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Star Trek: The Next Generation
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★ Star Trek: The Next Generation

I’m looking forward to meeting your parents.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e2: Family, Riker to Worf



This has gone far enough, Data.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e3: Brothers, Riker


It is really you.  ibid.  Data to father



I’ve never been particularly comfortable around children.  Star Trek: The Next Generations s4e4: Suddenly Human, Picard



If there's nothing wrong with me ... maybe there's something wrong with the universe.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e5: Remember Me, Dr Crusher


We will start with the assumption that I am not crazy.  ibid.



I suspect conspiracy.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e6: Legacy, Worf playing poker with Data & Riker & Troi


Without trust there is no friendship.  No closeness.  None of the emotional bonds that make us who we are.  ibid.  Riker to Data



We have a conspiracy on our hands that could be a direct threat to the security of the Federation.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e7: Reunion, Riker



It appears we are being probed, sir.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e8: Future Imperfect, Data to Picard


To lose sixteen years is almost beyond belief.  ibid.  Picard to Riker



You opened up to me.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e9: Final Mission, Wesley to Picard 



We’re still being pulled.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e10: The Loss, bird on bridge


No.  There’s nothing.  Nothing.  I sense nothing.  No, you don’t understand.  I don’t sense anything.  Not out there.  Not in here.  All of you  you’re all blank to me.  ibid.  Troi 


It appears to be a cosmic string fragment.  Only one hundred and seven kilometres long.  Two dimensional beings seem to be caught in the gravitational power of the string.  ibid.  Data



Data, I’ve decided not to go through with it.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e11: Data’s Day, Keiko



I’ve served with the two finest captains in Star Fleet.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e12: The Wounded, Chief


Take this message to your leaders, Gul Maset: we’ll be watching.  ibid.  Picard to the later Gul Dukat



In the hands of a con artist, fear can be used to motivate obedience, capitulation, the exploitation of innocent people – and that is what I believe has happened here and I intend to prove that.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e13: Devil’s Due, Data to ghost on holodeck



Where is the money he was talking about?  It’s a mystery.  Now we have to go search for clues.  That’s fun.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e14: Clues, Picard


I have never known Data to tell a lie.  Yet.  ibid.  Picard



Riker: Will you help me?


Nurse: If you make love to me.  I’ve always wanted to make love to an alien.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e15: First Contact


There is no star-ship mission more dangerous than that of first contact.  ibid.  Picard



I believe it is dead, sir.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e16: Galaxy’s Child, Data



We may have located the USS Brattain.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e17: Night Terrors, Picard’s log


They seemed to turn against each other.  ibid.  Dr Crusher to Picard



Geordi and I are the only two left.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e18: Identity Crisis, female officer to Picard, Riker and Geordi


I think they were transformed into another species.  ibid.  Dr Crusher


Some sort of parasite.  ibid.


It’s not a parasite, doctor.  It was their method of reproduction.  To plant a DNA strand in a living host that causes metamorphosis.  ibid.



I perceive the entire universe as a single equation and its so simple.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e19: The Nth Degree, Reginald Barclay



Nice legs – for a human.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e20: Qpid, Worf


How about a big hug?  ibid.  Q to Picard


I protest!  I am not a merry man!  ibid.  Worf



You have a bigger problem on your ship that just one Klingon exchange officer.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e21: The Drumhead, Admiral to Captain


I’m going to get to the heart of this conspiracy.  ibid.  Admiral to Picard


Spreading fear in the name of righteousness.  Vigilance, Mr Worf.  ibid.  Picard



Troi: We raise them, we care for them, we suffer for them, we keep them from harm their whole lives.  Now eventually, it’s their turn to take care of us.


Timicin: No parent should expect to be paid back for the love they have given their children.


Troi: Well, why the hell not?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e22: Half a Life, Dianna Troi


The prime directive forbids us to interfere with the social order of any planet.  ibid.  Picard  


That’s your directive: not mine.  ibid.  Roxanna



24,390.  The first man I ever loved unconditionally was named Stephan.  He was a soccer player.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e23: The Host, Dr Crusher to Troi



I am en route to the planet Raisa.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e24: The Mind’s Eye, Geordi



I’d be delighted to offer any advice I have on understanding women.  When I have some, I’ll let you know.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e25: In Theory, Picard



I have grown weary of bearing this dishonour.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e26: Redemption, Worf to Picard


I am not a traitor.  ibid.  Worf to Gowron


Humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them.  ibid.  Klingon bird 



She [Tasha] was sent there by you from the future.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e1: Redemption II, Tasha’s daughter


Doubts?  I’m full of them.  ibid.  Picard



With fist closed?  An army with fist open ... to lure the enemy.  With fist closed ... to attack?  That’s how you communicate, isnt it?  By citing example.  By metaphor!  Uzani’s army with ... with fist open.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e2: Darmok, Picard


Imagery is everything to the Tamari.  ibid.  Troi



And the Federation is pledged not to interfere with the internal affairs of others.  How convenient that must be for you.  To turn a deaf ear to those who suffer behind a line on a map.  Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ensign Ro s5e3, Keeve



The Crystalline Entity paid us a visit.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e4: Silicon Avatar, Riker



Looks like we ran into a quantum filament.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e5: Disaster, female officer at helm


I believe she looks like Chief O’Brien.  ibid.  Worf delivers baby



There’s no evidence of anything that could lead to Data’s shutdown.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e6: The Game, Geordi to Riker


This looks like a psychotropic reaction.  ibid.  Wesley to bird



Riker: How well do you know Spock?


Picard: I mind-melded with his father.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e7: Unification I


Spock.  Yes.  He’s missing.  ibid.  Picard to ‘old friend’


I must find Spock.  ibid.


You have found him, Captain Picard.  ibid.  Spock