Jewell Capsticks - Sky News TV - Christine Keeler - Harold Macmillan - Chris Everard - The Queen’s Lost Uncle TV - James Delingpole - William Congreve - Mandy Rice-Davies - Lord Chesterfield - Sex Lies and a Very British Scapegoat TV - Richard D Hall TV - Lord Byron - William Shakespeare - William Cowper - Stranger on a Train 1951 - Oscar Wilde - Panorama TV - Philippa Gregory TV - Named & Shamed: Greatest Celeb Scandals TV - No Way Out 1987 - A Very English Scandal TV - Tom Mangold: The Jeremy Thorpe Scandal TV - I Am Evidence TV - Counter-Intelligence 2013 - The Cover Up at Times Beach 2017 - Expenses: The Scandal That Changed Britain TV - The Royal Family: Scandals at the Palace TV - The Fifth Estate: The Rise and Fall of Mike Duffy TV - George Clarke’s Council House Scandal TV - The Warwick Uni Rape Chat Scandal TV - Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal TV - Dispatches TV - Climategate: Science of a Scandal TV - Prince Andrew & the Epstein Scandal TV - The Trial of Christine Keeler TV - Barrymore: The Body in the Pool TV - How to Fix a Drug Scandal TV - Keeler, Profumo, Ward & Me TV - Fergie & Andrew: The Duke & Duchess of Disaster TV - Allen v Farrow TV - Subnormal: A British Scandal TV - Rupert Murdoch: Battle with Britain TV - Altered Statesman: Ronald Reagan - The Princess & the Gangster 2011 - Storyville: Collective: Unravelling a Scandal TV - Levitt & Dubner: Feakonomics - Chasing Ghislaine TV - David Olusoga - Paul Foot - Boris Johnson - Father Ted TV - Adam Curtis TV - Frank Bough: National Treasure, National Disgrace TV - Edward & Mrs Simpson TV - Sandalous: Phone Hacking TV - Dispatches TV - Four Corners TV - The Ibiza Affair: Uncovered TV - Secret Lives: Jeremy Thorpe TV - A Very British Scandal TV - Panorama TV - Britain's Nuclear Bomb Scandal TV - The Michelle Mone Scandal: Where Did Our Money Go? TV - Tonight TV -
The Number One goal of every Bishop, and a part of the vows they take when they become Bishop, is to protect the Church from scandal. Protecting the church from scandal means documents, witnesses and victims are kept quiet and shuffled away. Jewell Casticks, SNAP, survivors’ network for victims of abuse
One of America’s biggest law-enforcement scandals for a generation. Operation Fast and Furious involved agents from the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms or ATF deliberately allowing guns to be smuggled from the United States to Mexico. Sky News 25th March 2016
However I dress it up, I was a spy and I am not proud of it. Christine Keeler
I was determined that no British government should be brought down by the action of two tarts. Harold Macmillan, re Profumo Affair
Prince Eddy was a regular visitor to the homosexual paedophile brothel in Cleveland Street, London. Aleister Crowley who claims to have been a member of the 1591 Studholme Masonic Lodge, and also a visitor to the Royal Alpha Lodge at Kensington Palace, was in possession of love letters between Price Eddy and a young boy at the brothel. This was a potential scandal for the heir to the throne. But the aristocracy supported the idea of paedophilia at the time ... In fact a much bigger scandal was soon to break when it was revealed that Prince Eddy had made a young girl called Annie Crook pregnant. Prince Eddy had secretly married her, even though he was forbidden to marry a Roman Catholic. Chris Everard, Illuminati III
At the height of the Second World War in August 1942 a very special passenger boarded a flying boat in northern Scotland. He was a high ranking member of the royal family whose outrageous private life had been a source of damaging rumour and scandal ... Minutes into the flight the aircraft crashed into a mountainside ... Prince George, black sheep of the House of Windsor. The Queen’s Lost Uncle, Channel 4 2003
A world of hard drugs and casual sex with both women and men. ibid.
Noel Coward ... It was to be the start of a passionate affair. ibid.
He began to leave a trail of compromising evidence in his wake. ibid.
He’d got himself a serious morphine addiction. ibid.
Edward dragged George back from his slide into oblivion. ibid.
He would, wouldn’t he? Mandy Rice-Davies, on hearing Lord Astor denied her allegation, re Profumo Affair
In scandal, as in robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773
In the summer of 1963, the year of the The Beatles’ first LP, the biggest scandal of the post-war years burst on to the front pages of Britain’s newspapers. John Profumo, the Secretary of State for War, and a married man, resigned after admitting that he’d had an affair with a nineteen-year-old model called Christine Keeler. It was the height of the Cold War. Sex, Lies and a Very British Scapegoat, ITV 2013
Stephen Ward ... he was the pivotal figure. ibid.
Whenever you see the word Scandal in the media replace it with the word Psy-Op. Richplanet TV: Scandal
Jimmy Savile Scandal/Psy-Op and Institutional Paedophilia: Savile was probably protected from prosecution. ibid.
‘Boys were being abused and MI5 was filming it … There’s been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades.’ ibid. Ken Livingstone interview
Elm Guest House Channel 4 News Report February 2013. ibid.
Dead scandals form good subjects for dissection. Lord Byron, Don Juan I:31
The mightier man, the mightier is the thing
What makes him honour’d, or begets him hate;
For greatest scandal waits on greatest state. William Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece l1,004
Assail’d by scandal and the tongue of strife,
His only answer was a blameless life;
And he that forged, and he that threw the dart,
Had each a brother’s interest in his heart. William Cowper, Hope l570
Daddy doesn’t mind a little scandal – he’s a senator. Stranger on a Train 1951 starring Farley Granger & Ruth Roman & Robert Walker & Leo G Carroll & Patricia Hitchcock & Laura Elliott & Marion Larone & Jonathan Hale & Howard St John & John Brown & Norma Vare & Robert Gist et al, director Alfred Hitchcock, sister of bird
Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan
The biggest scandal in world sport … Lord Coe’s presidency of world athletics is beset by questions. Panorama: Seb Coe and the Corruption Scandal, BBC 2016
We uncover Lord Coe’s links to the man at the centre of the corruption scandal. ibid.
A German documentary made here in Berlin exposed state-sponsored doping of Russian athletes. ibid.
Independent report: Corruption and Bribery at the highest level of the IAAF. ibid.
The scandal of child abuse in the Church of England: we investigate how senior clergy in one diocese failed to act. Abusers in church diocese who were able to evade justice for decades. We ask, did the church put its own interests before the needs of survivors? And in the wake of past scandals can we trust the church to do the right thing today? Panorama: Scandal in the Church of England, BBC 2019
It was called the Past Cases Review and it should have been a chance for the church to discover once and for all the scale of its abuse problem of the past … Right from the start there was a serious flaw: the Church of England decided not to speak to survivors of abuse. ibid.
We reveal how another five women want to call Prince Andrew as a witness to events in Jeffrey Epstein’s homes. We investigate the woman Prince Andrew still calls his friend. And we uncover new information about the photo at the heart of a royal scandal. Panorama: The Prince and the Epstein Scandal, BBC 2019
The Prince’s interview has been widely judged to have been disastrous. ibid.
Wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein was accused of sexual assault by more than 30 underage girls in 2006 … Earlier this year he was charged with sex trafficking. ibid.
There are pictures of him from the same period where he appears to be sweating. ibid.
Scandal in the City: We investigate the man who gambled billions and lost. The industry knew Neil Woodford was in trouble but no-one told investors. We also reveal how another money man was doing secret deals on the side. As hundreds of thousands count the cost of the Woodford scandal, we confront the man himself. Panorama: Can You Trust the Billion Pound Investors? Richard Bilton investigates, BBC 2019
That new wave of investors: those taking their own risks on the stock market. ibid.
Neil Woodford’s new fund has been a disaster. It’s lost billions. ibid.
Kent County Council tried and failed to take its money back: £260 million of pension cash. ibid.