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★ Prophet & Prophecy

Prophet & Prophecy: see Bible & Old Testament & New Testament & Koran & Book of Mormon & Future & Scriptures & God & Religion & Cults & Vision & Moses & David & Solomon & Jeremiah & Elijah

Tony Benn - Simon Schama TV - Alessandro Vezzosi - Marina Wallace - Mysteries of the Bible TV - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine TV - Network 1976 - Paranatural TV - William Lamb - William Shakespeare - Decoding the Past TV - Mother Shipton - Horace Walpole - Umberto Eco - Numbers 11:25 - Deuteronomy 13:1 - Deuteronomy 13:5 - Deuteronomy 18:18-22 - I Samuel 19:20&21&23&24 - 1 Kings 20:13 - I Kings 22:6 - I Kings 22:19-23 - II Chronicles 18:5 - II Chronicles 18:21&22 - II Chronicles 36: 16&17 - Jeremiah 14:14-16 - Jeremiah 23:9-17 - Jeremiah 23:25&26 - Jeremiah 23:30-32 - Jeremiah 29:8 - Ezekiel 13:2&3 - Hosea 6:5 - Hosea 9:7 - Micah 3:6&7 - Zechariah 13:2-4 - The Apocalypse of Peter: Akhmim Fragment 1-3 - Matthew 7:14 - Matthew 13:57 - Matthew 23:34 - Mark 6:4 - Luke 2:36 - Luke 4:24 - Koran 3:84 - Fyodor Dostoevsky - Jean-Paul Sartre - Reza Aslan - Paul Simon - Karl Popper - Noam Chomsky - Christopher Hitchens - George Eliot - Frank Herbert - Bible Secrets Revealed TV - David Icke - Gordon Hinckley - Joseph F Smith - The Universe TV - Mike Ruppert & Collapse 2009 - The Matrix Reloaded 2003 - Jay Z - The UnXplained with William Shatner TV - Ancient Aliens TV -    




Well I came across Marx rather late in life actually, and when I read him, two things: first of all I realised that hed come to the conclusion about capitalism which Id come to much later, and I was a bit angry hed thought of it first; and secondly, I see Marx who was an old Jew, as the last of the Old Testament Prophets, this old bearded man working in the British Library, studying capitalism, thats what Das Kapital was about, it was an explanation of British capitalism.  And I thought to myself, Well anyone could write a book like that, but what infuses, what comes out of his writing, is the passionate hostility to the injustice of capitalism.  He was a Prophet, and so I put him in that category as an Old Testament Prophet.  Tony Benn, interview January 2003



Cultures all over the world believe deities and other non-human entities frequently communicated through intermediaries known as prophets.  In the Koran it’s written that God has sent over 100,000 prophets throughout history.  Many Native American cultures believe God spoke to them through shamans much like the Oracles of Ancient Greece.  Ancient Aliens s2e10: Alien Contacts, History 2010 



He [Van Gogh] thought of himself as a prophet then.  And also a thinker ... Letters: hundreds of them.  Mostly to his brother Theo: you’ll see that intelligence bubbling away.  Simon Schama’s Power of Art: Van Gogh, BBC 2006



Theres always a sense of reasoning in Leonardos prophecies.  And theres also often a moral and ethical reading to them; even if he himself explained that the prophecies could be described as brain-teasers.  Almost as if he, the author of them, was a mad man.  Alessandro Vezzosi, re Leonardo Da Vinci



You see the whole world of Leonardo that comes together typically at the end of his life, so that the prophecy in a way is the realisation of what he had been observing since his childhood.  Marina Wallace, University of the Arts, London



Who were they?  And what created the unique phenomenon of prophecy in the ancient land of Israel?  Mysteries of the Bible s2e6: Prophets: Soul Catchers, A&E 1995 


Why do these enlightened men and women behave so strangely?  ibid.


All subsequent prophets stand in the shadow of Moses.  ibid.


At first they merely served as private, personal advisers, but the time soon came when they would make public pronouncements and address the people directly.  ibid.


In one of the most bizarre acts in the Bible, Isaiah walks naked through the streets of Jerusalem.  ibid.



The prophets await you.  Star Trek s1e1: Deep Space Nine: Emissary ***** old man to Sisko



Seek the prophets.  Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s1e20: In the Hands of the Prophets, Bajoran shopkeeper refuses the O’Briens



Do you want to be an angry prophet denouncing the hypocrisy of our time?  Network 1976 Network starring Faye Dunaway & Peter Finch & William Holden & Robert Duvall & Wesley Addy & Ned Beatty & Beatrice Straight & Jordan Charney & William Prince & Lane Smith & Marlene Warfield & Conchata Ferrell et al, director Sidney Lumet



Throughout time prophets have claimed to see the future through shadowy visions, cryptic codes and religious texts.  Paranatural s2e3: Doomsday Prophecies, National Geographic 2013



What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.  William Lamb, Lord Melbourne, 1779-1848



There is a history in all men’s lives,

Figuring the nature of the times deceased,

The which observed, a man may prophesy,

With a near aim, of the main chance of things

As yet not come to life, which in their seeds

And weak beginnings lie intreasured.  William Shakespeare, II Henry IV III i 80



Jesters do oft prove prophets.  William Shakespeare, The History of King Lear V iii 69, Regan



There is another seer whose chilling predictions continue to echo down the centuries.  He is Saint Malachi, canonised in 1190.  Decoding the Past s1e20, The Other Nostradamus, History 2005


Robert Zoller is a medievalist astrologer, a modern Nostradamus.  ibid.


There is one man whose prophetic and predictive talents continue to baffle even the most sceptical of critics.  With only a smattering of education he revealed secrets of the past; he predicted wars; diagnosed and cured illnesses, and saw cataclysmic changes to our planet that only scientists could have described.  And he did it all in his sleep.  For forty-three years of his life Edgar Cayce demonstrated a mystifying ability to put himself in a trance and give people around him detailed information about virtually anything they asked.  ibid. 



The prophecies of Mother Shipton first appeared in print in 1641.  But when scholars have tried to track down the original texts they have come up empty-handed.  Despite the fame of Mother Shipton, there is no evidence she ever lived.  Decoding the Past s3e5: Doomsday 2012 The End of Days, History 2012  


The Web-Bot Project: this program scans the world-wide web for hints about the future and reports back with prophecies that are as ambiguous as the oracles of the ancient world.  And just as chilling.  ibid. 



And now a word in uncouth rhyme,

Of what shall be in future time:

Around the world men’s thoughts will fly

Quick as the twinkling of an eye.


Beneath the water men shall walk

Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk

For in these wondrous far off days

The women shall adopt a craze.


To dress like men in trousers wear

And cut off their locks of hair.  Mother Shipton



Prognostics do not always prove prophecies, – at least the wisest prophets make sure of the event first.  Horace Walpole



Fear prophets ... and those prepared to die for the truth, for as a rule they make many others die with them, often before them, at times instead of them.  Umberto Eco



And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.  Numbers 11:25



If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams ... Thou shalt not harken.  Deuteronomy 13:1



And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the Lord your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the Lord thy God commanded thee to walk in.  So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.   Deuteronomy 13:5



I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.


And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.


But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.


And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?


When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.  Deuteronomy 18:18-22



And Saul sent messengers to take David: and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.


And when it was told Saul, he sent other messengers, and they prophesied likewise.  And Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied also.