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★ Pyramids

Pyramids: see Egypt & South America & Sphinx & Mexico & Peru & Bosnia & Ancient Astronaut Theory & Mathematics & China

Bill Cooper - Napoleon Bonaparte - Napoleon’s Obsession TV - Samuel Johnson - David Carrasco - Guinness World Records 2005 - Jonathan Gray - Egypt: Secret Chambers Revealed TV - Farouk El-Baz - Arthur C Clarke TV - Zahi Hawass - Aidan Dodson - Timewatch TV - Robert Bauval - Horizon TV - Lawrence Berman - Nostradamus Effect TV - Aleister Crowley - In Search of Ancient Astronauts TV - Giorgio Tsoukalos - William Henry - The Arrivals - Secrets of the Pyramids TV - Christopher Dunn - Michael Cremo - Did Aliens Build the Pyramids? TV - Lost Cities of the Ancients TV - Dan Sandweiss - Ancient X-Files TV - The Universe TV - China’s Lost Pyramids TV - Michio Kaku - Thomas Fuller - Nova TV - Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids TV - Joann Fletcher TV - America’s Hidden Pyramid City TV - Ancient Impossible TV - Chris Everard TV - America’s Hidden Pyramid City: Ancient Mysteries TV - Egypt’s Great Pyramid: The New Evidence TV - The Unexplained Files TV - Secret History: Lost Cities of the Maya: Revealed TV - Alien Files Unsealed TV - Michael Scott TV - Tony Robinson: Egyptian Tomb Hunting TV - In Search of … TV - Egypt’s Great Pyramid Uncovered TV - Legends of the Pharaohs TV - Gus Casely-Hayford - Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs TV - The UnXplained with William Shatner TV - History’s Greatest Mysteries TV - Mysteries of the Pyramids with Dara O’Briain TV - Graham Hancock TV - Ancient Aliens TV -                




The mystery is that religion is but a tool to control the masses. Knowledge (or wisdom) is their only god, through which man himself will become god.  The snake and the dragon are both symbols of wisdom.  Lucifer is a personification of the symbol.  It was Lucifer who tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge and thus free man from the bonds of ignorance.  The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, its secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid.  Bill Cooper, Secret Societies/New World Order



Think of it, soldiers; from the summit of these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you.  Napoleon Bonaparte, speech Egypt 21st July 1798



By the time the pharaohs were being buried here [Valley of the Kings] the pyramids were a thousand years old.  The kings of Egypt selected a spot topped by a natural pyramid to look over their tombs.  Napoleon’s Obsession: The Quest For Egypt, Discovery 2000



I consider this mighty structure as a monument of the insufficiency of human enjoyments.  Samuel Johnson, Rasselas



In the Egyptian world the pyramids were largely used as interior spaces for burials.  But in meso-America the pyramids and the ceremonial centres were exterior spaces, they were theatres.  Theatres for the performance of the relationship between the people and the gods.  Professor David L Carrasco, Princeton University



The largest pyramid and the largest monument ever built is the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Cholula de Rivadavia 101 km (63 miles) south-east of Mexico City.  It is 54 m (177 ft) tall.  Guinness World Records 2005 (50th edition)



I found an interesting pattern among the stories that have been handed down by different peoples.  There’s written records in Egypt that suggest they used sound waves to lighten blocks of stone against gravity.  Jonathan Gray, interview Coast to Coast Hidden Discoveries, author 64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us


Holes have been examined in some of the stonework of the Great Pyramid which any drilling expert can identify and these have been very specifically identified as having been drilled by something that pressed through the rock at 500 times the power of modern drills.  ibid.


There seems to be a consensus, George, that there are not just tunnels linking the whole Giza Plateau underneath going for many miles but that there are great underground rooms going down quite a few storeys.  ibid.



A robot crawled up a mysterious shaft to see what lay beyond a mysterious door.  New spaces in the pyramid discovered by the robot would help Egyptologists understand the purpose of the pyramid itself.  Egypt: Secret Chambers Revealed: Into the Great Pyramid


Over a thousand new graves have been found, each one belonging to a pyramid builder.  ibid.


Some of these interior spaces are huge.  The Great Gallery is a massive sloped shaft that leads to Khufu’s burial chamber.  ibid.


The discovery that the workers were well treated and that they were divided into gangs revealed how the pyramid planners organised their men.  ibid.


What was on the other side? ... The small sealed chamber was the first new space to be discovered in the Great Pyramid for a hundred and thirty years.  ibid.



After exploring in the western desert of Egypt for the last two decades I have realised that the shape of the pyramid is the only thing that remains in this windy environment.  Dr Farouk El-Baz



The workers are generally thought to have been slaves.  But in his excavation Dr Zahi Hawass, General Director of the Giza Pyramids, has unearthed a different story.  He has found that the workers lived in a village next to the site.  Arthur C Clarke’s Mysterious Universe, 1994  



For the first time now we know things about them.  We know what kind of desks they had ... We know about their jobs ... Every site of the pyramid had someone to control it.  The six hundred skeletons that we found down in the cemetery there show all the workmen had stress in their back ... Building a pyramid was not by slaves.  They are buried beside the king.  Dr Zahi Hawass     



Pyramids have magic and mystery.  Dr Zahi Hawass



The broad features are fairly clear.  Weve got the barracks where the workmen lived.  Weve got the tombs of the architects.  Also for some of the unfinished pyramids we have got ramps which were used to drag the blocks into place.  Dr Aidan Dodson, Bristol University



The big ramp theory is a popular idea of how the pyramid was built.  But lets take a careful look at it.  Where are you going to put such a huge ramp?  Timewatch: Pyramid: The Last Secret, BBC 2009 


The position of the Grand Gallery just opposite the outside ramp is almost perfect for Jean-Pierres [Houdin] second theory: that the Grand Gallery was designed to raise dozens of heavy granite beams.  ibid.


Jean-Pierre has presented three new theories about the Great Pyramid: he has suggested that the Great Pyramid cracked while it was being built, and presented evidence for that; another of his theories argues that the Grand Gallery was used as a counter-weight system designed to raise huge granite beams, and for that too he has presented evidence; but his third and most important theory – the internal ramp – is still just theory.  ibid.


So years before Jean-Pierres theory, the French may have found evidence of an internal ramp inside the Great Pyramid.  They just didnt realise it.  ibid.



The three pyramids were a perfect representation of the three stars in Orion’s Belt.  Robert Bauval



58,There’s a simple reason why so many ancient peoples built pyramids.  Before engineers invented the dome, the spire or structural steel, a sloping pile was the only structure you could build.  Horizon: Atlantis Uncovered, BBC 1999



The decisions they made about the position of the pyramids were not inspired by a pattern of stars but were the result of the limitations of the site they chose to build on.  Horizon: Atlantis Reborn Again, BBC 2000



Two thousand years ago a mysterious and little known people ruled the northern coast of Peru.  They built huge pyramids in the desert, comparable in size to the Great Pyramids in Egypt.  They were called the Moche.  Horizon: The Lost Civilisation of Peru, BBC 2005


They were giant pyramids built as a series of platforms ... Some of the pyramids are richly decorated and may also have been sacred centres.  Yet others doubled as burial mounds.  These were clearly the centres of a rich and powerful people.  ibid.



They were all built if you ask any Egyptologist as tombs of kings.  That said, there are no Egyptian texts that explicitly tell you what the pyramid is for.  Lawrence M Berman, Museum of Fine Arts Boston



Most historians believe the pyramids were royal tombs designed to help the pharaohs on their final journey.  Nostradamus Effect: Doomsday Hieroglyphs, History 2009 


They contend that the Egyptians were directing the attention of future generations towards Orion.  Because Orion holds the key to their prophecy of a celestial apocalypse.  ibid.



I wanted my wife to see what a great magician I was.  We went accordingly after dinner with candles.  I had with me a small notebook in which was written the preliminary invocation of the Goetia.  Aleister Crowley, spent night with wife in King’s Chamber



The pyramids: eternal mystery in themselves provide additional evidence to support the premise that Earth was visited by ancient astronauts.  In Search of Ancient Astronauts, 1973


To some the massive structures were not designed as tombs for the pharaohs but are in reality vast astronomical calculators.  ibid.


Cholula, Mexico, is home to the largest pyramid in the world.  More than 3,000 years old it is estimated it took approximately 1,400 years to complete.  ibid.



Of course aliens did not build the pyramids.  It was our human ancestors.  But our ancestors built the pyramids with the assistance of the guardians of the sky.  Otherwise referred to as the gods.  Giorgio Tsoukalos, editor Legendary Times magazine