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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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★ Star Trek: The Next Generation

The honour is to serve.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e21: Peak Performance, Worf to Riker


Some of our greatest advances have come from analysing failure.  ibid.  Troi to Data


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose.  That is not a weakness; that is life.  ibid.  Picard to Data



Commander Riker has become infected by an unidentified microbe.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s2e22: Shades of Gray, Picard’s log


What’s a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin-joint like this?  ibid.  Riker to bird



He’s becoming a very fine officer ... He’s his father’s son.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e1: Evolution, Picard to Dr Crusher, of Wesley


You will never come up against a greater adversary than your own potential.  ibid.  Doctor Stubbs



According to my fellow performers I lack soul.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e2: The Ensigns of Command, Data



Who would cause devastation on that order?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e3: The Survivors, Riker on bridge



Our mission is to re-supply the outpost and prepare their malfunctioning reactor.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e4: Who Watches the Watchers?


The Mintarkans are beginning to believe in a god; the one they have chosen is you.  ibid.  Riker to Picard


We are just as mortal as you are; we’re just as powerless to prevent the inevitable.  ibid.  Picard to alien bird


That’s the problem with believing in a supernatural being: trying to determine what He wants.  ibid.  Troi as alien



Maybe if we felt any human loss as keenly as we feel one of those close to us, human history would be far less bloody.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e5: The Bonding, Riker



That ship belongs in a museum.  I’m afraid we’re a little late – that call for help was probably initiated over a thousand years ago.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e6: Booby Trap, Picard surveys wreckage



One of our ships had a slight navigational error.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e7: The Enemy, Romulan commander


I want him off all the drugs.  ibid.  Doctor Crusher


What if some day the Federation made peace with the Romulans?  ibid.  Riker to Worf



There it is, ladies and gentlemen: the first and only stable wormhole known to exist.  It’s yours – for the right price.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e8: The Price, alien woman


Something very strange is happening to this wormhole.  ibid.  Data



The nomadic marauders who refer to themselves as the Gatherers have raided other outposts in neighbouring sectors.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e9: The Vengeance Factor, Data



We have no great cause to desire the approach of day.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e10: The Defector, bloke with axe


Data, you’re here to learn about the human condition and there is no better way of doing that than by embracing Shakespeare.  ibid.  Picard



A matter of internal security: the age-old cry of the oppressor.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e11: The Hunted, Picard



We transport through a dimensional shift that the routines sensors can’t trace.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e12: The High Ground, rebel to Dr Crusher



I’m no longer a member of the Continuum.  My superiors have decided to punish me.  They say I’ve spread chaos through the universe.  And they’ve stripped me of all my powers.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e13: Deja Q, Q on board


I stand before you de-frocked.  ibid.


Q: What must I do to convince you people?


Worf: Die.  ibid.


As a human I would have died of boredom.  ibid.  Q


I was only trying to put a quick end to a miserable existence.  ibid.


Perhaps there is a residue of humanity in Q after all.  ibid.  Picard



Lieutenant Wright has effectively fused the incongruities of the surrealists with the irrationality of Dadaism.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e14: A Matter of Perspective, Data



Earth females are too fragile.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e15: Yesterday’s Enterprise, Worf


The phenomenon we have just encountered would be a temporal rift in space – possibly the formation of a curl-loop from super-string material.  ibid.  Data



I have invited you here to meet someone.  This is Lal ... This is my child.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e16: The Offspring, Data



Morg was loyal to the emperor.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e17: Sins of the Father, Worf’s nurse


The judgment stands.  You will be condemned.  ibid.  Judge



All I know is I’ve been brought here against my will.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e18: Allegiance, Picard


What makes our captors choose us?  What makes us special?  ibid.  Picard in captivity



Welcome to Raisa.  All that is ours is yours.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e19: Captain’s Holiday, Raisian computer to aliens


Our captain needs a vacation.  ibid.  Troi to Riker



It’s energy source is unknown ... They are sure it’s alive.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e20: Tin Man, guest on board


Tin Man is a living being which has been bred or has adapted itself to serve a purpose.  ibid.  Data to guest on board


Must living beings have a purpose?  Or do we exist for no reason but to exist?  ibid.  guest on board to Data



I don’t want any trouble here, Barclay.  Because wherever you go, trouble follows.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e21: Hollow Pursuits, holodeck Guigan


I look forward to your report, Mr Broccoli.  ibid.  Picard to Barclay



What am I doing here?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e22: The Most Toys, Data kidnapped


You have been brought here for my enjoyment and entertainment.  ibid.  alien on planet



I require solitude.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e23: Sarek, ambassador to wife



I find her [Troi] exotic.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e24: Manage a Troi, Ferengi to Ferengi


I am not for sale.  ibid.  Troi to Ferengi



It is the scent that first speaks of love.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e25: Transfigurations, Worf to Geordi



It is the Borg.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e26: The Best of Both Worlds I, Ms Shelby to Riker


You will lower your shields and prepare to transport yourself aboard our vessel.  If you do not cooperate, we will destroy your ship.  ibid.  Borg to Picard


Strength is irrelevant.  Resistance is futile.  We wish to improve ourselves.  We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.  Your culture will adapt to service ours.  ibid.  Borg 


Wolf 359 – we’ll make our stand there.  ibid.  Admiral


I am Locutus of Borg.  Resistance is futile.  Your life as it has been is over.  From this time forward you will service us.  ibid.  Picard/Borg 


Mr Worf, fire.  ibid.  Riker



He [Picard] is a casualty of war ... A great man has been lost.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e1: The Best of Both Worlds II, Admiral


The Borg have neither honour nor courage.  ibid.  Worf


We might be able to introduce a destructive breed of nanites into the Borg.  ibid.  Dr Crusher


We only wish to raise quality of life for all species.  ibid.  Borgie Picard to Worf