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★ Sex

Do I make you horny, baby?  Do I?  Do I make you randy?  Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me 1999 starring Mike Myers & Heather Graham & Michael York & Robert Wagner & Rob Lowe & Mindy Sterling & Seth Green & Verne Troyer & Elizabeth Hurley & Will Ferrell et al, director Jay Roach


Crikey!  I’ve lost my Mojo!  ibid.


I put the Grrr in swinger, baby!  ibid.



Technology is on the brink of rewriting the rules of procreation.  We could soon make children from two fathers.  Or two mothers.  Babies could grow outside the womb ... Will sex become extinct?  Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman s4e5: Will Sex Go Extinct? Science 2013



The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.  Leviticus 15:18



Where did I go wrong, Mr Rigsby?  Perhaps I should be more permissive.  Miss Jones, Rigsby, ITV series, cited Sex and the Sitcom



Fuck like minks, forget the rugrats, and live happily ever after.  Basic Instinct 1992 starring Michael Douglas & Sharon Stone & George Dzundza & Jeanne Tripplehorn & Denis Arndt & Leilani Sarelle & Bruce A Young & Chelcie Ross & Dorothy Malone & Wayne Knight & Danielvon Bargen et al, director Paul Verhoeven, him to her



By then he was masturbating fifteen times a week just to stay even.  Choke 2008 starring Sam Rockwell & Anjelica Huston & Jonah Bobo & Kelly MacDonald & Brad William Henke & Paz de la Huerta & Gillian Jacobs & Clark Gregg & Bijou Phillips et al, director Clark Gregg, opening remarks


You touched my woo-woo.  ibid.  loony lady to hero



America’s sex pioneers ... shaped our history.  How Sex Changed the World s1e1: America's Sex Pioneers, H2 2014


Puritans: ‘You could be excommunicated for not having sex.’  ibid.  historian


Howard Hughes The Outlaw and Jane Russell.  ibid.


The fusion of teens and the car culture.  ibid.



I wasn’t a sex symbol, I was a sex zombie.  Veronica Lake



Sex is emotion in motion.  Mae West



Good sex is like good bridge.  If you don’t have a good partner, you’d better have a good hand.  Mae West  



I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.  Steve Martin  



I’d like a poke.  The Mackintosh Man 1973 starring Paul Newman & Dominique Sanda & James Mason & Harry Andrews & Ian Bannen & Michael Hordern & Nigel Patrick & Peter Vaughan & Roland Culver & Percy Herbert & Robert Lang & Jenny Runacre et al, director John Huston, Newman



Let me kiss you.  Let me show you the deep raw passionate unbridled sexual frenzy.  Dracula: Dead and Loving It 1995 starring Leslie Neilsen & Peter MacNicol & Steven Weber & Amy Yasbeck & Lysette Anthony & Harvey Korman & Mark Blankfield & Megan Cavanagh & Clive Revill & Mel Brooks et al, director Mel Brooks, lady vampire  



The aim of the Party was not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control.  Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act.  Not love so much as eroticism was the enemy, inside marriage as well as outside it.  George Orwell, 1984



[lifts sheet] ‘My God you’ve got cobwebs down there.’  Best Defence 1984 starring Dudley Moore & Eddie Murphy & Kate Capshaw & Helen Shaver & Mark Arnott & George Dzundza & Tom Noonan & David Rasche et al, director Willard Huyck



Falling in love, a moment of happiness that can turn into a nightmare, sending some into exile, and others to the grave.  Strange Rituals s1e5: Forbidden Sex, History 2017


Sex: throughout history societies have sought to control it, to decree who can and who can’t have sex.  ibid.  



It creates the impression of passion.  Humans s1e4, Channel 4 2015


May I use the bathroom?  ibid.  Mia after sex


Im an analogue man in a digital world, Karen.  ibid.  man to robot



Sooner or later your wife becomes your pal.  And it becomes inappropriate to shag your pal.  Rab C Nesbitt: Fuel s5e2, BBC 1996    



‘I am a woman.  And this is a bridge.  And despite our vast differences we are very much in love.’  Strange Love: Married to the Eiffel Tower, object-sexual, 2009  


He [bridge] and I can never be truly intimate.’  ibid.  


One of just forty people in the world who call themselves objectum-sexuals, people who have sexual relationships with object.  ibid.


They also give them names depending on their gender.  ibid.


‘I want your fluids.’  ibid.  woman in love with fairground ride    


‘I’m definitely physically attracted to this fence.’  ibid.  other woman



Hywel and Joceline decided to turn their fetishes into their full-time careers and run Restrained Elegance, a successful production company specialised in British bondage videos.  Kinky Britain, Channel 4 2016


One of the most kinky nations on Earth.  ibid.  


Booty slapping … roll-neck sweaters … female v male wrestling … [car] pedal pumping … balloon fetish … food … inflataphilia … teeth floss … cream crackers … macrophilia (impossibly gigantic things/women) …  ibid.   



‘I’d say I use a sex toy three or four times a week.’  Sex Toy Stories, woman, Channel 4 2013


Sex toys reach the parts partners don’t.  Over half the women in the UK have used a vibrator but most are designed by men.  ibid.


Sex toys are big business.  Sales of these pulsating libido-boosters have rocketed.  24 million adults in the UK have used a vibrator.  And the Ferrari of sex toys is the Rampant Rabbit.  ibid.



Bono offers sex to ‘anyone from the former Yugoslavia.  Brass Eye s1e4: Sex, The Times headline, Channel 4 1997


Sex is a sumptuous gland-babe in a hall of donkeys or a sordid little incubus that looks like your granny.  ibid. 



Mankind has been obsessed with building humanoid robots for centuries.  Now as the prospect of living with robots comes ever nearer we’re beginning to wonder just how close human and machine can get … Could a new generation of robotic lovers endanger human relationships?  Can we expect these robotic fantasies to come to life any time soon?  The Sex Robots Are Coming, Channel 4 2017 


At the forefront of the high-end sex doll market is the Californian Real Doll Company.  ibid.


The team aim to upgrade Harmony’s body with sensor technology enabling her to simulate realistic sexual responses.  ibid.



This is Britain’s 21st century sex trade.  The UK is the second highest consumer of porn in the world.  This documentary follows four sex performers who are forging a living in the world of porn.  The Sex Business s1e1: Porn Stars, Channel 5 2018


In 2016 the world’s largest porn site received 23 billion visits and almost 92 billion videos were viewed.  ibid.


Jess and Billy are a couple trying to establish themselves as professional porn performers.  ibid.


‘Just sitting around waiting.’  ibid.  porn star



It is estimated there are 73,000 sex workers in the UK.  The Sex Business s1e2: Working from Home



In the UK the exact number of women selling sex on the streets to survive is unknown.  Trapped in a world of drugs and danger.  The Sex Business s1e3: Working the Streets



With you never a quickie, always a longie.  Love at First Bite 1979 starring George Hamilton & Susan Saint James & Richard Benjamin & Dick Shawn & Arte Johnson & Ronnie Schell & Isabel Sanford & Sherman Hemsley & Barry Gordon et al, director Stan Dragoti



Hywel and Jocelyn decided to turn their fetishes into their full-time careers and run Restrained Elegance, a successful production company specialising in British bondage videos.  Meet the people who are making thousands of pounds catering to the nation’s most weird and wonderful fetishes.  Kinky Britain, Channel 4 2018