Douglas Adams - George Carlin - Tennessee Williams - Patrick Doyle - Frank Zappa - The Story of Stuff 2007 - Tonight TV -
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
That’s all your house is – a place to keep your stuff … While you go out and get – more stuff. George Carlin, Brain Droppings audio
8Now will you just open your eyes to this stuff here. Now I mean, what has she got this stuff out of teacher’s pay? ... Will you look at these fine feathers and furs that she comes to bring herself in here. What is this article? That’s a solid gold dress, I believe ... Now what is that? There’s a treasure chest of a pirate ... That’s pearls, Stella, ropes of ’em. What is your sister – a deep sea diver? Bracelets, solid gold. (to Stella) Where are your pearls and gold bracelets? ... And here you are. Diamonds. A crown for an empress ... Here’s your plantation, Stella, right here ... Well, the Kowalskis and the DuBois – there’s just a different notion on this. Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire, Stanley
There’s never enough of the stuff you can’t get enough of. Patrick H T Doyle
Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff. Frank Zappa
It’s called the materials economy. I looked into it a little more, in fact I spent ten years travelling the world tracking where our stuff comes from, and where it goes … It’s a system in crisis. The Story of Stuff, 2007
We are running out of resources. We are using too much stuff. ibid.
My country’s response to this limitation is simply to go take somebody else’s. ibid.
Toxics in, toxics out. ibid.
We have more stuff but less time for the things that make us happy. ibid.
Recycling will never be enough. ibid.
The big clearout – how to give unwanted items a new lease of life. The things charity shops don’t want. And whatever happened to make do and mend? … What do we do with all our unwanted stuff? Tonight: Keep, Chuck or Clean? The Big Clearout, ITV 2021
The big New Year clearout. What is the true cost of our clutter? The benefits of sorting out your old tech. And the forgotten skills that couold give your belongings a new lease of life. Tonight: Keep, Chuck or Cash? ITV 2025