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★ Starmer, Keir

Starmer, Keir: see Labour Party & Prime Minister & Politics & Ukraine

George Galloway TV - Alexie Sayle - Jeremy Corbyn - Mannie Quinn - Noam Chomsky - The Labour Files - Inside Story: The Labour Files - Keir Starmer -  




Britain's 40 serviceable tanks ... It's a dad's army they're really assembling there, and they're throwing money at Zelenskyy like it's going out of fashion ... Our old-age pensioners are freezing, 4 million of our children are hungry.  George Galloway, MOATS 426



I’ve always despised and hated the Labour Party.  It always seemed to me the Labour Party was actually designed to prevent socialism, was to syphon off the revolutionary instincts of the working class … I went all in on Jeremy Corbyn.  Alexei Sayle’ Podcast #1: Keir Starmer: Establishment Tool


The left of the Labour Party are … nice decent people and it was a privilege to meet them.  The right of the Labour Party on the other hand are some of the most fucking horrible people  vile, gruesome people … I’ve never met such awful people as those on the right of the Labour Party.  ibid.



What has happened in the Labour Party has been epochal and to see the purge that’s going on at the moment of left wing members is extraordinary.  The hypocrisy.  The lying.  The Alexei Sayle’ Podcast II: The Art of War, Youtube 30.35, 2020



He is aesthetically petty and dull.  A piece of hotel art made man.  I hate Keir Starmer.  I hate him ethically.  I hate the way that Starmer poses as an honest man then casually breaks every pledge he made to the Labour membership before they elected him as leader.  Alexei Sayle, from poem I Hate Keir Starmer, 2022   



The search for antisemitism in Labour is the WMD of our age.  The same emotion v rational debate and the same fucking people do it.  Anti-racists accused of being racist … there is no greater ridiculousness.  Alexei Sayle 



The Labour Party is full of contradictions ... The parliamentary party became the vehicle for electing the leader, and there was for ever after that a tension between party members, unions and the parliamentary party.  And that tension is there today.  Jeremy Corbyn, Alexei Sayle’ Podcast: More Hope Please with Jeremy Corbyn, Youtube 1.28.06, 2021



Keir Sarmer: This putrefying sack of toxic Blairite jizz, felched from the rancid arsehole of Zionism.  Mannie Quinn, tweet 13th November 2024



He’s [Keir Starmer] returning the Labour Party to a party that’s reliably obedient to power, that will be Thatcher-like in the style of Tony Blair and that won’t ruffle the feathers of either the US or anyone who’s important in Britain.  Noam Chomsky



An 800-page report showing how the parliamentary Labour Party  the Blairite New Labour Party  pulled out all the stops to try to prevent Corbyn from winning.  They were even willing to lose elections.  Noam Chomsky, interview, Youtube 0.54



There are people who think that Keir Starmer has all sorts of fine plans for social reform and so on.  I don’t see any evidence of it.  All he’s been doing so far is purifying Labour Party of any militant activist elements.  Noam Chomsky, interview Joe Politics, Youtube 46.56 2023


Jeremy Corbyn is a very decent person.  Tried to create a Labour Party that would be a participatory party not just run by elites and parliament … That set off alarm bell with the whole establishment.  We can’t allow this … The establishment attack on Corbyn was impressive, concocting all kinds of tales about anti-semitism.  ibid.      



‘So I’d had a series of threatening phone calls, caller’s number withheld.  And they were threatening to come to my house.’  The Labour Files I ***** The Crisis, victim, Al Jazeera Investigates 2022


Al Jazeera has obtained the largest leak of documents in British political history.  Hundreds of thousands of internal communications exposed how operatives secretly take control of Britain’s Labour party.  ibid.   


‘The Labour Party is a criminal conspiracy.’  ibid.  


They tell the inside story of how Sir Keir Starmer, who could be Britain’s next prime minister, leads a lawless party.  ibid.


Starmer’s predecessor was undermined by a smear campaign from within.  ibid.  


A hierarchy of racism exists under Starmer’s leadership.  ibid.


Truth was subverted and reality was turned on its head.  ibid.


Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party was accused of Anti-Semitism.  The Labour Files reveals they were the victims of distortion.  ibid.  


Panorama … broadcasts a damning film.  ibid.  


Hundreds of party activists are suspended and expelled on the bases of evidence in these files, consists mostly of social media posts.  ibid.  


The most horrific assault on Gaza.  The place was devastated.  It was bombed to smithereens.  ibid.  Ghada Karmi  


You can’t cover your crimes with claims of Anti-Semitism.  ibid.  dude 


Criticism of the Labour Party mounts.  But not all British Jews opposed the Labour leader.  ibid.  


Jewish Voice for Labour is supported by Palestinians in the party who believe they are the victims of racism.  ibid.


Palestinians voices are silenced almost completely.  ibid.   


‘Anti-Semitism was going to be used as a tool under the new leadership to essentially strike out as many left-wing members as possible.’  ibid.


Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Parliamentary Labour Party November 2020.  ibid.  



Confidential documents expose tactics to discredit and expel rivals in the party.   The Labour Files II: The Purge


They don’t care about the truth.  They want control.  ibid.  critic of Labour Party right wing conspiracy


The files tell of story of how the hopes of many new party supporters are crushed.  How party politicians and bureaucrats used the media to destroy a movement that sought to change British society.  ibid. 


The story of what happened to Corbyn when he is elected years earlier he has no control over the party’s bureaucracy.  ibid.  


The Party headquarters is at a central London building called Southside.  ibid.    


It becomes known as the Chicken Coup ... The Labour MP for Wallasey is Angela Eagle.  ibid.


Corbyn’s deputy, Tom Watson, secretly a critic.  ibid.


Angela Eagle colluded with party bureaucrats in Labour’s London headquarters.  ibid.  


‘The suspensions were done in a draconian and secretive way which owed more to the style of the KGB than the Labour Party’.  ibid.  report  


The Labour Files revealed how Keir Starmer’s enforcers take control of the selection of the party’s candidates.  ibid.   


Former leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is one of the latest victims of the purge against the left of the party.  ibid.  


The Labour Party is a criminal conspiracy against its members.  ibid.  dude  



Labour spends more time expelling and disciplining each other rather than getting on with being good politicians.  The Labour Files: The Spying Game