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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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★ Star Trek: The Next Generation

I am prepared to publicly endorse the opening of talks between our people.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e8: Unification II, Pro-Consul to Spock


Do you miss your humanity?  ibid.  Data to Spock


Captain Picard, welcome to Romulus.  ibid.  Tasha/Romulan bird



Not unlike the nuclear winters of twenty-first century Earth.   Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e9: A Matter of Time, Picard’s log



I’ve brought Alexander with me.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e10: New Ground, Worf’s mum


You look thin.  ibid.  Worf’s mum to Worf


Alexander needs to be with his father, Worf.  ibid.



I have often wished to be human.  I study people carefully, in order to more closely approximate human behaviour ... But I cannot take pride in my abilities.  I cannot take pleasure in my accomplishments ... I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e11: Hero Worship



Klingons do not allow themselves to be probed.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e12: Violations



We don’t wish to interact with outsiders.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e13: The Masterpiece Society, alien bloke to Picard et al



Our identities have somehow been erased or suppressed.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e14: Conundrum, Picard on bridge



We want to rest.  Simply, finally, to rest.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e15: Power Play, Troi infected with spirit of Star Fleet officer



I want you to help me die.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e16: Ethics, Worf to Riker


Suicide is not an option.  ibid.  Dr Crusher to Picard


I have decided to live.  ibid.  Worf to Alexander



We may have found the first instance of what is called Null Space.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e17: The Outcast


Commander, tell me about your sexual organs.  ibid.  alien bird to Riker


The Federation was founded in 2161.  ibid.  Troi


Can you access the starboard manifold thrust?  ibid.  Riker to alien bird



All hands abandon ship!  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e18: Cause and Effect


Too rich for my blood.  ibid.  Data playing poker



The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it’s scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth!  It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based!  If you can’t find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don’t deserve to wear that uniform!  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e19: The First Duty



Nothing will please me more than to give away Mrs Troi.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e20: Cost of Living, Picard to Riker



You learn so quickly what stimulates a man.  The second time is even better than the first.  Star Trek s5e21: The Next Generation: The Perfect Mate, Riker and alien bird



I was just telling Clara about my imaginary friend.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e22: Imaginary Friend, Guinan to Troi



One survivor – it’s a Borg male adolescent; he’s badly hurt.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e23: I, Borg


We are Borg.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.  We must return to the Collective.  We are Borg.  3rd of 5.  ibid.


I am Locutus of Borg.  ibid.  Picard


We are Hugh.  ibid.  Borg to Picard



I never knew what a friend was until I met Geordi.  He spoke to me as though I were human.  He treated me no differently from anyone else.  He accepted me for what I am.  And that, I have learned, is friendship.  But I do not know how to say goodbye.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e24: The Next Phase, Data



Seize the time ... Live now.  Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e25: The Inner Light



Data, is this yours?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e26: Time’s Arrow, Picard of disembodied head


I can now look forward to death ... I am mortal.  ibid.  Data to Geordi


I require large amounts of whisky.  ibid.  old codger to Data



I’d be happy to take Mr Clements to his quarters.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e1: Time’s Arrow II, Troi



The idea of being deconstructed molecule by molecule – it’s more than I can stand.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e2: Realm of Fear, Barclay to Troi



Counsellor Troi has altered her appearance.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e3: Man of the People, Data to Riker



Mr Data, could this be a Dyson Sphere?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e4: Relics, Picard


Captain Montgomery Scott.  Tell me, how long have I been missing?  ibid.  Scotty



I call it Ode to Spot.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e5: Schisms



Geordi: Everything was normal and then suddenly it’s like the Laws of Physics went right out the window.


Q: And why shouldn’t they?  They’re so inconvenient.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e6: True Q


You’ve made yourself judge and jury and if necessary executioner.  By what right have you appointed yourself to this position.  ibid.  Picard to Q


I am what I am.  I am Q.  ibid.  bird Q



Of course you’re my wife.  But you’re also ten years old.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e7: Rascals, O’Brien to young Keiko



I’m not much of an actor.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e8: A Fistful of Datas, Picard to Dr Crusher



Doctor, what is the definition of Life?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e9: The Quality of Life



I’m here to relieve you of command of the Enterprise.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e10: Chain of Command I


I want someone on the bridge who has a great deal of experience with Cardassians.  ibid.  Admiral to Riker


The Cardassians are developing a metagenic weapon.  ibid.  Picard



My dear Captain, you are a criminal.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e11: Chain of Command II, torture bloke to Picard



Our reality may be very much like theirs.  And all this might be just an elaborate simulation.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e12: Ship in a Bottle, Picard



There hasn’t been a Klingon raid against the Federation for almost seven years.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e13: Aquiel, Picard



I was attacked.  I felt a hypospray.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e14: Face of the Enemy, Counsellor Troi as Romulan


You are part of Ambassador Spock’s underground movement.  ibid.



Welcome to the afterlife, Jean Luc.  You’re dead.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e15: Tapestry, Q


24,465.  Q: You’re dead.  This is the afterlife.  And I’m God.


Picard: You are not God!  ibid.



The Enterprise has arrived at station Deep Space Nine to assist in the reconstruction of the Cardassian aqueduct systems damaged during the Cardassian occupation.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s6e16: The Birthright I


We are not leaving here.  And neither are you.  ibid.  Klingon bloke to Worf