Waldemar Januszczak TV - Bobby Robson - Arthur Hugh Clough - Le Moine 2011 - Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Chris Everard - Thupten Jigme Norbu -
Wherever the monks went, the Baroque went. Waldemar Januszczak, Baroque! – From St Peter’s to St Paul’s II, BBC 2013
We don’t want our players to be monks. We want them to be better football players because a monk doesn’t play football at this level. Bobby Robson
Mild monastic faces in quiet collegiate cloisters. Arthur Hugh Clough 1819-61, Amours de Voyage, 1858
In many ways she gave me the idea … What an exquisite abyss! Le Moine [The Monk] 2011 starring Vincent Cassel & Deborah Francois & Josephine Japy & Sergi Lopez & Catherine Mouchet & Jordi Dauder & Frederic Noaille & Roxane Duran & Javivi et al, director Dominik Moll, Monk hearing abuser’s confession
You may not lie unless the truth would lead to an even greater sin. ibid.
Sell me your soul. Acknowledge my power and I’ll give you eternity at my side. ibid. devil
As Christianity spread, and the Church became more secularized, this realization of the costliness of grace gradually faded. The world was Christianized, and grace became its common property. It was to be had at low cost. Yet the Church of Rome did not altogether lose the earlier vision. It is highly significant that the Church was astute enough to find room for the monastic movement ... Thus monasticism became a living protest against the secularization of Christianity and the cheapening of grace ... Monasticism was represented as an individual achievement which the mass of the laity could not be expected to emulate. By thus limiting the application of the commandments of Jesus to a restricted group of specialists, the Church evolved the fatal conception of the double standard. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nachfolge 1937
More than 6,000 monasteries and places of worship are said to have been looted, desiccated and destroyed in what the Chinese call ‘The peaceful liberation of Tibet’. Within the last few years the Chinese have dramatically increased political arrests and prison labour. Chris Everard, Illuminati I
Tibetans are no longer wearing Tibetan clothes. Tibetans are not talking Tibetan, only Chinese. Wearing Chinese blue uniform everybody. The monasteries are no longer the monasteries. And no mark for the dead. Thupten Jigme Norbu, elder brother of Dalai Lama
I’ve been sixty years of more in a monastery. In the early days prayer was something that we did. Now, I don’t pray. Prayer is the atmosphere in which I live. My whole life is just a prayer to God. You understand? I don’t say prayers. The Brotherhood: The Inner World of Monks, dying brother in hospital bed, BBC 2021
To assume responsibility for the welfare of others, to enable them to thrive and to enable them to reach full security. ibid. Father Eric Varden, re role of abbot