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Tupac Shakur - E B White - Felix Dzerzinski - Carl Sagan - Horizon TV - Dirty Pretty Things 2002 - Andrew Marr TV - Survivors: Nature’s Indestructible Creatures TV - American Hustle 2013 - Carlitto’s Way - Friedrich Nietzsche - Elizabeth Taylor - Oscar Wilde - James Burke TV - Isabel Allende - The Survivalist 2015 - Noam Chomsky - Louis Theroux TV - In Search of History TV - 10 Cloverfield Lane 2017 - Stacey Dooley TV - Trailer Park Boys 2001-2018 - The UnXplained with William Shatner TV - Josephine Hart - Noam Chomsky - Alive in the Andes TV - Cannibals in the Andes TV - World in Action TV - Andes Plane Crash TV - Storyville: Stranded! The Andes Plane Crash Survivors TV -   




All I’m trying to do is survive and make good out of the dirty, nasty, unbelievable lifestyle that they gave me.  Tupac Shakur



I am pessimistic about the human race because it is too ingenious for its own good.  Our approach to nature is to beat it into submission.  We would stand a better chance of survival if we accommodated ourselves to this planet and viewed it appreciatively instead of sceptically and dictatorially.  E B White 



Man is of no importance.  Look at what happens when you starve him.  He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive.  Man is only interested in his own survival.  That is all that counts.  All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish.  Felix Dzerzinski, Polish aristocrat



Extinction is the rule.  Survival is the exception.  Carl Sagan, The Varieties of Scientific Experience



It seems high IQ in childhood is good for survival.  What Makes Us Clever? A Horizon Guide to Intelligence, BBC 2011



For you and I there is only survival.  Dirty Pretty Things 2002 starring Chiwetel Ejiofor & Audrey Tautou & Sergi Lopez & Sophie Okonedo & Benedict Wong & Damon Younger & Paul Bhattacharjee & Darrell D’Silva et al, director Stephen Frears, him to her



Survival of the fittest – Darwin’s adoption of those four words [viz Spencer] would have consequences for a hundred years.  He meant them as a description of the evolution of life on the planet over countless millennia.  But they were seized and turned into a prescription, scientific justification for political ideas, some of which were vile.  Charles Darwin was a naturalist.  But the would-be engineers of humanity were delighted by what he said, and they were waiting.  Andrew Marr, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, BBC 2009



Life on our planet has suffered a series of devastating mass extinction events.  These have killed off uncountable species, and even threatened to end life on Earth altogether.  Survivors: Natures Indestructible Creatures I: The Great Dying, Professor Richard Fortey, BBC 2013 


Is being a survivor a question of having some very special features or nothing more than pure chance?  ibid.


We are all the sons and daughters of catastrophe.  ibid.


The Greatest Extinction Event in the history of our planet: 250 million years ago.  ibid.



Then one day sixty-five million years ago this world came to a sudden end when a ten-kilometre-diameter asteroid collided with the Earth.  Survivors: Nature's Indestructible Creatures II: Fugitive from the Fire


Big brains would prove to be key to the evolution and success of mammals.  ibid.



2.8 million years ago, triggered by changes in the Earth’s orbit around the sun and shifts in its ocean currents, our world began to cool.  Survivors: Nature’s Indestructible Creatures III: Frozen in Time


One way to cope with the onset of freezing conditions is to go large.  ibid.


Another was to get woolly.  ibid.


Every survivor we have seen is just one small part of a vast and interconnected tree of life.  ibid.


A new era of man-made mass extinction.  ibid.



You have to find a way to survive.  And you knew your choices were bad.  I learned how to survive when I was a kid.  My father had a glass business.  I would rather be on the taking side than the getting taken side any day of the week.  American Hustle 2013 starring Christian Bale & Bradley Cooper & Amy Adams & Jeremy Renner & Jennifer Lawrence & C K Louis & Jack Huston & Michael Pena & Shea Whigham & Alessandro Nivola & Elisabeth Rohm & Paul Herman et al, director David O Russell, kid's commentary



You just do what you gotta do to survive.  Carlitto’s Way 1993 starring Al Pacino & Sean Penn & Penelope Ann Miller & John Leguizamo & Luis Gazman & Jorge Porcel & Ingrid Rogers & Ara Gelici & James Rebhorn & Joseph Siravo & Frank Minucci & Adrian Pasdar & Richard Foronjy et al, director Brian de Palma him to her



To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.  Friedrich Nietzsche



I’m a survivor – a living example of what people can go through and survive.  Elizabeth Taylor



One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation.  Oscar Wilde



What does survival without technology look like?  James Burke, Connections s1e1: The Trigger Effect, BBC 1979



We don’t even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward.  In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things.  The human capacity for survival and renewal is awesome.  Isabel Allende



Would you be able to spare some of your crop?  We can offer something in exchange.  The Survivalist 2015 starring Martin McCann & Mia Goth & Olwen Fouere & Andrew Simpson & Douglas Russell et al, director Stephen Fingleton



The rate of species destruction right now is about the level of sixty-five million years ago.  Noam Chomsky, lecture Durham University May 2014, ‘Will We Survive the 21st Century?


Polling studies that show that concern about global warming in the United States is well below the global norm.  ibid.  


While indigenous people are trying to avert the disaster, in sharp contrast the race to the cliff is led by the most advanced, educated, wealthy, privileged societies in the world.  ibid.



For the first time in human history we are facing realistic questions of species survival, at least in any decent form.  Noam Chomsky, lecture 7th June 2011, ‘The Evolving Global Order: Prospects and Opportunities



I was sitting in the world’s tiniest plane high above north-west America.  Peaceful as they look, these hills of Idaho and Montana are home to a strange sub-culture of right-wing patriots and survivalists.  Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends s1e4: Survivalists, BBC 1998


‘All hell is going to break loose.’  ibid.  Steve, survival activist


‘This is a Constitutional Covenant community.’  ibid.



Summer 1911: In a remote area of northern California an Indian in hiding for 40 years walks out of the Stone Age and into modern civilisation.  This intriguing survivor, the last of his tribe, will have a profound impact on all those who meet him.  In Search of History s3e11: Ishi, The Last of His Kind, History 2000 



Please!  Please don’t hurt me, OK.  Just let me go.  10 Cloverfield Lane 2017 starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead& John goodman& John Gallagher & Suzanne Cryer & Bradley Cooper et al, director Dan Trachtenberg


You’re lucky to be here at all … There’s nowhere to go, Michelle.  ibid.  Howard


I focused on being prepared.  And I was.  And here we are.  ibid.