The Confession Tapes TV - Magzter online - True Crime Daily 2019 -
What happened out there I don’t believe was an accident. The Confession Tapes s2e3: Deep Down, rozzer’s interview of Angelika Graswald, Netflix 2017
19 April 2015 7:40 p.m.: I’m in the Hudson River. My fiancé flipped over. He’s in the water right now. ibid. Angelika’s 911 call
Angelika Graswald contacted 911 and she reported that her fiancé V’s kayak capsized due to choppy waters and she could not locate him in the river. ibid. rozzer
I was not in a right state of mind … They didn’t care. They just kept pushing and pressuring and trying to get out of me and squeeze out of me everything they could. ibid. Angelika
This case took on a lie of its own in the media … It turned into a media circus. ibid.
A Conniving girlfriend who admitted setting up her fiancé’s drowning death is being sent to prison — but may float free in a matter of months despite a four-year sentence!
In a shocking miscarriage of justice, upstate New York resident Angelika Graswald received a slap on the wrist — even though she confessed to flooding Vincent Viafore’s kayak by pulling its plug and leaving him to drown in the freezing Hudson River.
And greedy Graswald, 37, even plotted to collect his $250,000 life insurance policy!
‘I wanted him dead and now he’s gone,’ the beastly blonde told cops. ‘And I’m okay with it!’ Magzter online article 4th December 2017
Vinnie: Gets married and with his wife finds a new hobby – kayaking. Unfortunately, the marriage doesn’t last, but what does is Vinnie’s passion for paddling. True Crime Daily: Angelika Graswald, Youtube 37.01, 2019
Not far from the Hudson and Vnnie’s home in Poughkeepsie a beautiful blonde bartender from Latvia serving up drinks with a song and a smile. Her name – Angelika Graswald. ibid.
It’s a chilly afternoon in April a little after 4 p.m. Vinnie and Angelika decide to kayak from Plum Point to Bannerman’s Island. It’s their first time taking this route. ibid.
When help arrives rescuers pluck Angelika from the frigid waters. There is no sign of Vinnie anywhere. ibid.
‘Angelika was doing cartwheels in the backyard.’ ibid. mother-in-law
Angelika Graswald is about to drop a bombshell … ‘I wanted him gone. I wanted to be free.’ ibid.
But could the real motive be money? ibid.
Rozzer: By taking that plug out you killed Vinnie. Correct?
Angelika: Correct. ibid. interview in station
‘Later we find out that it was probably a good 15 minutes after he had gone down under the frigid waters that she even makes that call.’ ibid. rozzer
‘They were trying to conjure up a confession.’ ibid. defense attorney
Then in an unbelievable turn, Orange Country New York prosecutors offer her a plea deal to criminally negligent homicide. ibid.
Angelika’s sentence – one and a half to four years and after time served, and time off for good behaviour. ibid.