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★ Population

Population: see Civilisation & Eugenics & Society & People & Culture & Art & Religion & Humanity & Liberty & Civil Liberties & Rights & Human Rights & Community & Truth & Justice & Law & Environment & Earth & World & Eugenics & Vaccines

Noam Chomsky - Bill Gates - David Attenborough TV - Horizon TV - Supersized Earth TV - David Rockefeller - Len Horowitz - Kenneth Clark TV - Robert Malthus - Hans Rosling & This World TV - Tim Dyson - William Rees - Michael Shaw - Executive Action 1973 - Paul Ehrlich - Bill Cooper - A P J Abdul Kalam - Martin Rees - Confucius - Aristotle - John Stuart Mill - Albert Einstein - Aldous Huxley - Jacques Cousteau - Robert McNamara - James Lovelock - Isaac Asimov - Jane Goodall - Henry Kissinger - Prince Philip - Telegraph online - Margaret Renn & Paul Foot - Ted Turner - Arthur Miller & Death of a Salesman TV - Alex Jones - The Depopulation Agenda for a New World Order - The Great Culling: Our Water 2012 - Ian R Crane - The Corbett Report: Who is Bill Gates? - Robert Muller - National Security Memo NSSM 200 -                  




Typically states regard the general population as the enemy.  That’s normal.  The task and role of the population is to be apathetic, obedient, passive.  If it’s what’s called a democracy they’re supposed to show up once in a while to ratify elite decisions, but if they get involved in anything beyond that, they’re causing trouble.  Noam Chomsky, Speaks Out! Oh Shut Up Ronnie! 1989 Youtube 58.22


The ideological war: now, if you can’t control the population by force and you can’t even control it by propaganda the state faces a dilemma and there’s only one thing they can do in that case and that is to go underground, and that’s just what happened during the 1980s: Operation Truth went very well.  ibid.



First, we’ve got population: the world today has 6.8 billion people; that’s headed up to about 9 billion.  Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health-care, reproductive health services, we could lower that perhaps to 10-15 per cent.  Bill Gates



A hundred years ago there were one and a half billion people on Earth.  Now over six billion crowd our fragile planet.  But even so there are still places barely touched by humanity.  This series will take you to the last wildernesses and show you the planet and its wildlife as you have never seen it before.  David Attenborough, Planet Earth: Pole to Pole, BBC 2006 



It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so.  It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde.  Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.  David Attenborough



This is the Earth.  Our planet.  Home to millions of different species.  But only one species dominates everything.  Human beings.  There are nearly seven billion of us living on the Earth, and the human population in increasing by more than two people every second, two hundred thousand people every day.  Horizon: How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth? David Attenborough reporting, BBC 2009


I was born in a world of just under two billion people.  Today there are nearly seven billion.  ibid.  


We are beginning to see a levelling-off of agricultural yields.  ibid.


You don’t need aggressive policies or government incentives for birth rates to fall.  Everywhere in the world where women have access to education and have the freedom to run their own lives on the whole they and their partners are choosing to have smaller families than their parents did.  ibid.



Let’s take a look at the number of people living on Planet Earth … 1800s: 1 billion people … 1960: 3 billion … 2020: 7.7 billion … So what’s the impact of that?  Is that a sustainable number of people?  Horizon: 7.7 Billion People and Counting, Chris Packham reporting, BBC 2020


Or even going as far as to stop the population growing much more … Undeniably the elephant in the room.  ibid.  


The prediction is that by 2050 nearly 70% of the human population will be living in these areas [cities].  ibid.   


Sao Paulo has a more fundamental problem: it is running out of water … Protests have erupted in the streets … ‘We’ve already seen water riots.’  ibid.  


What right have we to vandalise that beauty?  ibid.  


Getting the balance right is difficult.  China claims its one-child policy prevented four hundred million births.  But it clearly came at a cost none of us can countenance.  ibid.


This is a global issue … This is an indication of what’s going on on our planet: vast consumption.  ibid.



Since my birth the population has doubled.  Supersized Earth I, BBC 2012



The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary eco-systems is becoming appallingly evident.  Unless nations will agree to work together to tackle these cross-border challenges posed by population growth, over-consumption of resources and environmental degradation, the prospects for a decent life on our planet will be threatened.  David Rockefeller



The March 1999 Vaccines feature in Parenting magazine provided all propaganda one would expect from a subsidiary of Time Inc.  Time-Warner Inc, the parent company, is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  Time’s president, Richard D Parsons, and the Editor-in-Chief of Time, Norman Pearlstine, are longstanding CFR members.  One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current US population being targeted.  This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company – the world’s leading vaccine manufacturer.  Dr Len Horowitz, Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda



The rise of population did nearly ruin us.  It struck a blow at civilisation more ominous than anything since the barbarian invasions.  Kenneth Clark, Civilisation 13/13: Heroic Materialism, BBC 1969


I think that Dickens did more than anyone to diffuse an awakened consciousness.  ibid.



Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.  Subsistence only increases in an arithmetic ratio.  Thomas Robert Malthus, Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798


The perpetual struggle for room and food.  ibid.


Assuming then my postulata as granted, I say that the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to provide subsistence for man.  ibid.



We live in a world of relentless change.  Huge migrations of people to new megacities ... The population is still growing?  Should we be worried?  This World: Don't Panic – The Truth About Population with Professor Hans Rosling, BBC 2013


The future may not be quite so gloomy.  ibid.


Most of the population growth in recent years has been in Asian countries.  ibid.


The problem here is not lack of knowledge, it’s preconceived ideas.  ibid.


This change from big families down to two-child families is one of the most important things that have happened in the world.  ibid.


The world is much better than many of you think.  ibid.



I meet so many that think population growth is a major problem in regard to climate change.  But the number of children born per year in the world has stopped growing since 1990.  The total number of children below 15 years of age in the world is now relatively stable around 2 billion.  Hans Rosling



A basic human right, that everyone should have access to contraception.  All the evidence is that people take advantage of this once they have the possibility, and they reduce their fertility.  If that happens, then amongst other things, the world’s population growth will eventually level out at a lower rather than a higher number.  That’s a good thing.  Professor Tim Dyson, London School of Economics



The Earth can accommodate so much consumption, and you might have ten billion people at one level of living, and a billion people at a more comfortable level of living.  So carrying capacity is a very flexible idea – you simply divide the total productivity of the Earth by the number of people and that gives you some idea of the number of people the Earth can support.  Professor William Rees, University of British Columbia



The sustainable goal is the elimination of the middle class.  The world cannot support six billion people.  But you see the plan behind sustainable development includes population control.  It’s a program for land use control, education control and population control.  The leaders of the sustainable movement say that the world’s human population should not exceed five hundred million people.  Dr Michael Shaw



The real problem is this, James: in two decades there will be seven billion human beings on this planet.  Most of them brown, yellow or black.  All of them hungry, all of them determined to love.  They swarm out of their breeding grounds into Europe and North America.  Hence Vietnam.  An all-out effort there will give us control of South Asia for decades to come.  And with proper planning we can reduce the population to 550 million by the end of the century.  I know.  I’ve seen the data.  Executive Action 1973 starring Bert Lancaster & Robert Ryan & Will Greer & Gilbert Green & John Anderson & Paul Carr & Colby Chester & Ed Lauter Walter Brooke & John Brascia & Richard Bull & Sidney Clute et al, director David Miller, opening caption



Ancient monuments, modern disasters, deadly prophecies, a mysterious monolith predicts an apocalyptic future ... all signs now point to a cataclysmic event.  Conspiracy Files Unsealed: Global Depopulation, 2012


Did the Rosicrucians build the Georgia Guidestones?  ibid.