World’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories TV - Mind Sciences TV - Ted Kennedy - US Supreme Court - Steve Hassan - Alan Scheflin - Fritz Springmeier - Cathy O’Brien - Margaret Singer - Secrets of the CIA TV - Weird of What? Mind Control TV - Neil Sanders & Richard D Hall & Nick Kollerstrom TV - Edward Hunter - Louis Jolyon West - Benjamin Zablocki - Edward Bernays - Russian Propaganda films - Robert Jay Lifton - Laughlin Taylor - Adam Curtis TV - George Orwell - Walter Karp - Secret Lives of Women: Cults TV - I Escaped a Cult TV - Male witness - Reverend Sun Myung Moon: Emperor of the Universe TV - The Manchurian Candidate 1962 - The Manchurian Candidate 2004 - Conspiracy Theory 1997 - The Second Dallas: Who Killed RFK? TV - Epicurus - Derren Brown TV - Conspiracy Files Unsealed TV - David Moorhouse - John Dylan-Haynes - Codes and Conspiracies TV - Zombies: The Truth TV - Crazy Rulers of the World TV - Alex Jones - The Corbett Report - The Minds of Men 2018 - H L Mencken -
The world’s greatest conspiracy theory with more than half a million websites – at #1 it’s Mind Control. World’s Greatest Conspiracy Theories, 2004
M K Ultra was one program in a series of programs that came out of the CIA to experiment with different types of mind control. Mind Sciences
In the late 1950s the CIA began to fund top-secret experiments in brainwashing. ibid.
Due to the psychologically destructive nature of brainwashing research the CIA began to seek new, unwitting test subjects in psychiatric hospitals. From 1957-1964 patients at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal became mind control guinea pigs for M K Ultra scientist Ewen Cameron. ibid.
In 1977 the Church Hearings investigated the top secret mind control project. This forced the CIA to release files exposing the history of M K Ultra. ibid.
In 1980 the CIA was sued by nine victims of Dr Cameron’s mind control research. They were each awarded $100,000 in compensatory damages. ibid.
The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens ‘at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign’. Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to ‘unwitting subjects in social situations’. At least one death, that of Dr Olson, resulted from these activities. The Agency itself acknowledged that these tests made little scientific sense. The agents doing the monitoring were not qualified scientific observers. Ted Kennedy, address to Senate 1977
M K Ultra: the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior. The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded M K Ultra indirectly, many of the participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency. US Supreme Court, CIA v Sims 1985
The greatest battle of the twentieth century will be a battle of the mind. And there are people who have power who want more power and they do not want the public to know about mind control. Its existence or how it is implemented. Steve Hassan, author ‘Combating Cult Mind Control’
Destructive cults are distinguished by their use of deception and mind control techniques to undermine a person’s free will and make him dependent on the group’s leader ... A group becomes destructive when its leader actively uses such power to deceive members and to rob them of their individuality and free will. Steven Hassan, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves pp3-4
Mind control seeks nothing less than to disrupt an individual’s authentic identity ... Cult mind control is a social process that encourages obedience, dependence, and conformity. It discourages autonomy and individuality by immersing recruits in an environment that represses free choice. The group’s dogma becomes the person’s only concern. Anything or anyone that does not fit into his reshaped reality is irrelevant. ibid. p38
I do believe that in some of the more extreme cults there are similar characteristics with people who have been zombies. Steve Hassan
Part of the definition of a destructive cult is that they are using mind control on people. Steve Hassan
There is a body of information being used by government to control the way people think and act. And experiments are systematically designed to increase government’s knowledge about that. This is the most threatening part of being a citizen in a democracy. When your government can manipulate how you vote and how you think. You no longer live in the democracy. Professor Alan Scheflin, Santa Clara University
The CIA is carrying out mind control on countless numbers of unwitting American victims. And he even went so far as to say the basic methods that they use in this mind control: hypnosis, drugs and torture. Fritz Springmeier
There’s a small handful of criminals that are in control of our government, and in control of our country. They’re in control of our information. And they’re suppressing pertinent facts such as mind control. Cathy O’Brien, lecture Trance Formation of America
When this one particular politician came to my father and told him he could receive immunity from prosecution if he would sell me into M K Ultra mind control my father was thrilled. He agreed to sell me into the project and was trained in how to raise me for M K Ultra. ibid.
I thought that the whole world was involved in abuse. And as a very young child I had hoped there was some place in the world where people didn’t abuse their children. ibid.
After my father came back from Boston, Massachusetts, I was subjected to extensive systematic abuses. The sexual abuse that I had endured was extending into ritual abuse and more tortures. The ritual abuse that I experienced within our local Catholic church was very deliberate for the purposes of mind control. ibid.
Every time where the mind control is prevalent there is always abuse, and it’s usually sexual abuse of the children. ibid.
The abuse that I was enduring under M K Ultra mind control was so extensive that I lost all my awareness. I lost my ability to reason. I lost my ability to question anything. ibid.
When you go outside this country it’s accepted knowledge that our president is under mind control. ibid.
George Romney was the governor of Michigan and he was very much interested in taking a powerful form of mind control gleaned from the Catholics, taken from the Catholics, taken from the CIA, and the Hitler-Himmler research, and also into the technological advancements and put it into his Mormon Church. George Romney was very active and very high up in the Mormon Church. And they could foresee that as a strong opportunity for being able to lead people in a religious way ... Systematic abuses are going on, and M K Ultra mind control and technological advances are being used as strong as they were in the Mormon Church. ibid.
In 1983 Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to then president Ronald Reagan. Reagan was heavily involved in the idea of mind control. And I often heard him say that he believed that the only way to world peace is through mind control of the masses. Cathy O’Brien
When I was under mind control I was totally robotic. I had no ability to think for myself, no ability to question or reason. I could only do what I was told to. Cathy O’Brien
Somehow the average citizen thinks that his or her mind could never be manipulated, and yet every day we’re manipulated by each other, we’re manipulated by advertising – a thousand things impact and manipulate us in different ways. Professor Margaret Singer, Berkeley UC
6An estimated 5,000 economic, political, and religious groups operate in the United States alone at any given time, with 2.5 million members. Over the last ten years, cults have used tactics of coercive mind control to negatively impact an estimated 20 million victims in the last ten years. Worldwide figures are even greater. Margaret Singer, Cults in Our Midst, 1997
The CIA became convinced that the Russians had a new and powerful secret weapon. The CIA believed that the Russians knew how to control people’s mind. The CIA turned to its scientists and asked them to find a drug which could be used to control people’s minds. And in 1958 the CIA started a secret drug-testing program under the catchy but meaningless name of M K Ultra. Secrets of the CIA
Can the mind become our most powerful weapon? The US Army investigates the paranormal asking if future conflicts could be fought using mind control. Weird or What? Mind Control, Discovery 2010
For centuries magicians, psychics and mentalists have claimed they can move objects, affect events or even cause bodily harm using only the power of thought. Do these paranormal powers actually exist? ibid.
Mind Control ... The one who immediately springs to mind is Lee Harvey Oswald who at times was anti-Russian, pro-Russian, anti-Castro, pro-Castro, CIA, anti-CIA, anti-American, pro-American. Richplanet TV with Richard D Hall, Neil Sanders
Subliminal advertising is not illegal in America. ibid.
Negative subliminals work far more than positive subliminals. ibid.