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★ Sex

She thinks I’m a pervert because I drank our waterbed.  Sleeper 1973 starring Woody Allen & Diane Keaton & John Beck & Marya Small & Susan Miller & Mary Gregory & Don Keefer & Peter Hobbs & John McLiam & Bartlett Robinson & Chris Forbes & Brian Avery et al, director Woody Allen



That was the most fun I ever had without laughing.  Annie Hall 1977 starring Woody Allen & Diane Keaton & Tony Robers & Carol Kane & Paul Simon & Janet Margolin & Shelley Duvall & Christpher Walken & Colleen Dewhurst & Donald Symington et al, director Woody Allen, Woody



The last time I was inside a woman was when I visited the Statue of Liberty.  Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989 starring Woody Allen & Martin Landau & Anjelica Huston & Mia Farrow & Alan Alda & Jerry Orbach & Joanna Gleason & Claire Bloom & Sam Waterston & Caroline Aaron et al, director Woody Allen



Tatiana: The mechanism is ... Oh, James, James ... Will you make love to me all the time in England?


James: Day and night.  Go on about the mechanism.  From Russia With Love 1963 starring Sean Connery & Daniela Bianchi & Lotte Lenya & Robert Shaw & Pedro Armendariz & Lotte Lenya & Bernard Lee & Walter Gotell et al, director Terence Young, Moneypenny & M et al listen to Bond’s taped interview



What I want now is gentleness and joy and love.  From you, Data.  You are fully functional?  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e3: The Naked Now, Tashar Yar


I am programmed in multiple techniques.  A broad variety of pleasuring.  ibid.  Data to Tashar Yar



Earth females – I must restrain myself too much – they are quite fragile, sir.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s1e8: Justice, Worf to Riker



Earth females are too fragile.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e15: Yesterday’s Enterprise, Worf



I find her exotic.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s3e24: Manage a Troi, Ferengi to Ferengi, re Troi


I am not for sale.  ibid.  Troi to Ferengi



Riker: Will you help me?


Nurse: If you make love to me.  I’ve always wanted to make love to an alien.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s4e15: First Contact



You learn so quickly what stimulates a man.  The second time is even better than the first.  Star Trek: The Next Generation s5e21: The Perfect Mate, Riker and alien bird



I’ll never understand the humanoid need to ... couple ... I choose not to.  Too many compromises.  You want to watch the Karo-Net tournament, she wants to listen to music, so you compromise: you listen to music.  You like Earth jazz, she prefers Klingon opera, so you compromise: you listen to Klingon opera.  So here you were ready to have a nice night watching the Karo-Net match and you wind up spending an agonizing evening listening to Klingon opera.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s1e4: A Man Alone, Odo to Quark



Odo – it rolls off the tongue.  I understand you’re a shape-shifter.  I’ve never been with a shape-shifter.  I’ve heard you are the only one of your kind.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s1e17: The Forsaken, Troi senior to Odo  



Rule of Acquisition 112: never have sex with the boss’s sister.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s2e17: Playing God, Quark



Sometimes it’s the female of the species that initiates mating.  Star Trek: Voyager s2e15: Threshold, Janeway to Tom



Foreplay with a Q can last for decades.  Star Trek: Voyager s3e11: The Q and the Grey, Q


Q: Mine’s bigger!


Janeway: Not big enough.  ibid.


Oh Cathy, don’t you like to look?  ibid.  Q    



There is nothing logical about the pon farr.  It is a time when instinct and emotion dominate over reason.  Star Trek: Voyager s3e16: Blood Fever, Tuvok to Doctor


I believe we are discussing your sexual difficulties, Ensign.  And this hologramatic mate is the best I can think of.  ibid.  Doctor


You’ve never been hard to get, Tom.  ibid.  B’Elanna


I’m planning to do a comparative study on all these mating rituals.  ibid.  Doctor to Janeway



Beauty is irrelevant.  Unless you wish to change the nature of our affiliation.  Star Trek: Voyager s4e5: Revulsion, Seven of Nine to Ensign Kim


Then you wish to copulate?  ibid.


Take off your clothes.  Don’t be alarmed.  I won’t hurt you.  ibid.



I have observed from Ensigns Torres and Paris that humans sometimes require a pretext to be intimate with one another.  Resistance is futile.  Star Trek: Voyager: Waking Moments s4e13, Seven of Nine



Last night I had an encounter with one of the Varro.  A personal encounter.  Sex!  We had sex!  Star Trek: Voyager s5e17: The Disease, Harry to Doctor



There is no-one on Deck 9 Section 12 who doesn’t know when you’re having intimate relations.  Star Trek: Voyager s5e22: Someone to Watch Over Me, Seven of Nine to B’Elanna



I am suffering from neuro-chemical imbalance.  It is native to my species.  My pon farr is in the early stages.  The urges are still controllable.  Unlike in humans the Vulcan labido increases with time.  Star Trek: Voyager s7e7: Body & Soul s7e7, Tuvok to Tom


You were prepared to sacrifice an individual to benefit a collective?  ibid.



I was at a party and a young lady came up to me and said, Are you a swinger?  And I said I’m too busy to do any public swinging.  And I don’t want you to think I don’t do any swinging, so why don’t you just assume I’m a secret swinger.  Henry Kissinger, televised interview



Nobody will ever win the Battle of the Sexes.  Theres just too much fraternizing with the enemy.  Henry Kissinger



Michael Parkinson to John Conteh: Is it true you don’t have sex before a fight?


Peter Cook as fellow guest: No, it’s during the fight.  The Michael Parkinson Show, BBC 1971



Join me in Olympic Heroes for Abstinence.  The best sex is no sex.  Kurt Angle



For fifty years sex has defined the British sitcom.  As much by its absence as its presence.  Sex and the Sitcom, BBC 2015


The malaise runs deeper to the heart of our comic sensibility and to the birth of the genre.  ibid.


Thanks to the sexual revolution we women were free to be as frustrated as men.  ibid.



Why should we take advice on sex from the pope?  If he knows anything about it, he shouldn’t!  George Bernard Shaw



Sex is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.  Marquis de Sade



Hidden meanings about what is right and what is wrong especially when it comes to human sexuality.  Bible Secrets Revealed: Sex and the Scriptures VI, History 2013


Adultery, eroticism, many so-called sinful acts are not only depicted in but appear to be tacitly accepted in the pages of the Old Testament.  ibid.



Sex detached from its purpose – which is procreation – and its condition – which is love – is a very horrible thing.  Malcolm Muggeridge  



An orgy looks particularly alluring through the mists of righteous indignation.  Malcolm Muggeridge



Dick has been in twelve-step recovery groups for the past twenty years.  Storyville: Survivors: Despicable Dick BBC 2012



A new anti-impotence drug just hit the market and doctors are already having a tough time keeping up with the patient demand for Viagra.  Storyville: Keeping It Up: The Story of Viagra, TV news, BBC 2023


Viagra was a second sexual revolution.  ibid.  woman  



Galvanised into action by the second trial, I was determined to change Britain’s archaic sex laws.  Cynthia Payne