[Murder Cases here are usually filed in the name of the perpetrator, or the lead perpetrator. If the case remains unsolved or with several killers, the case may be filed in the name of the victim]
Earnest, Malisa et al p1 - Eastbound Strangler p1 - Ebans, Ronald & Michael Nitz p1 - Ebrahimi, Bijan p1 - Eckert, Volker p1 - Eddy, Shelia & Rachel Shoaf p1 - Edmunds, Raymond p1 - Edwards, Austin Lee p2 - Edwards, Bradley p2 - Edwards, Edward Wayne p2 - Edwards, Elizabeth & Katie murders p2 - Edwards, Susan & Christopher p2 - Egley, Thomas p2 - Einhorn, Ira p2 - Eldridge, Brittany murder p2 - Ellis, Charlene & Letisha Shakespeare murders p2 - Ellis, Rita p2 - Ellis, Ruth p2 - Enders, Patrice p3 - Entwistle, Neil p3 - Epps, Ronald ‘Todd’ p4 - Ernst, Ted & Jesse p4 - Erskine, Kenneth p4 - Ertmann, Kristopher p4 - Esak, Ivan p4 - Escobar, Debanhi murder p4 - Essa, Yazeed p4 - Essex, Rettendon murders p4 - Estaban, Giselle p7 - Eubanks, Lester p7 - Evans, Gary p7 - Evans, Geoffrey & John Shaw p7 - Evans, James & Wendy Gardner p7 - Evans, Miles p7 - Everson, Andrew p7 - Evonitz p8 - Ewing, Alex p8 - Ewing, Jennie Jane p8 -
EARNEST, MALISA et al: Killer Kids TV -
January 11th 1988: Just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, two teenagers are on the run: 17-year-old Malisa Earnest and 15-year-old Theresa Simmons. Killer Kids s3e13: Satan’s Disciples, LMN 2014
Terry Belcher launches into a monologue about the power of Satan … They were recruiting them into the Satanic group. ibid.
A satanic plan taken to a startling extreme: a human sacrifice to the devil … Terry assisted in helping her strangle Theresa Simmons until she died. ibid.
EASTBOUND STRANGLER: People Magazine Investigates TV -
114,068. In 2006 four women were found in Atlantic City … all escorts … the killer was dubbed the Eastbound Strangler. People Magazine Investigates s1e2: New Revelations, Discovery 2016
EBANS, RONALD & MICHAEL NITZ: Who Killed Vincent Chin?
Mr Ebans swung a bat repeatedly striking Mr Chin. Who Killed Vincent Chin? rozzer, 1980
Nitz and Ebans were both charged with killing Chin. ibid. news
His scull was obviously fractured; there was brains lying on the street. ibid. other rozzer
Vincent wanted to get married and have an American job. ibid. friend
When it started America was unprepared: from across the ocean it came: little cars determined to change the buying habits of a nation, and for a while there was no stopping them. ibid. TV clip
We got Japs, Chinese, any goddamned guy in the world working on our line. ibid. car worker
They were placed on three-years probation and a $3,000 fine. ibid. News
We decided it’s time to stand up for our rights. ibid. Chinese woman
EBRAHIMI, BIJAN: Murdered by a Mob TV
My name is Bijan Ebrahimi. My life is in danger. I’ve got a mob behind my door. There’s 6, 7 neighbours and I can’t go out the door because I am not safe. Murdered by a Mob: The Murder of Bijan Ebrahimi ***** emergency appeal to rozzers, Channel 5 2021
Despite calling for the police, despite calling for the council repeatedly, repeatedly, he received no support. He was ignored. ibid. old dude
What part of be quiet do you not understand? Shut up. ibid. rozzer in station
The murder was described as a deeply shocking vigilante attack. The quiet disabled Iranian refugee was kicked and punched to death outside his flat on a British council estate. Doused with white spirit and then set alight. ibid. news
This has been going on for years, where the local authority and the police have known about this. And I thought, What on earth has happened to lead to this place? How many opportunities must have been missed for Bijan to end as a burning corpse? ibid. researcher
Bijan was subject to racial abuse. He was called a [deleted]. He was called a paedophile. They would throw stones at his plants. Break the pots. They would leave rubbish on his door, beer cans that sort of thing. They’d gather late at night outside his front door. Get drunk there. It would have been a constant barrage. ibid.
Thursday 11th July 2013, two days before his murder. Bijan started filming his neighbours. Bijan films a neighbour drinking with his children. ibid.
There are 78 previous calls from this man … ibid. two rozzers’ response
The police decided to arrest Bijan. ibid. counsel
You are making it worse. Now get inside. ibid. rozzers
Because he had taken photographs of children who had been pulling plants up or whatever it was in his garden, therefore it was an excuse in the minds of the real perpetrators, accusing him of being a paedophile. And there was nothing worse at that time. ibid. George Fergus, Mayor of Bristol 2012-216
He was all right. Really really really polite. Always outside, always outside three, four times a day watering his flowers. And just smiling … Paedophile? No. That was just a cover … They call me names … I’m still going through racism. And nothing’s getting done about it … It’s getting worse and worse. ibid. neighbour
ECKERT, VOLKER: World’s Most Evil Killers TV -
On November 17th 2006 police in the German city of Cologne searched the vehicle of a 47-year-old truck driver suspected of murder. What they found inside his cab was a collection of gruesome memorabilia. The driver was a man named Volker Eckert; his arrest brought an end to a 32-year career of murder. World’s Most Evil Killers s1e8: Volker Eckert, Pick TV 2018
‘There were five murders: three in Spain and 2 in France.’ ibid.
Detectives believed Eckert had committed many more murders. ibid.
He assaulted dozens more women. ibid.
In 1994 he was released into the world yet again. ibid.
EDDY, SHELIA & RACHEL SHOAF: True Crime Recaps 2022 -
July 6th 2012: When Dave and Mary Neese realised their 16-year-old daughter Skylar wasn’t home their first thought was not that something had happened to her; they figured she was with friends. As it turned out they were both right and wrong. True Crime Recaps: When ‘Best Friends’ Become Killers: Skylar Neese Case, Youtube 12.27, 2022
In gritty black and white footage at around 12.30 a.m. they saw a car pull up near the apartment; they watched as Shylar hopped over and hopped in the back seat. It was the last time she’d ever be seen alive. ibid.
She and Shelia had been best friends with another girl their age, Rachel Shoaf. ibid.
Later Rachel would say she’d been talking about murder … Classmates overheard the girls talking a lot about how to dispose of a body. ibid.
The three of them drove out to a place in the woods … Shelia had two kitchen knives with her and Rachel had brought a shovel and kitchen supplies … ibid.
Rachel was on the verge of a nervous breakdown … She was checked into a psych ward … The next stop was the police station … She pled guilty to murder and agreed to testify against Shelia. ibid.
EDMUNDS, RAYMOND: Raymond Edmunds - Crimes that Shook Australia TV -
I must be sick in the head … I think I need destroying. Raymond Edmunds
During the 1960s one man would leave a trail of destruction across Victoria that would span twenty years. The killer’s identity would remain a mystery and would be known only by a nickname [Mr Stinky]. A chance discovery would eventually lead police to one of Australia’s most prolific sexual predators. And chilling revelations from the killer himself. Crimes that Shook Australia s3e8: Raymond Edmunds, CI 2018
A set of fingerprints found on Gary Heywood’s car. ibid.
Another terrible series of events 160 kilometers away: Donvale … terrorised by a serial sexual offender. ibid.
They began to suspect he may have been responsible for even more horrifying crimes. ibid.
Two terms of life in prison for the murder and thirty years for the rape charges. ibid.