Mankind: The Story of All of Us TV - Akexmo - Empires: Islam TV - Myra Shackley - The Russian Bigfoot TV - Associated Content online - Timewatch: The Secret History of Genghis Khan TV - John Man - Robert Hillenbrand - Destination Truth TV - Haruki Murakami - History’s Most Hated TV -
The Mongols are coming: fifty thousand warriors – the world’s greatest cavalry army. Their leader – Genghis Khan. Mankind: The Story of All of Us V, History Channel 2012
Genghis Khan rapes so many women that as many as one in two hundred people alive today carry his genes. ibid.
In his lifetime Genghis Khan is said to be responsible for the death of up to forty million people. ibid.
I went to Mongolia ... There are gangs of street kids that roam around the city. There were no real charities there to help them out and the Mongolians were always shooing them away like flies. We were natural targets for them because not only were we Americans, we were also pretty much the only people in the entire country that wore suits! We must all be filthy rich, right? They used to follow us around sometimes and beg. Our oh-so-Christ-like Mission President told us over and over that we were not to so much as talk to the street kids because they were distracting us from our real mission: to save souls. If we felt guilty about it then we were to donate any left-over money to the branch fast offering fund so that it could be administered ‘in the Lord’s way’. That was supposed to make us feel better.
Mongolia is a high desert, and so it is cold in the winter. I’m not talking about Utah cold either. I grew up in Alaska and I’ll be damned if I wasn’t freezing all winter long! During the winter these kids would live under the streets because that was where the hot water pipes were. All of the buildings were steam-heated from central boilers spread throughout town and so there were hot pipes in the sewers. One spring there was a flashflood and hundreds of these kids drowned. Did anyone care? Did Christ’s true servants even so much as say a prayer for them?
It was common for these kids to sleep in the entrances of the apartment buildings. If they kept their mouths shut nobody would kick them out. Because they would beg from us our entrances seemed to have more of these kids in them than others. So here I am, a servant of Jesus Christ, with a pocket full of money and a kitchen full of food and starving homeless kids on the other side of my door. I caught hell for letting one in just one time!
Like so many missionaries I spent my 2 years feeling guilty ...
So here are these kids sleeping, starving, and even shitting in my entryway and sure enough, one morning we find one of them dead. Mormonism is responsible for fucking each of us up in our own special ways, and for me this was it. I was really messed-up over this dead kid that we had just ignored on our way into our apartment the night before. I went to the MP and bawled my eyes out to him. He gave me a blessing and it kinda made things better – that’s how brainwashed I was. I let a kid starve/freeze to death but it was ok because he was fast-tracked to the Celestial Kingdom.
What could a few tens of thousands of dollars from the church have done? There are places like this all over the world. I don’t believe in god or christ but if they had a ‘true’ church on this world, everyone would know it because of its fruits ... It makes me sick. Akexmo, RFM board post Anger, Anger
The great cities of the Islamic empire would be brought to ruin ... Devastation that descended upon them not from the west but the east: it’s known as the Mongol Catastrophe ... Terror was the Mongols’ principle tactic. Empires: Islam: Empire of Faith II: The Awakening
I got a picture of almost unanimous agreement that strange wild people were living in the high mountain areas. The Mongols say they’re human in appearance but that their speech isn’t the same as the Mongols’ speech. There has been no attempt at direct communication, although they trade by putting parcels of skins on the ground, retreating and coming back later to collect what has been left in exchange. Dr Myra Shackley, Altai Range, Mongolia
The mountains of Western Mongolia and Russia’s Caucasus may be home to a relic unlike any other. A living creature that’s weathered the test of time ... But if he’s related to Bigfoot, they’re distant cousins. The Russian Bigfoot, Apple 2006
Perhaps the best documented (and most intriguing) case of a hominid with both human and ape-like characteristics that was captured in the wild and lived for many years amongst humans is that of Zana. And the most astonishing and significant aspect of her life was that she inter-bred with humans! ...
After her capture (in the mid-1800s) Zana was presented to the prince of the region D M Achba, who later gave charge of her to one of his vassals, named Chelokua. Ultimately she was passed on to a nobleman named Edgi Genaba, when he visited the area. Genaba brought her back to his home in the village of T’khina.
Zana’s story was confirmed by interviews of over 100 villagers and residents of her homeland. They described her as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws. Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse! Associated Content online, The Zara Chronicles, article David Claerr 10th February 2008 ‘Captured Bigfoot Researched By Russian Scientists’
How did he inspire his successors from beyond the grave to conquer the largest land empire the world has ever seen? Timewatch: The Secret History of Genghis Khan, BBC
Priests prophesied a coming apocalypse as Mongolian hordes approached the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. ibid.
The Mongol Army descended like a storm. ibid.
Nothing less than the conquest of the entire world. ibid.
Genghis Khan’s story begins in the middle of the twelfth century. ibid.
The Mongols were surrounded by other powerful tribes. ibid.
He was proclaimed the Supreme Commander. ibid.
One of the most powerful men the world has ever seen. ibid.
Genghis’ rise is the real subject of the secret history. John Man, author Genghis Khan
This is essentially a mirror for princes, a manual for statecraft. Professor Robert Hillenbrand, University of Edinburgh
Nomadic yak-herders tell tales about a creature they call the Mongolian Death Worm ... Scores of recent reports have made headlines in Mongolia. Destination Truth s2e2, Skyfy 2008
Dawn in Mongolia was an amazing thing. In one instant, the horizon became a faint line suspended in the darkness, and then the line was drawn upward, higher and higher. It was as if a giant hand had stretched down from the sky and slowly lifted the curtain of night from the face of the earth. It was a magnificent sight, far greater in scale ... than anything that I, with my limited human faculties, could fully comprehend. Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
It is the dawn of the 13th century over Asia. A fierce storm reaches deep within the heart of the continent. Growing to a tempest, it spills over into China devastating one of the most ancient cultures on Earth. Then, gathering momentum, its violent fury vents westward laying waste Afghanistan and Persia. Riding this bitter winds are unstoppable hoards mercilessly carving out an empire that will know no equal in all of human history. History’s Most Hated s1e3: Genghis Khan: Terror & Conquest
Known by many terms: madman and genius, bloodthirsty warrior and brilliant politician, architect of nation and destroyer of civilisations, he was all of these. His name: Genghis Khan. ibid.
He was born somewhere in the Steppes in about the year 1165. ibid.