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★ Science Fiction Films

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...  Star Wars 1977 starring Harrison Ford & Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher & Peter Cushing & Alec Guinness & David Prowse & Anthony Daniels & Kenn Baker & Peter Mayhew & Phil Brown & Denis Lawson et al, director Gorge Lucas, opening caption


We seem to be made to suffer.  It’s our lot in life.  ibid.  tin man



Luke Skywalker has vanished.  In his absence, the sinister First Order has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.  Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 starring Harrison Ford & Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher & Adam Driver & Daisy Ridley & John Boyega & Oscar Isaac & Andy Serkis & Lupita Nyong’o & Domnhall Gleeson & Anthony Daniels et al, director J J Abrams, opening caption



Time Travel – it’s not yet been invented.  But thirty years from now, it will have been.  Looper 2012 starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Bruce Willis & Emily Blunt & Paul Dano & Frank Brennan & Noah Segan & Piper Perabo & Jeff Daniels & Pierce Gagnon & Summer Qing & Tracie Thoms et al, director Rian Johnson, opening commentary



Early in the 21st Century The TYRELL CORPORATION advanced Robot evolution into the NEXUS phase – a being virtually identical to a human – known as a Replicant.  Blade Runner: The Final Cut 2007 starring Harrison Ford & Rutger Hauer & Sean Young & Daryl Hannah & Edward James Olmos & M Emmet Walsh & William Sanderson & Brion James & Joe Turkel & Joanna Cassidy & James Hong et al, director Ridley Scott, caption


Replicants are like any other machine – they’re either a benefit or a hazard.  ibid.  Deckard


More human than human is our motto.  ibid.  Tyrell


Did you ever take that test yourself?  ibid.  her to him


It’s not an easy thing to meet your maker.  ibid.  Hauer


Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it?  That’s what it is to be a slave.  ibid.  Hauer



Replicants are bioengineered humans, designed by Tyrell Corporation for use off-world.  Their enhanced strength made them ideal slave labor … Wallace acquired the remains of Tyrell Corp and created a new line of replicants who obey.  Blade Runner 2049 starring Ryan Gosling & Harrison Ford & Ana de Armas & Sylvia Hoeks & Robin Wright & Mackenzie Davis & Carla Juri & Lennie James & David Bautista & Jared Leto & Edward James Olmos et al, director Denis Villeneauve, captions



The message was this: so long and thanks for all the fish.  The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 2005 starring Martin Freeman & Sam Rockwell & Mos Def & Zooey Deschanel & Bill Nighy & Warwick Davis & Anna Chanccellor & John Malkovich & Kelly Macdonald et al, director Garth Jennings; see also novel Douglas Adams, commentary


Time is an illusion, lunch-time doubly so.  ibid.  Ford


Do you really think the world’s going to end?  Shouldn’t we lie down or put paper bag over our heads or something?  ibid.  Barman to Ford


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book.  Perhaps the most remarkable, certainly the most successful book, ever to come out of the great publishing corporations of Ursa Minor.  ibid.  commentary


On no account should you allow a Vogon to read poetry to you.  ibid.


Vogon poetry is widely accepted as the third worst in the universe.  ibid.


Space, says the Introduction to the Hichhiker’s Guide, is big.  Really big.  You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is.  ibid.


I think you ought to know I’m feeling very depressed.  ibid.  Marvyn


Life – don’t talk to me about life.  ibid.  Marvyn  


Ghastly, isn’t it?  All the doors in this spaceship have been programmed to have a cheerful and sunny disposition.  ibid.


The best drink in existence is the pan-galactic gargle-blaster.  ibid.  commentary  


The answer to the ultimate question of Life, The Universe and Everything is ... forty-two.  ibid.  Deep Thought


The infinite improbability drive is a wonderful new method of crossing interstellar distances in a few seconds.  ibid.  commentary


In the beginning the universe was created.  This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.  ibid.


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the subject of love: avoid if at all possible.  ibid.


Your death may be monitored for training purposes.  ibid.  planet Magrathea recorded message


The planet you lived on was commissioned, paid for and run by mice.  ibid.  planet-building bloke



What is the most resilient parasite?  Bacteria.  A virus.  An intestinal worm?  An idea.  Inception 2010 starring Leonardo di Caprio & Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Ellen Page & Tom Hardy & Ken Watanabe & Dileep Rao & Cillian Murphy & Tom Berenger & Pete Postlethwaite & Michael Caine & Lukas Haas et al, director Christopher Nolan



Earth: before the war.  New York: before I was born.  The place I've only seen pictures of.  Oblivion 2013 starring Tom Cruise & Morgan Freeman & Olga Kurylenko & Andrea Riseborough & Nikolaj Coster-Waldau & Melisa Leo & Zoe Bell et al, director John Kosinski, opening scene


Without the moon, the Earth was thrown into chaos.  ibid.


Everybody dies, Sally.  The thing is to die well.  ibid.  Cruise



Worth the risk?  What would you do? … A tablet a day, and what I could do with my day was limitless.  I leant to play the piano in three days.  Limitless 2011 starring Robert DeNiro & Bradley Cooper & Abbie Cornish & Anna Friel & Johnny Whitworth & Richard Bekins & Robert John Burke & Tomas Arana & T V Carpio et al, director Neil Burger


This was crazy.  I suddenly knew everything about everything.  ibid.  


Only problem, if I wasn’t moving forward, I felt like I was going to explode.  ibid.


I have an actual recipe for grandeur.  ibid. 


Was it possible, I could have killed someone?  ibid.



This is an alien invasion and global war.  Edge of Tomorrow 2014 starring Tom Cruise & Emily Blunt & Bill Paxton & Brendan Gleeson & Kick Gurry & Dragomir Mrsic & Charlotte Riley & Jonas Armstrong & Franz Darmeh & Marianne Jean-Baptiste & Masayoshi Haneda et al, director Doug Liman


Remember there is no courage without fear.  ibid.  Sergeant


You’re all doomed!  Doomed!  ibid.  Cruise


The battle is the great redeemer.  ibid.  Sergeant



It’s time to wake up.  And get ‘A Life’.  We live in a three-dimensional world.  Paycheck 2003 starring Ben Affleck & Uma Thurman & Aaron Eckhart & Paul Giamatti & Colm Feore & Joe Morton & Michael C Hall & Peter Friedan & Ivana Milicevic & Kathryn Morris et al, director John Woo, opening scene


One big paycheck.  You’re done.  ibid.  corporate bloke