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★ Science Fiction Films

Science Fiction Films: see Science Fiction & Star Trek & Star Trek: Deep Space Nine etc. & Star Trek Films etc. & Fantasy & GBH Films & Novels & Future & Space & Simulation Theory & Aliens & Ancient Astronaut Theory & Teleportation & UFO

Mark Kermode’s Secrets of Cinema TV - District 9 2009 p1 - Alien Franchise inc: Alien 1979 p1 - Aliens 1986 p1 - Alien III 1992 p1 - Alien: Resurrection 1997 p1 - Alien: Prometheus 2012 p1 - Alien: Covenant 2017 p2 - Alien: Rolulus p2 - The Martian 2015 p2 - Gravity 2013 p2 - Snowpiercer 2013 p2 - Arrival 2016 p2 - Interstellar 2014 p2 - Deja Vu 2003 p2 - The Matrix 1999 p2 - Predestination 2014 p2 - The Adjustment Bureau 2011 p3 - Minority Report 2002 p3 - Ex Machina 2015 p3 - Brazil 1985 p3 - Rollerball 1975 p3 - Predator 1987 p3 - The Fly 1986 p3 - Doppleganger 1969 p4 - Gattaca 1997 p4 - Total Recall 1990 p4 - Back to the Future I 1985 p4 - Back to the Future II 1989 p4 - Back to the Future III p4 - The Matrix Reloaded 2003 p4 - The Terminator 1984 p4 - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003 p4 - Terminator Genisys 2015 p4 - Moon 2009 p4 - 10 Cloverfield Lane 2017 p4 - Annihilation 2018 p4 - The Matrix Revolutions 2003 p4 - Star Wars 1977 p5 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 p5 - Looper 2012 p5 - Blade Runner: The Final Cut 2007 p5 - Blade Runner 2049 p5 - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 2005 p5 - Inception 2010 p5 - Oblivion 2013 p5 - Limitless 2011 p5 - Edge of Tomorrow 2011 p5 - Paycheck 2003 p5 - Fahrenheit 451 2018 p6 - The Chronicles of Riddick 2004 p6 - Dark City 1998 p6 - Anon 2018 p6 - The Fly 1958 p6 - The Day of the Triffids 1962 p6 - Fire Maidens from Outerspace 1956 p6 - War of the Worlds 2005 p6 - The Thing From Another World 1951 p6 - The Man Who Fell to Earth 1976 p6 - Virtuosity 1995 p6 - Battleship 2012 p7 - I, Robot 2004 p7 - John Carter 2012 p7 - Strange Days 1995 p7 - The Quatermass Xperiment 1955 p7 - Chronicle 2012 p7 - Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure 1989 p7 - Total Recall 2012 p7 - Invasion of the Bee Girls 1973 p7 - Attack the Block 2011 p7 - The Darkest Hour 2012 p7 - Sphere 1998 p7 - Dune 1984 p7 - Elysium 2013 p7 - Cyborg 1989 p7 - Robot Overlords 2015 p8 - Knowing 2009 p8 - Self-Less 2015 p8 - Vanilla Sky 2001 p8 - The Final Cut 2004 p8 - Dredd 2012 p8 - Tron 1982 p8 - Death Squad 2014 p8 - Rollerball 2002 p8 - Chain Reaction 1996 p8 -




The year is 2019.  Or maybe it’s 2049.  We’re on a post-apocalyptic Earth ravaged by nuclear war or in a galaxy far far away.  I’ll be travelling across Time and Space to discover what makes the perfect Science Fiction movie.  Mark Kermode’s Secrets of Cinema IV: Science Fiction, BBC 2018  


Science fiction: where the future is whatever we make it.  ibid.


The Time Machine … 2001: A Space Odyssey … Vertigo … Twelve Monkeys … La Jetée … The Terminator … Back to the Future … Arrival … Interstellar … Le Voyage Dans La Lune … Interplanetary Revolution (USSR) … Woman in the Moon … Sunshine … Close Encounters of a Third Kind … Star Wars … Conquest of Space … Alien … The Ninth Configuration … Silent Running … Gravity … Robinson Crusoe on Mars … The Martian … Solaris … Pitch Black … Independence Day … The Thing … Mars Attacks! … The Day the Earth Stood Still … Invasion of the Body Snatchers … Planet of the Apes … War of the Worlds … The Brother from Another Planet … District 9 … Alive in Joburg … The War Game … Under the Skin … The Man Who Fell to Earth … Wall-E … Forbidden Planet … Silent Running … Metropolis … Ex Machina … Blade Runner … Ghost in the Shell (Jap) … The Matrix … AI Artificial Intelligence … Marjorie Prime … Her … Just Imagine … Alphaville … Akira (Jap) … Blade Runner 49 … Born in Flames … Robocop … The Hunger Games … The Maze Runner … A Wrinkle in Time … First Spaceship on Venus … Project Moonbase … Space is the Place … Black Panther …  ibid.     



The Department of Alien Affairs ... We try to engage.  District 9 ***** 2009 starring Sharlto Copley & Jason Cope & David James & Venessa Haywood & Mandla Gaduka & Kenneth Nkosi & Eugene Khumbanyiwa & Louis Minaar & William Allen Young & Nathalie Boltt et al, director Neill Blomkamp, Wikus opening scene in the department


There was a million of them.  So what was a temporary holding zone soon became fenced, soon became militarized, and before we knew it it was a slum.  ibid.  sociologist


For Use By Humans Only.  ibid.  sign


Locals Demand Removal Of All Extra-terrestrials.  ibid.  television news


Don’t point your fucking tentacles at me!  ibid.  Wikus to alien


I love watching prawns die.  ibid.  rozzer



Ash, that transmission – Mother’s deciphered part of it.  It doesn’t look like an SOS.  Well I – it looks like a warning.  I’m gonna go out after them.  Alien ***** 1979 starring Sigourney Weaver & Tim Skerritt & Veronica Cartwright & Harry Dean Stanton & John Hurt & Ian Holm & Yaphet Kotto & Bolaji Badejo & Helen Horton et al, director Ridley Scott, Ripley


Alien life-form.  Like it’s been dead a long time.  ibid.  captain


It’s full of leathery objects like eggs I suppose.  ibid.  Hurt


It seems to have life.  Organic life.  ibid.


You do your job; let me do mine, yes?  ibid.  Ash


Nostromo Rerouted to New Co-Ordinates.  Investigate Life Form.  Gather Specimen.  Priority One Insure Return of Organism for Analysis.  All Other Considerations Secondary.  Crew Expendable.  ibid.  computer


Ash is a goddamned robot!  ibid.  Parker


Bring back life form.  Priority One.  All other priorities rescinded ... Perfect organism.  Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.  ibid.  Ash


I got you, you sonofabitch.  ibid.  Ripley


Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo.  Third officer reporting.  The other members of the crew, Kane, Lambert, Parker, Brett, Ash and Captain Dallas, are dead.  Cargo and ship destroyed.  I should reach the frontier in about six weeks.  With a little luck, the network will pick me up.  This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.  ibid.  closing lines



You were out there for fifty-seven years.  Aliens 1986 starring Sigourney Weaver & Michael Biehn & Paul Reiser & Lance Henriksen & Carrie Henn & Bill Paxton & William Hope & Jenette Goldstein & Al Matthews & Mark Rolston et al, director Ridley Scott, company bloke to Weaver


I’m ready, man.  Check it out!  I am the ultimate bad-ass!  State of the bad-ass art!  You do not want to fuck with me.  Check it out!  Hey, Ripley, don’t worry.  Me and my squad of ultimate bad-asses will protect you!  Check it out.  Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx.  WHAP!  Fry half a city with this puppy.  We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, RPGs.  We got sonic, electronic ball breakers!  We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks.  ibid.  Private Hudson


So who’s laying these eggs?  ibid.  Ripley



Fiorina ‘Fury’ 161 outer-veil mineral ore refinery double-y chromosome-work correctional facility maximum security.  Alien 3 1992 starring Sigourney Weaver & Charles S Dutton & Charles Dance & Paul McGann & Brian Glover & Ralph Brown & Danny Webb & Christopher John Fields & Holt McCallany & Lance Henriksen et al, director, opening caption



Standing Crew: 42 enlisted, 7 science officers.  Alien: Resurrection 1997 starring Sigourney Weaver & Winona Ryder & Ron Perlman & Dominique Pinon & Dan Hedaya & J E Freeman & Brad Dourif & Raymond Cruz & Kim Flowers & Gary Dourdan & Leland Orser & Michael Wincott et al, director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, opening caption


You going to kill me or what?  ibid.  Ripley to robot


Why do you go on living?  ibid.  Robot to Ripley



I think they want us to come and find them.  Alien: Prometheus ***** 2012 starring Michael Fassbender & Charlize Theron & Noomi Rapace &  Guy Pearce & Logan Marshall-Green & Rafe Spall & Sean Harris & Kate Dickie & Benedict Wong et al, director Ridley Scott, her to him


Weyland Corporation: Building Better Worlds.  ibid.  slogan