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★ Parallel Universe

Parallel Universe: see Multiverse & String Theory & Universe & Space & M Theory & Dimension & Reality & Laws of Science

Michio Kaku - Horizon TV - The Universe TV - Parallel Universes TV - Steven Weinberg - Lawrence Krauss - Morgan Freeman TV - Star Trek TV - Max Tegmark - Alan Guth - Bert Ovrut -  




Technologies that may be realized in centuries or millennium include: warp drive, travelling faster than the speed of light, parallel universes; are there other parallel dimensions and parallel realities?  Michio Kaku, author Physics of the Impossible



We are experiencing an existential shock.  Our world view has been shattered with the realisation that, yes, there could be parallel universes ... Satellite data indicates there could be parallel universes ... New theories called String Theories are giving us worlds of higher dimensions; quantum physics at the microscopic scale is also revealing to us there could be parallel universes ... The implications are staggering.  Professor Micho Kaku



Why look for these parallel universes we can’t touch?  Because they hold the secret of secrets.  They hold the secret of the origin of everything there is.  For the first time we can imagine where our universe itself came from.  Perhaps when our universe popped into existence, colliding with another parallel universe, perhaps budding from another universe, these are the stuff of modern research today  pre-big-bang physics.  Professor Michio Kaku



A portal that connects directly to bizarre worlds.  It’s a passport to adventure where the craziest fantasy becomes reality.  A working gateway to a parallel universe.  Michio Kaku, Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible s1e2: How to Travel to a Parallel Universe, Science 2009


Our bubble is not the only one.  According to Inflation Theory, multiple Big Bangs created multiple bubble universes.  ibid.  


What I need is a bridge between bubbles.  ibid.


Use remote-controlled probes.  ibid.



And that’s why we haven’t met any time travellers – they’ve gone to one of the many parallel universes.  Horizon: The Time Lords, BBC 1996



Imagine if you could find an explanation for everything in the universe … The universe we live in is not the only one.  Horizon: Parallel Universe, BBC 2002


They’d be even stranger than Elvis being alive.  ibid.  


The physicists found a second version of it.  And then a third.  Soon they had found five different string theories.  That wasnt single and it didnt sound very definitive.  String theory had begun to unravel.  It seemed as if the dream of a theory of everything was as far away as ever.  But just as the scientists were about to give up hope, a new and startling discovery would be made.  This would inspire them to begin their quest again and force them at last to confront their least popular idea: parallel universes.  ibid.


Super-Gravity: String Theory had displaced it.  ibid.       


Super-Gravity though had been convinced there were exactly eleven dimensions.  ibid.  


String Theory was in trouble.  Its five different versions meant it couldn’t be the all-embracing theory Physics was looking for.  Everything it seemed had been tried to save String Theory.  Well, almost everything.  In a final desperate move, the String Theorists tried adding one last thing to their cherished idea: they added the very thing they had spent a decade rubbishing – the 11th dimension.  ibid.     


The tiny invisible strings of String Theory were supposed to be the fundamental building blocks of all the matter in the universe.  But now with the addition of the eleventh dimension they changed: they stretched and they combined.  The astonishing conclusion was that all the matter in the universe was connected to one vast structure: an M-brane.  In effect our entire universe is an M-brane.  ibid.


When M Theory emerged, [Lisa] Randall and her colleagues wondered if it might provide the explanation  could gravity be leaking from our universe into the empty space of the eleventh dimension?  Randall tried to calculate how gravity could leak from our membrane universe into empty space.  But she couldnt make it work.  Then she heard the theory that there might be another M-brane in the eleventh dimension.  Now she had a really strange thought: what if gravity wasnt leaking from our universe but to it?  What if it came from that other universe?  ibid.    



There may be other worlds out there.  Where there could be an exact copy of our solar system, our Earth and each one of us.  The Universe s3e2: Parallel Universes, History 2008


The universe sits in a sea of parallel universes.  ibid.


Remarkably, there may be four types of parallel universe out there: one could exist in exactly the same space that we are in, but it is so far away we cannot see it or reach it.  In another scenario, multiple giant universes could exist in giant cosmic soap bubbles adrift in a cosmic sea of giant bubbles.  In yet another scenario, many parallel universes occupy the same space and times as our universe, but because they are in different dimensions, they are invisible.  In yet another, all the laws of physics are different so everything looks completely different.  ibid.  


The Wmap seems to show that the universe is flat.  ibid.


‘We are children of the bubble.’  ibid.  Tegmark


When in the 1980s scientists came up with a lyrical-sounding idea  String Theory  it promised to solve all the mysteries of the universe, including whether or not parallel universes are real.  The idea is that all particles are not solid points or dots, as science said they were.  Instead, if you could see up close, particles are in fact tiny string-like objects that individually vibrate in various ways ... String Theory has now evolved into M or M-brane Theory.  ibid.


The crowning achievement of M Theory came when scientists realised that to make sense of everything, you need to think of the universe as existing in eleven dimensions.  M Theory explains how the tiniest as well as the biggest things in the cosmos work.  It also proposes that we all live on a giant and energetic M-brane.  Our universe is tethered to this wall by extra dimensions ... These M-branes are also very close to each other.  ibid.



Single photons ... What you get is something completely different: even though only single photons of light are being fired through the slits they don’t create two lines, they mysteriously create three.  Horizon: What is Reality? BBC 2011


If you put detectors by the slits, the mysterious behaviour stops.  The photons behave just like bullets.  Take the detectors away – the multiple stripes mysteriously re-appear.  So what is going on?  Rather astonishingly it seems we can change the way reality behaves just by looking at it.  But this means reality has a secret life of its own.  ibid.


According to this theory the photon of light faces two slits; it doesn’t split in two – it splits the world in two.  Every photon in the double slit experiment creates a new parallel world.  ibid.



There’s an idea once thought so radical that just mentioning it was considered pure insanity ... They think that our universe is not alone.  Horizon: Which Universe Are We In? BBC 2015


Which one are we living in?  ibid.


This is eternal inflation.  ibid.


How does a universe actually work?  ibid. 


Quantum Physics: ‘In the mid-twentieth century Hugh Everett came up with what he originally called the Many Worlds Theory of Quantum Mechanics.’  ibid.


Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton has a radically new vision of the multiverse ... She combined the physics of string theory with those of quantum mechanics.  ibid.


All of Laura’s predictions have since been observed, including this cold spot she claims is the trace of another universe once entangled with our own.  It’s a discovery beyond anything she dared hope for.  ibid.



It’s the strangest idea in the whole of science.  It emerged by accident from bizarre experiments.  Scientists resisted it.  But a maverick would force them to take it seriously.  The idea means we live in a giant bubble.  Parallel Universes, National Geographic 2011


Some of the world’s most respected scientists claim these other worlds may actually exist.  ibid.  


Some exist far beyond the further edge of our visible universe, others hang out in a mysterious landscape full of dark energy called the Multiverse, and others are right here in the same space we are all living, but we can’t see them obviously.  ibid.


You might not want to meet your other self.  ibid.  


[Hugh] Everett wrote what’s become the definitive argument for parallel universes called Many Worlds.  ibid.


An infinite number of other realities.  ibid.



There’s every reason to expect that in the different big bangs that occur you will have different conditions, different values, for what we call the Fundamental Constants.  So the fact that the Constants of Nature are suitable for life which is clearly true we observe may not be a universal fact, may be an accident.  Professor Steven Weinberg, interview Professor Richard Dawkins



Another possibility is that our Big Bang is just one of many Big Bangs.  But it may be just one of an infinite number of universes.  Professor Lawrence Krauss, theoretical physicist



Many quantum scientists believe there are an incalculable number of parallel universes.  Morgan’s Freeman’s Through the Wormhole s1e3: Is Time Travel Possible? Science 2010