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★ Scandal

It’s estimated that as many as 400,000 rape kits nationwide …  ibid.


They have not been testing these kits for decades … We’re talking about poor black women.  ibid.  expert



They called it Iran/Contra.  For many Americans it provided their first peak behind the curtain of the National Security State.  Others were old enough to remember similar scandals.  Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations s1e2: The Deep State, 2017 



When I was a little girl I remember driving on I-44 with my mom past the desolate remains of what used to be Times Beach.  The street sat empty save for the dark windowless husks of decaying abandoned houses.  And she would always tell me the story about how that was where everyone had to be evacuated because of toxic waste contamination.  The Cover Up at Times Beach, Truthstream Media 2017  


The by-product of Agent Orange was manufactured … Times beach was disincorporated, evacuated and quarantined save for one elderly couple who refused to leave.  ibid.    


The largest civilian dioxin exposure in US history.  ibid.    


A suspected dioxin dump site.  ibid.    


Bliss [haulage company] subsequently testified came from a Monsanto research lab.  ibid.    


They [resident family] didn’t just lose their house … They had been exposed to all these harmful chemicals and hazardous toxic waste.   ibid.      


The discovery of PCBs in the town.  ibid.  


‘Every member of my family was ill with something different.’  ibid.  resident  


Russell Bliss [haulage] was never convicted of any crime.  ibid.    


In the 1982 the DOJ … withheld documents from a Congressional investigation on the Times Beach clean-up … They cite executive privilege.  ibid.  



Mistrust that may just have its roots in a chapter one decade ago: MPs accused of being on the take when a national newspaper blew the lid on their expenses system, in a country still reeling from a financial crisis.  Expenses: The Scandal that Changed Britain, BBC 2019


How much did those events rewrite the relationship between parliamentarians and the public?  How much did it redirect the whole course of British politics?  ibid.


The job of redaction took place in secret.  ibid.


‘From porn films to bath plugs’ … ‘chandeliers, horse manure, swimming pools, housekeepers’ … ‘It’s a classic smear this’ [Mandelson].  ibid.    


The moat belonged to Douglas Hogg; the expense was for cleaning it.  (Parliament & Politics & House of Commons & House of Lords & Houses of Parliament & Scandal)  ibid.    


Another kind of second home: a duck house.  ibid.    


Five Labour MPs and Two Conservative Peers who were eventually jailed.  ibid.  



When they fall from grace it’s front page news whether it’s what they are saying, how they are behaving, or who they fall in love with.  The Royal Family: Scandals at the Palace, Channel 5 2019    


No scandal caused as much damage to the House of Windsor as the day Princess Diana decided to reveal all about the state of her royal marriage.  ibid.


Now that Charles’s affair with Camilla was public knowledge, Diana was determined to use the media to hit back again.  ibid.  


In his younger days Edward attracted his fair share of headlines; like Diana he courted the media with sometimes disastrous results.  ibid.


The threat of scandal forced Princess Margaret to abandon her plans to marry.  ibid.  


Harry the Nazi: half a century later tales of a tearaway prince would create more shocking headlines in the tabloid press.  ibid.


The Harry Rehab story caused a stir.  ibid.


The press brought up old stories about the Nazi connection of Edward VIII, the Queen’s uncle.  ibid.    


Prince Philip has been known to offend his hosts.  And that’s led to a string of scandals and a huge array of headlines.  ibid.


A number of scandals involving their personal security.  ibid.  



Mike Duffy never ran for public office but became as famous of the politicians he reported on.  He was born to smooze and it took him to the top of his profession in radio and TV.  It was fun and it was funny when it was just a joke but beneath the joking lurked a secret dream.  An appointment to the senate made the private lifestyle of the bon vivant public business.  And a $90,000 cover-up has turned the newsman into news.  The Fifth Estate: The Rise and Fall of Mike Duffy, CBC 2014


An audit that would eventually flag four senators: Harb, Brazeau, Wallin, Duffy for dubious expenses.  ibid.  



A hundred years ago today the Addison Act was passed: it kickstarted council housing as we know it.  But now it’s in crisis.  We now have four million fewer council houses than we used to.  George Clarke’s Council House Scandal, Channel 4 2019


This housing nightmare has to be fixed.  ibid.  


Everyone should have the option of being able to live in a decent quality house of rent.  ibid.  


A crisis caused by lack of investment over decades.  ibid.


In Britain there are over one million people on the waiting list.  ibid.


The Addison Act financed construction of a quarter of a million homes over three years.  ibid.


There’s no grand vision … We can do it.  ibid.


Over 100,000 children living in temporary accommodation.  ibid.


The last time we built council housing at scale was the sixties and early seventies.  ibid.


The so-called accommodation units that put our country to shame.  ibid.



Sometimes it’s fun to just go wild and rape a hundred girls.  The Warwick Uni Rape Chat Scandal, BBC 2019, social media 


Which girl at Uni would you like to pin down the most?  ibid.


The pure unadulterated misogyny that runs through that I would never class as banter.  ibid.  Dianne Whitfield, Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre


11 Warwick students temporarily suspended after group chat exposed.  ibid.  The Boar 8th May 2019, Warwick Uni newspaper



Eugenics is the controversial idea that we can improve the quality of the human race by selecting who can and who can’t reproduce.  For more than a century Eugenics led innocent people: the disabled, the poor, the non-white, to be segregated, even sterilised, in the name of Science.  It was a formative influence on Adolf Hitler and a driving force for the Nazi death camps.  Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal I, BBC 2019


Eugenics was in fact invented and promoted within the British establishment.  ibid.


Eugenicists ruined people’s lives.  ibid.


‘[Francis] Galton thinks if we can do that to dogs and pigeons and horses, what can we do to ourselves?’  ibid.  Professor Radick


Galton set up a laboratory to measure the physical differences between thousands of people.  ibid.    


Winston Churchill who became Home Secretary in 1910 was an influential advocate of eugenics.  ibid.  


So-called feeble-minded families were removed from the national gene pool.  ibid.  


There’s another side to the [Marie] Stopes [contraceptive] scandal.  ibid.  


Eugenics would achieve part of the Nazi vision.  ibid.         


The murderous consequences of 20th century race science.  ibid.         



Do medical breakthroughs combined with prejudice against disabled people mean we’re on the verge of a new era of eugenics?  Could we be heading for a society where anyone not considered perfect will be prevented from being born?  Eugenics: Science’s Greatest Scandal II  


The burden of sterilisation fell heavily on India’s poor echoing the history of eugenics.  ibid.    


Scientists have had some limited success editing genes in mice … Gene editing has huge potential.  ibid.  


The phrase Problem Families was used by the Eugenics Society in the 1950s … In 2006 Tony Blair said problem families were a menace to society.  ibid.


Scientists have had some limited success editing genes in mice … Gene editing has huge potential.  ibid.    


This false narrative of perfection.  ibid.