He talks about when he arrived as mission president that they had what they called ‘two hour baptisms’ and they were proud of it, and ‘made up baptisms’ where they would simply make up names of baptized converts.
He also said there was 210,000 members that the church could not locate, and this puzzled him and he suggests that perhaps the names were made up.
… This whole thing is sooo troubling on so many fronts. He even admits that the 13 million number was misleading as there is probably only 4 million active members.
I would like to ask him WHY the records department HAS NOT removed all of those membership records that he knew was obtained with dishonest means. MormonStories, board post 13th March 2008, ‘A Believing Mormon Intellectual Parts 1 & 2’
Upon entering the temple we changed into our temple robes, met the other couples who were to receive the ordinance that day, and were led to an upper room that had been set apart for this purpose. I knew three of the other four couples. Two of the husbands were former stake presidents and was a mission president who had just completed his mission.
We were all seated in the room with Elder Ballard officiating, Elder Harold G Hillam assisting, with Sister Carol Hillam, Elder Wayne S Peterson and Sister Peterson as observers. A counselor in the temple presidency was also present. The temple president was absent because his wife was seriously ill in hospital.
Elder Ballard explained what would be happening. We were to have our feet washed and be anointed by him. He was acting under the direction of the Prophet, President Gordon B Hinckley. We would then be allocated a sealing room for each couple to be alone and perform the second part of the ordinance. We would then all meet again with Elder Ballard in the celestial room ...
I was anointed with oil, on the top of my head, and then hands were laid upon my head, and I was ordained a king and a priest unto the Most High God, to rule and reign in the House of Israel forever. My head, brow, eyes, ears nose, lips etc. were anointed with oil and specific blessings were given related to knowing, understanding and speaking the truth. This ordinance gave me the fullness of the priesthood and a blessing was given which included the following –
Sealing power to bind & loose, curse & bless.
Blessings of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
The Holy Spirit of Promise bestowed.
Blessed to live as long as life is desirable.
Blessed to attain unto the Godhood.
Power to be a member of a Godhead bestowed.
Sealed up to eternal life
Power to have the heavens opened.
We were charged not to reveal to other individuals that we had received this ordinance. My wife was also anointed and ordained a queen and priestess.
The second part of the second anointing was explained to us. We (my wife and I) were to go to another sealing room where we would be alone as a couple. There would be a bowl of water and a towel. My wife was to wash my feet (as Mary did to Jesus) and dry them. She would then place her hands upon my head and pronounce a blessing upon me as the spirit dictated ...
A little time after this ‘life-changing experience’ Elder Hillam asked me to nominate two couples I knew to receive this ordinance. I took this charge very seriously and asked Elder Hillam what qualities I should consider. He answered, ‘Find another you, mature people who have been tried and tested yet remained absolutely committed and dedicated to the church.’ anointed one, board post 21st January 2008, ‘My Second Anointing Experience ... Now I am a Son of Perdition’
Physical intimacy is not only a symbolic union between a husband and a wife – the very uniting of their souls – but it is also symbolic of a shared relationship between them and their Father in Heaven. He is immortal and perfect. We are mortal and imperfect. Nevertheless we seek ways even in mortality whereby we can unite with Him spiritually. In so doing we gain some access to both the grace and the majesty of His power. These are moments when we quite literally unite our will with God’s will, our spirit with His spirit, where communion through the veil becomes very real. At such moments we not only acknowledge His divinity but we quite literally take something of that divinity to ourselves.
Please, never say: Who does it hurt? Why not a little freedom? ‘Flee fornication,’ Paul cries, and flee ‘anything like unto it’ the Doctrine and Covenants adds. The body is something to be kept pure and holy. Do not be afraid of soiling its hands in honest labor. Do not be afraid of scars that may come in defending the truth or fighting for the right, but beware scars that spiritually disfigure, that come to you in activities you should not have undertaken. Jeffrey Dodo Holland, article Ensign November 1998, ‘Personal Purity’
We do not have penalties in the Temple. We used to. Elder Jeffrey Dodo Holland, interview John Sweeney, The Mormon Candidate, BBC 2012
May I suggest that wherever possible a white shirt be worn by the deacons, teachers, and priests who handle the sacrament. For sacred ordinances in the Church we often use ceremonial clothing, and a white shirt could be seen as a gentle reminder of the white clothing you wore in the baptismal font and an anticipation of the white shirt you will soon wear into the temple and onto your missions. Jeffrey Dodo Holland, article Ensign November 1995 ‘This Do in Remembrance of Me’
Now If I can speak, I’ll try to do so. Jeffery Dodo Holland, General Conference October 2009
A Masonic Lodge … was established in Nauvoo and Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Willard Richards, John Taylor, Lorenzo Snow, Orson Hyde, F D Richards and about 1000 others all became Masons. Joseph, the Prophet, was aware that there were some things about Masonry that had come down from the beginning and he desired to know what they were, hence the Lodge. The Masons admitted some keys of knowledge appertaining to Masonry were lost. Joseph enquired of the Lord concerning the matter and He revealed to the Prophet true Masonry, as we have it in our temples. Franklin D Richards, address Beurger 2002, ‘The Mysteries of Godliness: A History of Mormon Temple Worship’ citing Larson, ‘A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic Diaries of Rudger Clawson’
I am convinced that in the study of Masonry lies a pivotal key to further understanding Joseph Smith and the Church ... It commenced in Joseph’s home when his older brother became a Mason ... The many parallels found between early Mormonism and the Masonry of that day are substantial. I believe that there are few significant developments in the Church that occurred after 15th March 15 1842, which did not have some Masonic interdependence.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that the Mormon ceremony which came to be known as the Endowment, introduced by Joseph Smith to Mormon Masons, had an immediate inspiration from Masonry ... similarities between the two ceremonies are so apparent and overwhelming that some dependent relationship cannot be denied.
... It is also obvious that the Nauvoo Temple architecture was in part, at least, Masonically influenced. Indeed, it appears that there was an intentional attempt to utilize Masonic symbols and motifs. Reed Durham, Mormon Miscellaneous from p11
When trying to establish the need for baptizing the dead, Mormons use 1 Corinthians 15:29: ‘Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?’
This is the only verse in the Bible that mentions baptism for the dead. Notice that Paul is not advocating this practice. He merely makes a passing reference to some group that had such a practice. His emphasis throughout that chapter is on the resurrection. Had baptism for the dead been a primary function of the early church surely there would be more teaching on it than this casual reference. Sandra Tanner
Although Mormon apologists would have us believe that Joseph Smith received the temple ceremony by revelation from God, the evidence is against it and clearly shows that he borrowed heavily from Masonry.
After careful examination of the temple ceremony, we have come to the conclusion that it bears unmistakable evidence of being a man-made ritual. The fact that so many changes had to be made in it to try to make it acceptable shows plainly that it is not from God. Jerald & Sandra Tanner, Changing World of Mormonism p547
When the day arrived, great numbers convened from the different Churches in the country. They spent the day in fasting and prayer, and in washing and perfuming their bodies, they also washed their feet, and anointed their heads with what they called holy oil, and pronounced blessings.
In the evening, they met for the endowment. The fast was then broken by eating light what bread, and drinking as much wine as they saw proper.
Smith knew well how to infuse the spirit which the expected to receive; so he encouraged the brethren to drink freely, telling them that the wine was consecrated, and would not make them drunk.
As may be supposed, they drank to the purpose. After this, they began to prophesy, pronouncing blessings upon their friends, and curses upon their enemies.
If I should be so unhappy as to go to the regions of the damned, I never expect to hear language more awful, or more becoming the infernal pit, than we uttered that night. The curses were pronounced principally upon the clergy of the present day, and upon the Jackson county mob in Missouri. After spending the night in alternate blessings and cursing, the meeting adjourned. William Harris 1841
... the endowments have never changed and can never change; as I understand it; it has been so testified, and that Joseph Smith Junior himself was the founder of the endowments. Senator Reed Smoot, Reed Smoot Hearings vol 3 p185
As temple work progresses, some members wonder if the ordinances can be changed or adjusted. These ordinances have been provided by revelation, and are in the hands of the First Presidency. Thus, the temple is protected from tampering. W Grant Bangerter, Deseret News 16th January 1982