Stacey: Oh my God! I mean realistically how long do you think you could stay down here?
Survivalist: I’ve never realistically looked at it. Stacey Dooley Investigates: Face to Face with Armageddon, BBC 2018
Should we all be making plans for the end of the world? ibid.
‘If it’s between us and our neighbours, I’ll have to.’ ibid. survivalist with guns
Hidden away in the middle of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains lives a family of preppers who for the past decade have isolated themselves from mainstream society. They believe it’s the only way to ensure their survival when disaster strikes. ibid.
North Philadelphia: ‘I like to get away from the real world as much as I can.’ Storyville: Quest: Surviving in America, BBC 2018
‘I love north Philly. This is the neighbourhood we’ve living in all our lives … North Philly is definitely a tough neighbourhood … You see people getting shot right in front of you.’ ibid.
They’re [Jacob et al] just too fucking stupid to survive. Trailer Park Boys s7e6: We Can’t Call People Without Wings Angels So We Call Them Friends, Ricky
Horrific plane crashes far from civilisation, failing parachutes sending skydivers plummeting to the ground, and freezing temperatures that no-one should be able to survive. How do some people live through the impossible? The Unexplained with William Shatner s1e8, History 2021
Against the odds, the two men survive a fall of nearly three miles … a miraculous recovery. ibid.
I Survived Skydiving After My Parachute Failed: Brad Guy jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet and hit the ground at 50 mph. ibid. online article Patrick Heardman 30 January 2018
Deadly falls from incredible heights. Lightning strikes packed with devastating power. And lethal brain injuries that should be certain death. How are some people able to beat the odds and survive the impossible? Is it blind luck? The UnXplained with William Shatner s3e17: Surviving the Impossible, History 2022
How I Survived Hiroshima – and then Nagasaki: Tsutomu Tamagucki. ibid. newspaper article
Are some people destined to cheat death? ibid.
Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive. Josephine Hart, Damage, 1991
There are two problems for our species’ survival – nuclear war and environmental catastrophe – and we’re hurtling towards them. Knowingly. Noam Chomsky
On 13th October 1972 a Uruguayan rugby team is travelling from Montevideo to Santiago in Chile for a tournament. On the way the plane hits turbulence, and the pilots stray off course ... Thirty-two of the forty-five passengers and crew survive the crash ... No-one knows where the plane has crashed. They are surrounded by mountains with little food or drink. And at an altitude of four thousand metres the temperature is below freezing. To survive, a group of young men will be forced to break the most sacred of human taboos. It will become one of the most remarkable and terrifying survival stories of the twentieth century. Alive in the Andes
At first not all the survivors will eat human flesh. Eventually they all do. The flesh provides enough protein to keep them alive. ibid.
The avalanche buries most of the survivors ... Eight people die in the avalanche. ibid.
Day 69: it’s been nine days since Nando and Roberto left the crash site. A few hours later they get the first real proof they have returned to the land of the living. ibid.
On 22nd December there is a Christmas surprise for those who survived 72 days in the Andes. ibid.
What if the unthinkable happens would it be like in your corner of Britain? … Would there be many survivors? … The Home Office may have been getting their figures drastically wrong. World in Action: After Doomsday, ITV 1993
In 1972, 45 people boarded a flight from Uruguay to Chile. Only 16 would return having made one of the most incredible decisions of their lives. To eat or starve to death. The decision would live with them forever. Andes Plane Crash: Escape & Rescue I, captions, Channel 5 2024
I said I don’t want to wait here. I want to go back to my father. I want to go back to my life. ibid. survivor
40 passengers and five crew. ibid.
And the horrid sound of the impact. Instantly everything went black. ibid.
It is believed the accident was caused by pilot error. 12 people died in the crash. 5 more died in the first 24 hours. ibid. captions
We put all the dead together. We covered them with snow as a kind of burial. Then we waited for rescue. ibid. survivor
And I know that everyone is thinking the same thing. ibid.
In 1972, the survivors of a plane crash were stranded in the Andes Mountains. With freezing temperatures and no food, they faced an extraordinary battle to survive. Andes Plane Crash: Escape & Rescue II, captions
And then comes the infamous radio announcement that they had carried out the search. ibid. survivor
Avalanche: We were there three days – three days covered in snow. ibid.
We tried to light a cigarette. We couldn’t make fire. ibid.
If we don’t do something now, we’ll suffocate like rats. ibid.
We organised the first expedition … They were really very scared. ibid.
It was the only way to stay alive. To fight against death. Andes Plane Crash: Escape & Rescue III, survivor
For seven days we walked on snow and ice … We were dying. We were dying. ibid.
We found a river. And we remembered what we learned in school, in geography … Let’s follow this river … We saw a cow … The man on the horse stops and looks at me and Jesus, maybe I can live. Maybe I can survive. ibid.
We came back from another world. ibid.
[Nando]: I think it was Roberto or Gustavo’s face. Diego was there too on the periphery. There are voices were saying, ‘Nando, can you hear me?’ Storyville: Stranded! The Andes Plane Crash Survivors aka Cannibals in the A, BBC 2008
The impact had broken up the plane. How arbitary it was! Why had some people been destroyed while others had escaped with just a black eye? ibid. survivor
We had to do things I don’t think any animal is capable of, like eating its own species. And we had to debase ourselves as far as any human being is capable of. ibid.
The thoughtlessness of 19-year-olds on their first flight! ibid.
We could see the mountains rushing past us as we fell. ibid.
Instead of a final crash at the end the plane comes to a stop. ibid.
The joy of being alive was greater than any suffering. ibid.
When the plane suddenly came to a stop on the glacier, my folks smashed into the seat and died there. ibid.
After four days, I knew we were doomed. ibid.
I remember we were exhausted and dizzy from the lack of food. You felt nauseous. ibid.
Now it was a matter of life or death. Death was lying still and watching everyone gradually fading away. ibid.
And once you’ve done it, and you’re on the other side. ibid
I’d gone through the barrier of normality and I was ready to give my life. ibid.
Eight died in the avalanche. ibid.
I had a reaction against this God. I just couldn’t understand how He could have killed all of them. ibid.
The group had to be united or we would never win out. ibid.
We would show ourselves to the world in all our nakedness. ibid.
North Philadelphia: ‘I like to get away from the real world as much as I can.’ Storyville: Quest: Surviving in America, BBC 2018
‘I love north Philly. This is the neighbourhood we’ve living in all our lives … North Philly is definitely a tough neighbourhood … You see people getting shot right in front of you.’ ibid.