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★ Science Fiction Films

Jane, I work for a new organisation seeking young women like yourself to train on a career in the civil service.  We’re what you might call progressive.  ibid.  recruiter


It’s reshaping wrong-doings … Finding people who are special … For people with exceptional abilities … You see the work we do is complicated.  ibid.


It’s a time machine.  ibid.  him to him


If you shoot me, you’ll become me.  ibid.      



All I have are the choices I make, and I choose her, come what may.  The Adjustment Bureau 2011 starring Matt Damon & Emily Blunt & Terence Stamp & John Slattery & Anthony Mackie & Michael Kelly & Donnie Keshawarz & Anthony Ruivivar et al, director George Nolfi, Davi


I can go through this door alone.  You’ll never see me or the people chasing us again, or you can come with me, and I dont know whats on the other side, but you’d be next to me and that’s all I’ve wanted since the minute I met you.  ibid.  David to Elise


Most people live life on the path we set for them.  Too afraid to explore any other.  But once in a while, people like you come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way.  People who realize free will is a gift you’ll never know how to use until you fight for it.  I think that’s the Chairmans real plan that maybe one day, we won’t write the plan.  You will.  ibid.  Harry voiceover



Department of Pre-Crime ... Case #1108.  Minority Report 2002 starring Tom Cruise & Colin Farrell & Max von Sydow & Steve Harris & Neal McDonough & Samantha Morton & Partick Kilpatrick & Jessica Capshaw & Louis Smith et al, director Steven Spielberg


Positive for Howard Marks.   ibid.  Cruise to Marks


Were talking about pre-determinism which happens all the time.  ibid.  Cruise to fellow spooks


I was doing genetic research at the Woodhaven Clinic in Rhode Island on Renning’s Syndrome, a neurological condition that affects the cerebral cortex of children.  All these kids were born with severe brain damage, most died before the age of 12.  Those few, those precious few who survived, they had a gift.  They would wake up in the night, curled up in the corner of the room, screaming, clawing at the wallpaper.  Because, when these little children, if they closed their eyes at night, they dreamt only of murder.  And it didn’t take long for us to realize that the real nightmare was that these so called dreams were about to become true, that these murders were actually happening!  ibid.  Dr Henimen


The future is so much more interesting than the past, don’t you think?  ibid.  Doctor to Cruise


Every day for the last six years I’ve thought about only two things: the first is what my son would look like if he were alive today, if I’d recognise him, if I saw him on the street.  The second is what I would do to the man who took him.  ibid.  Cruise   



I’ve got the mother of all fucking hangovers.  Oh my God like you wouldn’t believe – If I have a heavy night, I er compensate the next morning – exercise, antioxidants, you know ...  Ex Machina 2015 starring Domhnall Gleeson & Oscar Isaac & Alicia Vikander & Sonoya Mizuno & Symara A Templeman & Elina Alminas & Gana Bayarsaikhan & Tiffany Pisani & Clarie Selby & Corey Johnson et al, director Alex Garland, Nathan to Caleb


Do you know what the Turing test is?  ibid.


Who you gonna call?  Ghostbusters?  ibid.


Caleb: What was the real test?


Nathan: You.  Ava was a rat in a maze.  And I gave her one way out.  ibid.



This is your receipt for your husband.  Brazil 1985 starring Jonathan Pryce & Robert De Niro & Katherine Helmond & Ian Holm & Bob Hoskins & Michael Palin & Kim Griest & Bob Hoskins & Jim Broadbent et al, director Terry Gilliam, ministry bloke


Information the Key to Prosperity: Ministry of Information.  ibid.  sign


Sorry, I’m a bit of a stickler for paperwork.  Where would we be if we didn’t follow the correct procedures?  ibid.  Sam


Santa Claus: What would you like for Christmas?


Little girl on lap: My own credit card.  ibid.


If you hold out too long, you could jeopardise your credit rating.  ibid.  guard



Good evening, everyone.  And welcome to Houston, the Energy City, home of the Rollerball world champions.  Rollerball 1975 starring James Caan & John Houseman & Maud Adams & John Beck & Moses Gunn & Pamela Hensley & Barbara Trentham & John Normington & Shame Rimmer & Burt Kwouk et al, director Norman Jewison, announcer


Ladies and gentlemen, our corporate anthem.  ibid.


I love this game, Moonpie.  ibid.  Jonathan E


This is Jonathan’s season.  Every season seems to be Jonathan’s season.  ibid.


Do you know what those executives dream about out there behind their desks?  They dream they’re great Rollerballers.  They dream they’re Jonathan.  ibid.


You know how the game serves us.  A definite social purpose.  Nations are bankrupt.  Gone.  None of that tribal warfare any more.  Even the corporate wars are a thing of the past.  Now we have the majors and their executives.  Transport.  Food.  Communication.  Housing.  Luxury.  Energy.  A few of us making decisions on a global basis for the common good ... Corporate society takes care of everything.  ibid.


A stupid game after all.  Awful game.  ibid.


Corporate society is an inevitable destiny.  Material dream.  ibid.  Mr Bartholomew to Jonathan


The game was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort.  Let the game do its work.  ibid.  Bartholomew to other executives


Game?  This wasn’t meant to be a game.  ibid.  trainer



You’re an asset.  An expendable asset.  And I used you to get the job done, gettit?  Predator 1987 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Carl Weathers & Elpidia Carrillo & Bill Duke & Jesse Ventura & Sonny Landham & Richard Chaves & R G Armstrong & Keving Peter Hall et al, director John McTiernan, black bloke to Arnie


If it bleeds, we can kill it.  ibid.  Arnie



I’m working on something that will change the world.  The Fly 1986 starring Jeff Goldblum & Geena Davis & John Getz & Joy Boushel & Leslie Carlson & George Chuvalo & David Cronenberg et al, director David Cronenberg, him to her opening line


I can only teleport inanimate objects.  ibid.  


Something went wrong, Seth.  ibid.  her to him


Fusion of Brundle and Fly at Molecular-Genetic Level.  ibid.  computer


Im pregnant with Seths baby.  ibid.  her to boss/ex-boyfriend


The ultimate family.  ibid.  him to her