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★ Scandal

More than 300,000 investors have their money trapped.  ibid.


Some fund managers seem to be able to do as they please.  ibid. 


Another fund manager breaking rules designed to protect investors: his name is Mark Denning.  He’s worked at one of the biggest investment companies in the world for 36 years: Capital Group manages almost $2 trillion of assets …  ibid. 



How did it go from this [gold medal Olympics] to this: ‘I haven’t done anything, but my name is getting dragged through the mud.’  Tonight: the downfall of Alberto Salazar who coached Sir Mo Farah to glory.  A coach that wanted to win at all costs.  We reveal new evidence about Salazar, and fresh questions about Salazar’s relationship with Britain’s greatest ever track athlete.  Panorama: Mo Farah & The Salazar Scandal, BBC 2020


Alberto Salazar’s fall from grace has been spectacular.  His career-long relationship with Nike began as a high profile runner in the 80s.  He was famed for pushing himself harder than any of his rivals.  ibid.  


Under Salazar he [Farah] was unbeatable.  The London 2012 Olympics were Alberto’s Salazar’s crowning moment as his athletes took gold and silver.  ibid.


USADA investigator: So you received L-carnitine before the London marathon?


Farah: Yeah.  ibid.



Shocking new evidence about a national scandal: we reveal how the Post Office ruined hundreds of lives.  The Post Office knew its computer system could make money go missing but they accused staff of stealing anyway.  And postmasters were jailed because bosses kept the truth from coming out.  Panorama: Scandal at the Post Office, BBC 2022 


One of biggest miscarriages of justice in British history: the Post Office prosecuted hundreds of postmasters over missing money.  ibid.


557 Postmasters took the Post Office to court … The Postmasters were proved right.  ibid.


‘It amounts to the 21st century equivalent of maintaining that the Earth is flat.’  ibid.  Bates v Post Office



‘It just never occurred to me that I would be going in with a healthy baby and she would end up fighting for her life.’  Panorama: Maternity Scandal: Fighting for the Truth, mother, BBC 2022


It’s one of the biggest scandals in the history of the NHS.  Babies who should have been perfectly healthy suffered permanent harm or died.  Failure after failure over two decades … and the families forced to fight to uncover the truth.  ibid.


What happened at Morecambe Bay should have led to improvements of maternity services across the UK.  Poor care had contributed to the deaths of eleven babies and a mother at Furness General Hospital.  An enquiry in 2015 found a dysfunctional maternity unit and heard about an overemphasis on normal birth at any cost.  ibid.



1471: A new England is being forged in the fire of civil war.  Philippa Gregory, The Real White Queen and Her Rivals II, BBC 2013


They are the founders of our nation just as much as their more-famous men.  ibid.


‘She [Margaret] plays the game of divided loyalties very effectively.  She’s protected by her Yorkish husbands and is at the same time covertly working for her Lancastrian son.  But King Edward’s victory was a disaster for her.  Forcing her son Henry Tudor to flee into exile in France.’  ibid.  Lisa Hilton


The York dynasty had an extraordinary capacity for self-destruction.  And its downfall would begin with Anne Neville.  ibid.  


It looks as though Elizabeth had no option but to release her child into the hands of her enemies … I think she handed over a servant boy muffled up in a scarf.  ibid.


The two boys in the Tower were never seen again.  ibid.  


July 6th 1483 in Westminster Abbey Richard had himself crowned King of England.  At his side his wife Anne.  Queen at last.  ibid.  


They were all using each other.  ibid.


If Richard didn’t kill them, then who did?  The other person with a clear motive was Elizabeth Beaufort.  ibid.  


The rumours were truly scandalous: that Richard was courting his niece the princess under the very nose of his wife.  ibid.


Elizabeth Woodville gave her daughter in marriage to the family that may have killed her sons.  ibid.


It was Margaret Beaufort who shaped the Tudor dynasty.  ibid.



Oh, celebrities, when will you ever learn how to behave?  Surely they must know by now that they cannot get away with anything?  These are the shocking stories of sex, drugs, and dry-cleaning.  From presidents to posh-boys whether you’re Hollywood royalty or actual royalty, tonight we’re looking back at some of the most shocking scandals from the last four decades.  Named & Shamed: Greatest Celeb Scandals, Channel 5 2017


Hugh Grant: In 1995 Hugh’s reputation took a bit of a blow when he was arrested for lewd conduct in a public place.  ibid.


Cheryl (Cole) was just plain Cheryl Tweedy and a bust-up in the bogs resulted in a shameful trip to court: 2002.  ibid.


Ryan Giggs: tried to keep his shenanigans a secret.  ibid.


Her Majesty: Squidgygate, Camillagate, all of the children’s marriages went up in smoke as did Windsor castle … A taxing year indeed.  ibid.


Kate Moss: It was all about the nose for our next celeb.  ibid.


In 1985 the papers revealed Grantham’s dirty past: he’d served time in prison for murdering a German taxi driver.  ibid.


Frank Bough: In 1988 Frank’s career came crashing down as he was caught in a compromising position … ‘I took drugs with vice girls’ … ‘He got caught again.’  ibid.


Prince Charles 1992: the shocking transcript … Tampongate.  ibid.


Justin Bieber: ‘He grew up to be a brat.’  ibid.  


Angus Deayton: Caught in a tabloid sting fraternising with a vice girl in a hotel and taking cocaine.  ibid.


Rebecca Loos: David Beckham’s PA in Madrid.  ibid.


Bill Clinton: No-one can resist fiddling with the help … The whole thing left a bad taste in the mouth.  ibid.



Do you realise the magnitude of this scandal: the Secretary of Defense and a Soviet agent sharing the favours of a murdered whore?  No Way Out 1987 starring Kevin Costner & Gene Hackman & Will Patton & Sean Young & George Dzundza & Howard Duff & Jason Bernard & Fred Dalton Thompson & Iman & Michael Shillo et al, director Roger Donaldson, sidekick



It’s hardly a great surprise now, is it?  A Very English Scandal, Thorpe at lunch, opening scene, BBC 2018


At last, someone to protect me from myself.  ibid.


When I first met him, he was very heaven.  ibid.


The heterosexual man is so relentless in his attack.  ibid.  peer to MP


There’s only one thing we can do.  Kill him.  ibid.  Thorpe



Is he dead?  A Very English Scandal e2, Thorpe


Who knows where time and tide will take us.  ibid.   


I think I’ve been cursed.  ibid.  Scott


I was Jeremy Thorpe’s lover.  ibid.  scandal hits headlines



No-one would hang a cat on his word.  A Very English Scandal e3, News of the World


I Was Hired To Kill Scott.  ibid.  Evening News headline


Why were they Welsh?  ibid.  Mrs Thorpe


Former MP Peter Bessell gave a devastating testimony.  ibid.  television news  


But with Norman Scott it went on for years.  ibid.  Thorpe’s QC



In 1979 Panorama and BBC television spent months investigating the background to the sensational trial of former Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe for a special programme … The programme was halted on legal grounds.  Tom Mangold, The Jeremy Thorpe Scandal, 1979 & 2018


Today there’s a strong and widespread view that the Thorpe verdict was a miscarriage of justice.  ibid.  


He left with only a Third in Law.  ibid.  


A side of his character that was to remain hidden from the electorate to the bitter end.  ibid.  


Just six months after the Bunnies letter the relationship between both men had clearly begun to cool.  ibid. 



Every two minutes in the United States someone is sexually assaulted.  I Am Evidence, caption, Sky Atlantic 2018


Really stunning news today about the number of rape cases police have never even tried to solve, not even opening the rape kits.  ibid.  television news