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★ Science Fiction Films

Sun probe 1 was as an unqualified success … The far side of the sun  over 100 million miles from Earth.  Hidden from the eyes of radio telescopes by the sun itself … that force, gentlemen, was the gravitational force of another planet.  Doppleganger aka Journey to the Far Side of the Sun 1969 starring Roy Thinnes & Ian Hendry & Lynn Loring & Patrick Wymark & George Sewell & Loni von Friedl & Herbert Lom & Ed Bishop & Norma Ronald & Franco de Rosa et al, director Robert Parrish, European space agency meeting


You stick to the science.  I’ll handle the politics.  ibid.  Webb


America’s top astronaut  sterile.  ibid.  her to him


Mark, I want a total security black-out on news of their return till we find out what the devil has gone wrong.  ibid.  Webb


Everything is reversed.  ibid.  astronaut  


One thing that’s not reversed is the polarity of electricity.  ibid.



Let’s do it.  Let’s move to Mars.  Total Recall 1990 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Rachel Ticotin & Sharon Stone & Michael Ironside & Marsha Bell & Ronny Cox & Michael Campion & Mel Johnson junior & Roy Brocksmith & Ray Baker & Rosemary Dunsmore et al, director Paul Verhoeven, him to her


Lori: Doug, honey ... You wouldn’t hurt me, would you, sweetheart?  Sweetheart, be reasonable.  After all, we’re married!  [Lori goes for gun, Quaid shoots killing her]  


Quaid: Consider that a divorce!  ibid.


Sorry, Quaid, your whole life’s just a dream.  ibid.  Stone



No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley.  Back to the Future I 1985 starring Michael J Fox & Christopher Lloyd & Lea Thompson & Crispin Glover & Thomas F Wilson & James Tolkan & Donald Fullilove & Claudia Wells & Harry Waters junior et al, director Robert Zemeckis, teacher


Doc: Tell me, Future Boy, who’s President of the United States in 1985?


Marty: Ronald Reagan.


Doc: Ronald Reagan?  The actor? [rolls eyes] Ha!  Then who’s vice-president, Jerry Lewis?  I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady?  ibid.


Marty: What about all that talk about screwing up future events?  The space-time continuum?


Doc: Well, I figured, what the hell?  ibid.



Jennifer, I don’t know how to tell you this but we created a time machine.  Back to the Future II 1989 starring Michael J Fox & Christopher Lloyd & Lea Thompson & Thomas F Wilson & James Tolkan & Jeffrey Weissman & Elisabeth Shue & Billy Zane & Charles Fleischer et al, director Robert Zemeckis, Marty


They’ve abolished all lawyers.  ibid.  Doc


Maybe we could place a couple of bets.  ibid.  Marty


The other great mystery of the universe – women.  ibid.  Doc



Doc, what is wrong with my future?  Back to the Future III 1990 starring Michael J Fox & Christopher Lloyd & Mary Steenburgen & Thomas F Wilson & Lea Thompson & James Tolkan & Elisabeth Shue & Jeffrey Weissman et al, director Robert Zemeckis, Marty


All right, I’m from the future.  I came here in a time machine that I invented.  ibid.  Doc to bird


It means your future hasn’t been written yet.  No-one’s has.  Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one.  Both of you.  ibid.  Doc



I just wish I knew what I’m supposed to do.  The Matrix Reloaded 2003 starring Keanu Reeves & Laurence Fishburne & Hugo Weaving & Carrie-Anne Moss & Jada Pinkett Smith & Gloria Foster & Harold Perrineau & Monica Bellucci & Lambert Wilson et al, director Wachowski brothers, him to her


I believe very soon the prophecy will be fulfilled.  ibid.  Morpheus


We are here because we are not free.  ibid.  Agent Smith



Los Angeles 2029 A.D.  The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire.  Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future.  It would be fought here, in our present.  The Terminator 1984 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Michael Biehn & Linda Hamilton & Lance Henriksen & Paul Winfield & Bess Motta & Earl Boen & Rick Rossovich et al, director James Cameron, opening scene and caption


The Terminator’s an infiltration unit, part man, part machine.  Underneath, it’s a hyper-alloy combat chassis – micro-processor controlled, fully armoured.  Very tough.  But outside, it’s living human tissue – flesh, skin, hair, blood, grown for the cyborgs ... The 600 series had rubber skin.  We spotted them easy.  But these are new, they look human.  Sweat, bad breath, everything.  Very hard to spot.  I had to wait till he moved on you before I could zero him.  ibid.  Kyle


I’ll be back.  ibid.  Arnie


You’re terminated, fucker.  ibid.  hero



My name is John Connor.  They tried to murder me before I was born.  When I was 13 they tried again.  Machines from the future: Terminator.  Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Nick Stahl & Clare Danes & Kristanna Loken & David Andrews & Mark Famiglietti & Earl Boen & Jau Acovone & Mark Hicks et al, director Jonathan Mostow, opening commentary


By the time SkyNet became self-aware it had spread into millions of computer servers all across the planet.  Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm rooms, everywhere.  It was software, in cyberspace.  There was no system core.  It could not be shut down.  The attack began at 6:18 p.m. just as he said it would.  Judgment Day.  The day the human race was nearly destroyed by the weapons they built to protect themselves.  I should have realized our destiny was never to stop Judgment Day; it was merely to survive it.  Together.  ibid.



Before they died my parents told me stories of how the world once was.  What it was like long before I was born.  Before the war with the machines.  Terminator Genisys 2015 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger & Brett Azar & Jason Clarke & Emilia Clarke & Willa Taylor & Jai Courtney & Bryant Prince & Lee Byung-hun & J K Simmons & Wayne Bastrup & Sandrine Holt & Matt Smith et al, director Alan Taylor, opening commentary



A religious event.  An extraterrestrial event.  A higher dimension.  We have many theories, few facts.  Annihilation 2018 starring Natalie Portman & Jennifer Jason Leigh & Gina Rodriguez & Tessa Thompson & Tuva Novotny & Oscar Isac & Benedict Wong & Sonoya Mizuno & David Gyasi et al, director Alex Garland, Dr Ventress to Lena


Something here is making giant waves in the gene pool … Corruptions in form.  Duplicates in form.  Echoes.  ibid.  Lena  


The Shimmer is a prism but it refracts everything.  ibid.  Radek


It was changing everything.  It was making something new.  ibid.  Lena



He won’t let you.  I don’t like him  the Train Man.  The Matrix Revolutions 2003 starring Keanu Reeves & Laurence Fishburne & Carrie-Anne Moss & Hugo Weaving & Jada Pinkett Smith & Mary Alice & Harry J Lennix & Harold Perrineau & Lambert Wilson & Monica Bellucci et al, directors The Wachowskis, young girl  


Nothing works out just the way you want it to.  ibid.  The Oracle