid.  clerk of court



Generosity has always been my weakness.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e2: Encounter at Farpoint II, Q on bridge


I will not promise never to appear again.  ibid.


Let’s see what’s out there.  Engage.  ibid.  Picard on bridge



There was a young lady from Venus, whose body was shaped like a …  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e3: The Naked Now, Data


What I want now is gentleness and joy and love.  From you, Data.  You are fully functional?  ibid.  Tashar Yar


I am programmed in multiple techniques.  A broad variety of pleasuring.  ibid.  Data to Tashar Yar


If you prick me, do I not leak.  ibid.  Data to Picard



He has an abnormal high need for achievement ... She [Tasha] may have represented his riskiest prize.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e4: Code of Honour, Troi on bridge



41386.4  We are in pursuit of a starship of Ferengi design; our mission is to intercept and recover a T-9 energy converter which the Ferengi stole from an unmanned monitor post on Gamma Tauri IV, a theft which automatic scanners detected, providing us with the long-awaited opportunity to make close contact with a Ferengi vessel.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e5: The Last Outpost


The ugliness of the human was no exaggeration.  ibid.  Ferengi captain to Picard


But possessing the technology they [Ferengi] have they are dangerous.  ibid.  Riker to guardian of portal



41263.1  We have rendezvoused with the USS Fearless from which a Star Fleet propulsion expert and his assistant are beaming over to conduct tests on the Enterprise’s warp drive engines.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e6: Where No One Has Gone Before  


Captain, we’re passing warp ten.  ibid.  Geordi


At maximum warp, sir, it would take over three hundred years to get home.  ibid.


You do understand, don’t you, that thought is the basis of all reality.  ibid.  alien to Picard



On the orders of Captain Picard we have returned to the vicinity of the energy pattern cloud.  I am personally convinced that something from the cloud now shares the Captain’s mind.  But there seems to be nothing we can do at least within regulations.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e7: Lonely Among Us, Riker’s log



Only one punishment for any crime.  The law is the law.  Our peace is built on that.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e8: Justice, blond bloke on planet


Earth females – I must restrain myself too much – they are quite fragile, sir.  ibid.  Worf to Riker


Capital punishment in our world is no longer considered a justifiable deterrent.  ibid.  Picard on planet



We have heard that you use females – clothed females.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e9: The Battle, DaiMon Bok the Ferengi on bridge


That’s the Stargazer.  That’s my old ship.  How did you find it?  ibid.  Picard on bridge



I have given you the power of the Q.  Use it.  Use your power.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e10: Hide & Q, Q to Riker


No-one has ever offered to turn me into a god before.  ibid.  Riker to Picard


He’s [Q] nothing but a flim-flam man.  ibid.  Picard to Riker


Sir, how is it that the Q can handle time and space so well, and us so badly?  ibid.  Data to Picard on bridge



My mother is a little eccentric.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e11: Haven, Troi to Picard



Earth.  United States.  San Francisco.  California.  1941 A.D.  File: Dixon Hill Private Detective.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e12: The Big Goodbye, Picard to holodeck computer


It was raining in the city by the bay.  A hard rain.  Hard enough to wash the slime …  ibid.  Data’s recounting of holodeck adventure



Why was I given human form?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e13: Datalore, Data


If you had an off-switch, Doctor, would you not keep it secret?  ibid.



You’re infected with the virus, Captain.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e14: Angel One, Doctor


No power in the universe can hope to stop the force of evolution.  ibid.  Riker to boss lady



Blondes and jazz seldom go together.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e15: 11001001, Riker in holosuite



Age and wisdom have their graces.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e16: Too Short a Season



Everyone needs a basic understanding of calculus.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e17: When the Bough Breaks s1e17, Dr Bernard to young Harry


They’re treating us like gods.  ibid.  Wesley to mother


Things are only impossible until they’re not.  ibid.  Picard to Data



Terraforming makes you feel a little god-like.  Star Trek s1e18: The Next Generation: Home Soil, female scientist to away team


Only life can replicate itself, Doctor.  Inorganic or not it is alive.  ibid.  Data


Ugly bags of mostly water.  ibid.  Microbrain’s assessment of humans



I have reason to believe that there may be something very wrong on this ship.  Star Trek s1e19: The Next Generation: Coming of Age, Admiral Quinn to Picard


Thinking about what you can’t control only wastes energy, and creates its own enemy.  ibid.  Worf to Wesley


Someone or something is trying to destroy the fabric of everything we’ve built up in the last two hundred years.  ibid.  Admiral to Picard



The bridge wouldn’t be the same without you.  Star Trek s1e20: The Next Generation: Heart of Glory, Picard to Worf



Rice: Tell me about your ship – the Enterprise, isn’t it?


Riker: No ... The name of my ship is the Lollipop.


Rice: I have no knowledge of that ship.


Riker: It’s just been commissioned.  It’s a good ship.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e21: The Arsenal of Freedom



Our planet is in desperate need, Captain.  We have people suffering from a lethal plague.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e22: Symbiosis, alien on board


It’s an addiction.  The physical and psychological need is very real.  ibid.  Doctor Crusher on bridge


What I can’t understand is why anyone would voluntarily become dependent on a chemical.  ibid.  Wesley on bridge


Drugs can make you feel good.  ibid.  Yar on bridge


The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules.  It is a philosophy, a very correct one.  ibid.  Picard


It’s hard to be philosophical when faced with suffering.  ibid.  Dr Crusher to Picard



Death is that state where one lives only in the memory of others, which is why it is not an end.  No goodbyes – just good memories.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e23: Skin of Evil, Picard’s log



We experienced some kind of loop where everything repeats itself.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e24: We’ll Always Have Paris, Riker to Picard


I see Time as a constant.  ibid.  Data to Picard