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★ Science Fiction Films

Eels try to upload graffiti to the Dark Nine before we can burn it.  Fahrenheit 451 2018 starring Michael B Jordan & Michael Shannon & Sofia Boutella & Khandi Singh & Martin Donovan & Andy McQueen & Dylan Taylor & Grace Lynn Kung & Keir Dullea et al, director Ramin Bahrani, Captain Beatty


There were so many millions of opinions that our country slid into the second civil war.  ibid.


We are not born equal, Guy, so we must be made equal by the fire and then we can be happy.  ibid.



They are an army unlike any other crusading across the stars toward a place called Underverse, their promised land.  A constellation of dark new worlds.  Necromongers they are called.  And if they cannot convert you, they will kill you.  The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 starring Vin Diesel & Thandie Newton & Judi Dench & Colm Feore & Karl Urban & Alexa Davalos & Linus Roache & Yorick van Wageningen & Nick Chinlund et al, director David Twohy, opening remarks


So now it’s back to civilization.  All the brightness and everything I hate.  I just wanted to be left alone.  ibid.  Riddick


The underverse will be reached only by those who have embraced the necromonger faith.  ibid.  Necromonger spokesman


I’m just passing through.  ibid.  Riddick



You must listen to me.  You have lost your memory.  Something went wrong.  Your memory was erased.  Dark City 1998 starring Rufus Sewell & William Hurt & Kiefer Sutherland & Jennifer Connelly & Richard O’Brien & Ian Richardson & Bruce Spence & Colin Friels & John Bluthal et al, director Alex Proyas, doctor’s phone call


There’s someone after me.  There’s this group of men.  They want me dead.  ibid.  Murdoch to rozzer Bumstead



She also wants to be paid in the only currency that can’t be hacked  cash.  Anon 2018 starring Clive Owen & Amanda Seyfried & Colm Feore & Sonya Walger & Mark O’Brien & Joe Pingue & Iddo Goldberg & Sebastian Pigott & Rachel Roberts & Toyin Ishola et al, director Andrew Niccol


DFE Delete Fucking Everything.  ibid.  Girl   



I’ve killed Andre.  The Fly 1958 starring Vincent Price & David Hedison & Patricia Owens & Herbert Marshall & Kathleen Freeman & Betty Lou Gerson & Charles Herbert et al, director Kurt Neumann, Helene


We both have more money than we know what to do with.  ibid.  Francois to rozzer


They wouldn’t harm anything: not even a fly.  ibid.


I can transport matter, anything, at the speed of light perfectly.  ibid.  Andre


The search for the truth is the most important work in the whole world and the most dangerous.  ibid.  Francois



Brought to Earth on a meteorite during the Day of the Triffids.  The Day of the Triffids 1962 starring Howard Keel & Nicole Maurey & Janette Scott & Kieron Moore & Mervyn Johns & Ewan Roberts & Alison Leggatt & Geoffrey Matthews & Janina Faye et al, director Steve Sekely opening commentary


All of England appears to be infested with a strange new plant that can inflict a fatal sting.  It is also rumoured that this plant can uproot itself and move about.  If you are blind, stay indoors.  ibid.  radio announcer            


There’s no sense in getting killed by a plant.  ibid.  geezer  


All plants move.  They don’t usually pull themselves out of the ground and chase you.  ibid.  



The two great nations of the United States and Great Britain had been working on a secret project designated 13 … An expedition into … Outer Space!  Fire Maidens from Outerspace 1956 starring Anthony Dexter & Paul Carpenter & Susan Shaw & Harry Fowler & Sydney Tafler & Jacqueline Curtis & Rodney Riak & Maya Koumani & Owen Berry & Richard Walter et al, director Cy Roth


You know, there could be humans on that planet.  ibid.  scientist to scientist


Ship must be ready one week from today.  ibid.  scientist to secretary


Let’s just hope there’s some form of life.  ibid.  scientist to scientist


Where’s the thirteenth moon?  ibid.  aboard space-ship


No, this is a another frequency – ultra-sonic.  ibid.  message incoming alien voice


Sweep the surrounding area with radar.  ibid.  aboard


If the girls attack …  ibid.  on planet



Across the gulf of space intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.  War of the Worlds 2005 starring Tom Cruise & Dakota Fanning & Justin Chatwin & Miranda Otto & Tim Robbins & Rick Gonzalez & Yul Vazquez & Lenny Venito & Lisa Ann Walter & Ann Robinson & Gene Barry et al, director Steven Spielberg  


This came from some place else.  ibid.  father to son



Hiya, Scotty.  Cold enough for ya?  The Thing from Another World 1951 starring Margaret Sheridan & Kenneth Tobey & Robert Cornthwaite & Douglas Spencer & James Young & Dewey Martin & William Self & James Arness & Paul Frees et al, director Christian Nyby, opening line officers' Artic mess


We’ve found a flying saucer!  ibid.  geezer


He looks like a man: it’s got legs and a head – I can see it.  ibid.  geezer


It’s the eyes being open that get ya.  ibid.  geezer


Watch the skies.  Everywhere.  Keep looking.  Keep watching the sky.  ibid.  journalist



The strange thing about television is that it doesn’t tell you everything.  It shows you everything about life on Earth, but the true mysteries remain.  Perhaps it’s in the nature of television.  Just waves in space.  The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976 starring David Bowie & Rip Torn & Candy Clark & Buck Henry & Bernie Casey & Tony Mascia & Rick Riccardo et al, director Nicolas Roeg, shop lady to Bowie opening line


You know, Tommy, you’re a freak.  I don’t mean that unkindly.  I like freaks.  And that’s why I like you.  ibid.  Mary-Lou


There have always been visitors.  ibid.  Bowie



Virtual reality was supposed to be a safe place to train my law enforcement people.  Virtuosity 1995 starring Denzel Washington & Kevin O’Connor & Russell Crowe & Kelly Lynch & William Forsythe & Stephen Spinella & Louise Fletcher & William Fichtner & Costas Mandylor et al, director Brett Leonard, old bird


Killing for real – it was a real rush.  ibid.  Crowe


Sid’s got hostages.  ibid.  Washington


He’s evolving.  My God, he’s evolving.  ibid.  programmer


And who should you really be going after, killer?  Them or me? ibid.  Crowe