[Murder Cases here are usually filed in the name of the perpetrator, or the lead perpetrator. If the case remains unsolved or with several killers, the case may be filed in the name of the victim]
Tietsort, Marissa p1 - Till, Emmett p1 - Tillman, Tim p1 - Tobin, James p1 - Tobin Peter p2 - Toca, George p3 - Tolkars, Fred p3 - Tomich, Melissa & Constance p3 - Torres, Josh et al p3 - Trail, Aubrey & Bailey Boswell p3 - Travis, Maury Troy p3 - Trent, Christopher & Rebecca Hogue p4 - Trepal, George p4 - Trevor, Joseph p4 - Trexler, Reesa murder p4 - Trimboli, Ronald p4 - Triplett, Walter p4 - Trujillo, Ana p4 - Trujillo, Carlos & Lenny p4 - Trunk Murders p4 - Tsakiris, Corinne p5 - Tsarnaev Brothers p5 - Tuchlin, Pawel p5 - Tucker, Michael p5 - Turgeon, Chris et al p5 - Turner, Chester p5 - Turner, Elliot p6 - Turner, Shirley Jane p6 -
TIETSORT, MELISSA: True Crime Recaps 2023 -
Can you imagine anything scarier than picking up your sleeping son from the babysitter only to find out later that he’s actually dead? And to make it worse the babysitter spent the whole night pretending he was live. She even took him to McDonald’s. True Crime Recaps: Chilling Story: They Thought the Baby Was Alive! Youtube 5.44, 2023
His babysitter, pregnant 28-year-old mother of five, Marissa Tietsort … eventually fessed up. ibid.
Sadly, Benson wasn’t the first baby to get hurt in Marissa’s care … Marissa Tietsort got 37 years in prison, so at least she won’t be hurting any other kids anytime soon. ibid.
TILL, EMMETT murder: The Murder of Emmett Till TV - William Faulkner - Myrlie Evans -
It was the summer of 1955 when Emmett Till arrived in Mississippi from Chicago. His family had worked cotton for generations. The Murder of Emmett Till, PBS 2014
Emmett’s body had been weighed down. ibid.
The jury – all white men. ibid.
An international fire-storm. ibid.
If the facts as stated in the Look magazine account of the Till affair are correct, this remains: two adults, armed, in the dark, kidnap a fourteen-year-old boy and take him away to frighten him. Instead of which, the fourteen-year-old boy not only refuses to be frightened, but, unarmed, alone, in the dark, so frightens the two armed adults that they must destroy him ... What are we Mississippians afraid of? William Faulkner, On Fear, 1956
Somehow [Till’s death and trial] struck a spark of indignation that ignited protests around the world... It was the murder of this 14-year-old out-of-state visitor that touched off a world-wide clamour and cast the glare of a world spotlight on Mississippi’s racism. Myrlie Evers
TILLMAN, TIM: Charismatic Pastor & Killer: Tim Tillman, True Crime Central 2023 -
Vincent, Alabama, 2005: They thought he was gift given to them from God … Tim Tillman arrived with his wife at the Vincent Revival Centre, Alabama, in 2003 after 10 years spreading the gospel in pulpits from Florida to Minnesota. Charismatic Pastor & Killer: Tim Tillman: Handsome Devils, True Crime Central 2023
[To] put the guns under the bed while they are being stored at his house – Janet went into the bedroom first and was approaching the bed. Tim went in behind her. The gun hit the side of the door post and went off three feet from her back … Janet is bleeding to death. ibid.
Pastor Tillman has a past far from saintly. ibid.
‘Whenever you have someone that has a mistress on the side and you wife is shot in the back there is a motive.’ ibid. Assistant DA
TOBIN JAMES: Faking It: Tears of a Crime TV -
When a young woman dies her boyfriend has the perfect alibi but is it about to crumble? Faking It: Tears of a Crime s5e2: James Tobin
The early hours of April 24th 2015: A 999 alert in South Wales and a caller apparently so distressed he needs his father to help explain the emergency. ibid.
The woman in the house was Kellie Gillard, a 25-year-old last seen in public just a few hours earlier looking as fit and healthy as she always did. ibid.
The 999 call had come from James Tobin, a successful amateur boxer who Kellie had been seeing for the past year. ibid.
What Tobin didn’t know is that his home had been bugged. ibid.
‘She was going to die; she was an accident waiting to happen.’ ibid. Tobin with father