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★ Sex

The Cult of Mary confronted the Enlightenment rationalism that had brought such destruction to the Church.  ibid.


Marriage ceased to be a purely Christian monopoly.  ibid.


Reverend Bailey: The genuine invert is often, so to speak, a by-product of the sin of a previous generation, and receives an affliction ... temptations unknown to the heterosexual.  ibid.


The problem is an institutional one.  ibid.



Men don’t often know those times when a girl could be had for nothing.  F Scott Fitzgerald, The Last Tycoon 



She looked at me as she did love

And made sweet moan.  John Keats, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, 1820



In 2009 eighteen-year-old student Gemma Barker invented three fictitious boys.  In disguise as these boys Gemma seduced two of her best friends.  The Girl Who Became Three Boys, Channel 4 2012


This is a story of sex and deception, a story that made headlines around the world.  It’s a story of a crime that begins on social networking sites.  The victims were two innocent teenage girls.  ibid.


Jessica, Alice and Gemma became close friends.  ibid.


Aaron’s Facebook page presented a picture of a fit and attractive young man.  ibid.


Gemma decided that Jessica ought to have a boyfriend of her own; one new Facebook account later and she’d created Luke Jones, a friend of Aaron.  ibid.


By the end of 2009 Gemma had two alter-egos: Aaron Lampard and Luke Jones complete with Facebook pages and networks of fictional friends.  ibid.


Gemma pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault and one of fraud ... Gemma was sent to prison for two and a half years.  ibid.



There is more to sex appeal than just measurements.  I don’t need a bedroom to prove my womanliness.  I can convey just as much sex appeal picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. Audrey Hepburn



We are the only species in which the female has orgasms.  Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man 12/13: Generation Upon Generation, BBC 1973



How many people are using the Web in their sex lives?  What exactly are they getting up to?  Websex: What’s the Harm? BBC 2012


Social networking has turned into sex networking.  ibid.


Grinder ... It’s claimed there are over two million users worldwide.  ibid.


There’s been quite an explosion in the amount of sites hooking up strangers using cams.  ibid.


Fake profiles and pictures are common.  ibid.


What if anything is this doing to our heads?  ibid.


The huge majority of us are into using technology for sex.  ibid.



Maybe they want to have sex with us ...The legions of alien abductees are full of people who have claimed to have sex with aliens ... How do they do it?  And is it fun?  The World’s Strangest UFO Stories s1e2: Close Encounters, 2005



I will not include gratuitous violence and sex, not for anyone.  Alan Ayckbourn, Season’s Greetings starring Michael Cashman & Barbara Flynn & Nicky Henson & Anna Massey & Geoffrey Palmer & Peter Vaughan et al, director Michael A Simpson, Bernard, of his puppet play, BBC 1986


I don’t fancy a woman in my bed any more than a man.  ibid.


Why does sex go and spoil everything?  ibid.  


There’s a strong possibility the man’s a homosexual.  He hangs about with engine drivers apparently.  ibid.  Harvey



My mother used to say, Delia, if S-E-X ever rears its ugly head, close your eyes before you see the rest of it.  Alan Ayckbourn, Bedroom Farce, 1978



The aspect of sex which is dirty ... wouldn’t even be so enjoyable if it wasnt.  Two Melons and a Stinking Fish, Sarah Lucas, BBC 2013



Why does this most sacred book have so much explicit sexuality in it?  Mysteries of the Bible s4e5: Love and Sex in the Hebrew Bible, A&E 1996


From the strange sexual power of Lilith to the seven hundred concubines of King Solomon the Bible seems almost as driven by passion and lust as by spiritual belief.  ibid.


Were these concubines similar to modern day prostitutes?  ibid.


Lesbianism is not mentioned at all.  ibid.


Rather than surrender his guests to the wild mob ... Lot tries to calm them by making an offer that seem horrendous.  ibid.


It is King David’s family that suffers ... He rapes his father’s wives.  ibid.


The Song of Solomon, aka Song of Songs, is perhaps the most sensual and provocative book in the entire Bible.  ibid.



Catholics have more extreme sex lives because they’re taught that pleasure is bad for you.  Who thinks it’s normal to kneel down to a naked man whos nailed to a cross?  It’s like a bad leather bar.  John Waters 



Even for a church that moves glacially, this was classic.  Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics by Sister Margaret Farley – a 77-year-old professor emeritus at Yale’s Divinity School, a past president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and an award-winning scholar – came out in 2006.


The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, which seems as hostile to women as the Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, spent years pondering it, then censured it on March 30 but didn’t publicly release the statement until Monday.  The New York Times opinion page 5th June 2012 ‘Is Pleasure a Sin?’



I’m a sexual anorexic.  Ray Donovan s1e12: Same Exactly starring Liev Schreiber & Paul Malcomson & Jon Voight & Eddie Marson & Dash Mihok & Steven Bauer et al, Sully, Showtime 2013



Is there any chance of a mercy fuck?  The Sopranos s6e5: Mr & Mrs John Sacrimoni Request starring James Gandolfini & Lorriane Bracco & Edie Falco & Michael Imperioli & Dominic Chianese & Steven van Zandt & Tony Sirico & Robert Iler et al, Tony to Dr Melfi, HBO 2006



You haven’t fucked me in over a year.  The Sopranos s6e6: Live Free Or Die starring James Gandolfini & Lorriane Bracco & Edie Falco & Michael Imperioli & Dominic Chianese & Steven van Zandt & Tony Sirico & Robert Iler et al, Rachel to Vito


In my business, I’m around a lot of women, and that one ain’t getting laid.  ibid.  Silvio 



Those luscious lips.  Beautiful tits.  Round, smooth, creamy arses.  Delicious pussies all waiting to be tasted, licked, bitten, sucked, savoured like a fine wine.  Lilyhammer IV: The Midwife starring Steven van Zandt & Trond Fausa Aurvag & Marian Saastad Ottesen & Steinar Sagen & Anne Krigsvoll et al, Frank to Sigrid’s son, Netflix 2012



I have made many mistakes this week.  Troy 2004 starring Brad Pitt & Eric Bana & Orlando Bloom & Rose Byrne & Peter OToole & Diane Kruger & Brian Cox & Sean Bean & Julie Christie & Saffron Burrows et al, director Wolfgang Petersen, Helen to Paris



I’ll tell you what, you want to get a bit kinky.  Do you like domination?  We like that, don’t we?  You need to dress up for him.  Why don’t you go up west?  Have a look round the sex shops.  Get a few toys and that.  How about handcuffs?  Do you fancy a bit of handcuffs?  See what you need to do is try different things.  I mean have you tried inserting things into Ray?  He might like it.  Love, Honour & Obey 2000 starring Sadie Frost & Ray Winstone & Jonny Lee Miller & Jude Law & Kathy Burke & Sean Pertwee & Denise van Outer & Rhys Ifans et al, directors Dominic Anciano & Ray Burdis et al, Maureen



Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.  Woody Allen



The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it.  Woody Allen  



I don’t know French.  What about Hebrew?  Bananas 1971 starring Woody Allen & Louise Lasser & Carlos Montalban & Natividad Abascal & Jacobo Morales & & MiguelAngel Suarez & Rene Enriquez & Jack Axelrod & Howard Cossell & Roger Grimsby & Don Dunphy et al, director Woody Allen


If you’re dead, it’s a tremendous draw-back to your sex life.  ibid.



Is sex dirty?  Only if its done right.  Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask 1972 starring Woody Allen & John Carradine & Lou Jacobi & Louise Lasser & Anthony Quayle & Tony Randall & Lynn Redgrave & Burt Reynolds & Gene Wilder & Jack Berry et al, director Woody Allen, Woody