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★ Peter (Bible)

Peter (Bible): see Bible & New Testament & Gospels & Apostles & Jesus Christ & Paul & Matthew & Mark & Luke & John & Christianity & Catholicism

Melvyn Bragg TV - Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution TV - Diarmaid MacCulloch TV - Secret Lives of the Apostles TV - John Dominic Crossan - Allen Callahan - Banned From the Bible TV - Secret Access: The Vatican TV - Who Wrote the New Testament? 2003 - Fayuum Fragment - Gospel of Peter 1-6 - Acts of Peter XVI - Acts of Peter XXXII - Acts of Peter XXXV - The Preaching of Peter - Matthew 4:17-19 - Matthew 16:17-19 - Matthew 16:23 - Matthew 26:33&34&40&58&69-75 - Mark 8:29-33 - Mark 14:27&29&30&54&66-72 - Luke 22:31-34&54-62 - John 13:6-9 - John 13:37&38 - John 18:17&18&25-27 - Acts 3:1-7 - Acts 5:1-5 - Acts 9:32-24 - Acts 9:39&40 - Acts 10:9-14 - Acts 12:6-8 - Acts 12:23 -         




What was contained in these lost Gospels?  What made them so threatening that they had to be banned or destroyed?  No-one knew for nearly 2,000 years.  But in 1886 the Gospel of Peter emerged from the sands of the Egyptian desert.  Other astonishing discoveries followed in the twentieth century.  Melvyn Bragg, The King James Bible: The Book that Changed the World, BBC 2011



Converts were not high on Peter’s agenda at first.  Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution I, PBS 2003


He [Paul] stayed two weeks with Peter.  ibid.



Peter’s escape was a pivotal moment.  Peter & Paul and the Christian Revolution II: The Empire and the Kingdom



Constantine had given promotion to the cult of Peter, while curiously, surely significantly, he seems to have made no effort to provide Paul with anything nearly so grand ...  It was Paul who pursued the radical idea of taking Christianity to non-Jews, something the conservative Peter had been very sceptical about ... And in the end it was the Latin Church which survived intact, and it was Aryan Christianity which was wiped from the record ... When the Empire collapsed, the Church stepped into the power vacuum.  Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, A History of Christianity, BBC 2009




According to Paul, he and Peter never reconciled, and Paul never doubts for a moment that he is the one who knows whats best for the movement.  Secret Lives of the Apostles, National Geographic 2013



The Acts of Peter, which is one of the five Acts of various Apostles outside the New Testament, was written in the last quarter of the second century.  And it seems to have assembled together various episodes about the life of Peter that may have been circulating either orally or in writing.  John Dominic Crossan, author God & Empire



Paul is completely silent – now this suggests to us that Paul indeed had a showdown in Antioch.  He did face off with Peter.  He didn’t win.  He didn’t carry the day ... James’s party was influential.  Professor Allen Callahan, Harvard Divinity School



The earliest mention of Peter’s death appears in the 1st century A.D. in a letter written by Clement, Bishop of Rome.  It is recanted in more detail in the concluding portion of the Acts of Peter, also known as the Martyrdom of Peter, which has been found in more than a half a dozen ancient languages, some dating from the 2nd century A.D.  Banned from the Bible: Secrets of the Apostles, History 2007



A strong indication that these were Peter’s remains.  Secret Access: The Vatican, History 2011  



Peter: So little is known of his life in Rome.  Who Wrote the New Testament? II: Maintaining the Faith, 2003        



As he led them out, he said, ‘You will all fall away tonight according to the scripture: I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’


Then Peter said, ‘Even if everyone else denies you, I won’t.’


Jesus said, ‘Before the cock crows twice, you will deny me three times today.’  Fayuum Fragment



1. ... but of the Jews no-one washed his hands, neither did Herod nor any one of his judges.  Since they were [un]willing to wash, Pilate stood up.  2) Then Herod the king orders the Lord to be taken away, saying to them, ‘Do what I commanded you to do to him.’


2. Joseph stood there, the friend of Pilate and the Lord, and knowing that they were about to crucify him, he went to Pilate and asked for the body of the Lord for burial. 2) And Pilate sent to Herod and asked for his body. 3) And Herod replied, ‘Brother Pilate, even if no one had asked for him, we would have buried him since the sabbath is drawing near.  For it is written in the Law, The sun must not set upon one who has been executed.’  And he turned him over to the people on the day before the Unleavened Bread, their feast.


3. They took out the Lord and kept pushing him along as they ran; and they would say, ‘Let’s drag the son of God since we have him in our power.’ 2) And they threw a purple robe around him and made him sit upon the judgment seat and said, ‘Judge justly, King of Israel.’ 3) And one of them brought a crown a thorns and set it on the Lord’s head. 4) And others standing around spat in his eyes, and others slapped his face, while others poked him with a rod.  Some kept flogging him as they said, ‘Let us pay proper respect to the son of God.’


4. And they brought two criminals and crucified the Lord between them.  But he kept silence, as one feeling no pain. 2) And when they set the cross upright, they wrote thereon: This is the King of Israel. 3) And they laid his garments before him, and divided them among themselves and gambled for them. 4) But one of those criminals reproached them, saying, ‘We suffer for the evils which we have done; but this man which hath become the saviour of men, what has he done to you?’ 5) And they were angry with him, and commanded that his legs should not be broken, that so he might die in torment.


5. Now it was midday and darkness prevailed over all Judaea.  They were troubled and in an agony lest the sun should have set for he still lived.  For it is written that, The sun should not set upon him that hath been executed. 2) And one of them said, ‘Give him vinegar and gall to drink.’  And they mixed it and gave it to him to drink. 3) And they fulfilled all things and brought their sins upon their own heads. 4) Now many went about with lamps, supposing that it was night, and they laid down. 5) And the Lord cried out aloud saying, ‘My power, my power, you have forsaken me.’  When he had said this, he was taken up. 6) And in the same hour the veil of the temple of Jerusalem was rent in two.


6. And then they pulled the nails from the hands of the Lord and laid him on the ground.  And the whole earth was shaken, and there came a great fear on all. 2) Then the sun came out, and it was found to be the ninth hour. 3) Now the Jews rejoiced, and gave his body unto Joseph to bury it, because he had beheld the good things which he did. 4) And Joseph took the Lord and washed him and wrapped him in linen and brought him unto his own tomb, which is called the Joseph’s Garden.  Gospel of Peter 1-6



Peter beheld Jesus clad in a vesture of brightness smiling and saying unto him, Thou shalt have a contest of the faith and many more shall be converted in my name.  Acts of Peter XVI



And Peter cried unto the Lord Jesus Christ, Oh Lord, let him [Simon] fall from the height and be disabled.  And he fell.  And every man cast stones at him and went away home and thenceforth believed Peter.  Acts of Peter XXXII



And the Lord said unto him, I go into Rome to be crucified.  And Peter said unto him, Lord, art thou to be crucified again?  He said unto him, Yea, Peter, I am being crucified again.  Acts of Peter XXXV



I chose out you twelve, judging you to be disciples worthy of me, whom the Lord willed, and thinking you faithful apostles; sending you unto the world to preach the Gospel to men throughout the world, that they should know that there is one God; to declare by faith in me [the Christ] what shall be, that they that have heard and believed may be saved, and that they which have not believed may hear and bear witness, not having any defence so as to say, We did not hear.  The Preaching of Peter



From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.


And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.


And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.  Matthew 4:17-19



And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.


And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  Matthew 16:17-19



But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.  Matthew 16:23