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Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma
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★ Pharmaceuticals & Big Pharma

‘It was apparent that no toxicology had been carried out before introduction either in Germany or in the UK’.  ibid.  supressed documents


The government expert working group next meets on March 27th 2017.  The 7,000 Berlin documents seen by Sky News have been handed to the inquiry.  Their finds on hormone pregnancy tests will be published later this year.  ibid.



Patients around the globe need medicine.  Opening the gates into another dark trade kingdom  fake pharma.  Underworld Inc: Kings & Queens, National Geographic 2017



GcMAF removes a number of diseases from the body including cancer, without side-effects.  Our regulatory consultants in the UK call it the God Protein … For 25 years governments, big pharma, regulatory authorities and the medical industries have denied you access to GcMAF.  And they are ruthlessly determined to keep it that way.  David Noakes, lecture Alternative View 6 conference, ‘Big Pharma and the Cancer Scam’



The United States represents 5% of the world’s population.  But consumes more than 50% of the world’s pharmaceuticals.  And 80% of the world’s prescription narcotics.  American Addict, 2016


Are prescription drugs less dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes?  ibid.


‘We’ve turned the corner on drug addiction in the United States.’  ibid.  Nixon


‘In the first six months of 2008 67% of the OxyCodone nationwide that was put out by dispensing practitioners came out of Broward County, Florida.’  ibid.  expert 


One of many Pharma lobbies contributed over 1.5 million to President Bush for the 2000 campaign.  ibid.  


‘Drug companies influence the regulatory agencies.’  ibid.


The FDA employs 13,000 people.  ibid.  


‘Particularly since 1992 most of the funding for reviewing drugs comes directly in cash payments from the drug industry to the FDA.  ibid.


Prescription Drug Use Free Act of 1992: Congress required drug companies to pay fees of half a million dollars and up to the FDA with each new drug application.  ibid.  caption


Leading Causes of Death in US: 1) Heart Disease; 2) Cancer; 3) Stroke; 4) Adverse Events From Medications.  ibid.



The many people that I have lost in my family, the many people that I have nursed who have died of AIDS, could have been spared.  Fire in the Blood, black woman, 2013


This is a story about statistics.  The millions of people in poor countries who died needlessly of AIDS while giant pharmaceutical companies blocked access to the low-cost medicine which could have saved their lives.  ibid.


Over $15,000 per patient per year.  ibid.  


The drugs they needed were made under patent by multinational pharmaceutical companies.  ibid.  


In 2000 Pfizer’s sales of Fluconazole were $1 billion a year with prices of up to $40 per tablet.  ibid.


Few people in Washington willing to discuss the issue.  ibid.


No industry has made more profit over the past several decades than brand-name pharmaceuticals.  ibid.


Indian Company Offers Low-Cost AIDS Drugs.  ibid.  The New York Times



A trusted household name … is now part of a global business … Some Boots pharmacists are worried: when mistakes are made patients can die … Are pharmacists at the UK’s biggest pharmacy chain under too much pressure?  Inside Out Special: Boots: Pharmacists Under Pressure? BBC 2018



Martin Shkreli rashly raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 dollars a pill to $750.  Dirty Money III ***** Drug Short: Valeant Pharmaceuticals, news, Netflix 2018


The poster boy for hiking drug prices arrested today for securities fraud.  ibid.


A house of cards with people cheating other people right left and centre.’  ibid.  Australian short seller


They bought over a hundred companies.  ibid.


You have to pay for your medicine because you’re going to die if you don’t.  ibid.  victim


Between 2010 and 2015 Valeant increased the monthly price of Syprine from $650 to $21,000.  During the same period Valeant’s value grew from £2.3 billion to $78 billion.  ibid.  caption


Valeant was very good at creating an illusion that they were growing.’  ibid.  short seller


Daraprim: Outrage After Pill Increases 5,000%.  ibid.  CNN banner


The pharmaceutical Enron.  ibid.  short seller


In one month Valeant stock fell 59%.  The company lost $26 billion in value.  ibid.  caption


US insurance premiums have gone up 43% since 2008.  ibid.



A group of Nigerian children and their guardians alleged that Pfizer experimented on 200 children suffering from meningitis without their consent or knowledge.  At the time of the 1996 meningitis epidemic in northern Nigeria, Pfizer was attempting to obtain Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for a new antibiotic Trovafloxacin Mesylate (Trovan).  The complainants further alleged that Pfizer purposefully under-dosed the children treated with the well-established and FDA-approved drug Ceftriaxone in order to skew the trial results in favour of Trovan.  11 children died as a result of the trial and many others were left blind, paralysed or brain-damaged.


The complainants filed a claim under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) grounded in the prohibitions of the Nuremberg Code, the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki, the guidelines of the Council for International Organisations of Medical Services and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which categorically forbid medical experimentation without consent.  Rabi Abdullahi v Pfizer 2009, Child Rights International Network online report



The pharmaceutical industry is a reprehensible display of greed and avarice benefiting on people’s sickness.  The Corbett Report, 009 Big Pharma Loves You to Death, James Corbett online 2007  


Pharmaceutical companies’ attempt to grab a greater slice of the share of the medical industry results in drugs of questionable integrity or questionable utility.  ibid. 


Pharmaceutical companies knowingly inflicted harm on their companies in the pursuit of profit.  ibid.



If you had told someone two decades ago that by 2018 the company that commercialised chemical warfare and the company that commercialised Agent Orange were going to team to control a quarter of the world’s food supply, the chances are you would have been labelled a loony.  The Corbett Report, ‘Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell’, James Corbett online 2018


With this month’s announcement that Bayer had completed its $63 billion acquisition of Monsanto it is hard to deny that [Robert] Shapiro’s [former Monsanto CEO] vision has been realism … That vision is a nightmare … A match made in hell.  ibid.


This hatred of Monsanto is not unreasonable; it is after all difficult to think of a company that has ruined the lives of more people around the world.  ibid.


Bayer: This legacy of death … wanton environmental destruction, injury and even mass murder.  ibid.    



When I was a little girl I remember driving on the I-44 with my mom past the desolate remains of what used to be Times beach.  The street sat empty save for the dark windowless husks of decaying abandoned houses.  And she would always tell me the story about how that was where everyone had to be evacuated because of toxic waste contamination.  The Cover Up at Times Beach, Truthstream Media 2017  


The by-product of Agent Orange was manufactured … Times beach was disincorporated, evacuated and quarantined save for one elderly couple who refused to leave.  ibid.    


The largest civilian dioxin exposure in US history.  ibid.    


A suspected dioxin dump site.  ibid.    


Bliss [haulage company] subsequently testified from a Monsanto research lab.  ibid.    


They [resident family] didn’t just lose their house … They had been exposed to all these harmful chemicals and hazardous toxic waste.   ibid.      


The discovery of PCBs in the town.  ibid.  


‘Every member of my family was ill with something different.’  ibid.  resident  


Russell Bliss [haulage] was never convicted of any crime.  ibid.    


In the 1982 the DOJ … withheld documents from a Congressional investigation on the Times beach clean-up … They cite executive privilege.  ibid.  



Welcome to the United States of Addiction: we want everything big, we want everything now, and we don’t want to work for it.  Prescription Thugs, Netflix 2015


People were dying from prescription drugs ... Doctors are starting to look like drug pushers; and if they are the dealers, what does that make us?  ibid.